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A proud Indian muslim !! Lets hear from him !

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As I actually don't know what was going on at that time you can read that link(wiki). And don't give me western sources because they are equally guilty as we are. Because of them peaceful Odisha faced all those bloodshed.

How are western source guilty dear? the bloodshed was due to the stupidity of your own people not the west...
And one fine day an Indian Muslim decided to write this email to an Indian Daily:

Some Muslims wanted to live in a separate land called Pakistan, which at this point is very far from being what Jinnah had dreamed of it. One cannot generalize all Muslims and assume that they wanted to move to Pakistan. A significant majority of Muslims stayed back in India. We, Indian Muslims, are very confident in our democratic process, and that India has the second largest population of Muslims in the world. Muslims are very happy to be part of India, and would prefer it if one does not go on ranting about how “Muslims of India” wanted to move to Pakistan: majority of them didn't. Pro-Pakistani Muslims have no right to tell the Indian Muslims that we made a wrong choice, and are suffering the wrath of it. We belong to a free country and, yes, we have issues, but at least, we are not afraid of being blown up every other Friday by our own kind or our Hindu neighbors.

Majority of the Hindus and Muslims actually live in harmony with each other, especially in the southern region of India. We have a free press, a growing economy and the situation now is better than what it may have been a few years ago. We don't have random dictatorships or the level of disgusting extremism, violence against women and children, and unequal rights like in Pakistan.

If “occupation” of Kashmir by India is repressive, then how does anybody explain the Hudood Ordinance chapter? How does anybody explain the atrocities against women, children, Sikhs, as well as men, in the north-west tribal regions of Pakistan? How does one explain the abnormally high murder rate of Pakistan? Will anyone say that Indian Muslims should regret for not belonging to a country whose Presidents and leaders have been people like the corrupt Bhuttos, extremist dictators like Zia-ul-Haq, idiots like Nawaz Shariff or convicts like Zardari? Are Indian Muslims supposed to regret for not belonging to a country that gets bombed, blasted, taken over by foreign military, taken over by its own military, robs the people of their freedom in the name of “religion” that it barely follows, creates laws that tarnish Islam, or punishes people for freedom speech?

Some of us may be poor in India, but we are very happy to live in a country that provides us with more educational, social, financial and religious opportunities than Pakistan. Some of the greatest modern-day scholars come from India. We have Islamic universities in India. We have a lot to be happy about in India.

Why Muslims love to live in free India
FREEDOM OF RELIGION MY D, See what i mean when i Say Indian Muslims are Joke For islam(kind a like GAY CHURCHES in christianity), Saudi muslims/wahabhi's/salafi/baralvi are Cancer of islam, Shia Muslims Well they are the confusion of ISLAM

WHERE A PART OF FOOD GROUP IS SCARED So that it cannot be consumed, How long before they ban the Call for Prayer in all of India

"thank you come Again"

In reality Indian Muslims hate Hindu Indians. This is why they live in separate community and areas away from the Hindus, they even don't allow a flux of Hindus into their area at any time. In the past Muslims there have denies Hindu activist from marching into their streets. Hindus are routinely beaten up in Muslim areas of India. Old Hyderabad is a great example where Muslims are the majority and exercise their will. There are countless articles and videos of Muslims and Hindus clashing, this silly propaganda from a tool won't change the reality on ground.
Indian Muslims should go back to their own country, according to some Hindus.
Why dont you tell me if tht 7 year ban is fake and people getting their arse whooped for eating meat is also not true?

Look buddy. Beef is readily avalilable. I suggest u to travel any city .Lots of Hindus eat beef too. But you have to respect the sentiments of majority. Hindus , go around in trumpets, claiming they are eating beef, nor organise Beef Kinda festival.
Just respect the sentiments of majority. India do not consists of Muslims alone.
How are western source guilty dear? the bloodshed was due to the stupidity of your own people not the west...

I can't say any more about it. If you want to know more you can search google or read my link. This is not a thread about it and I have already given to infraction for posting off topic posts. So i do not want to be off topic any more. So this is my last post in this thread
In reality Indian Muslims hate Hindu Indians. This is why they live in separate community and areas away from the Hindus, they even don't allow a flux of Hindus into their area at any time. In the past Muslims there have denies Hindu activist from marching into their streets. Hindus are routinely beaten up in Muslim areas of India. Old Hyderabad is a great example where Muslims are the majority and exercise their will. There are countless articles and videos of Muslims and Hindus clashing, this silly propaganda from a tool won't change the reality on ground.

You sound like you lived your entire life in india and did a research on indian muslims.... or is it that u just had a dream.....
In reality Indian Muslims hate Hindu Indians. This is why they live in separate community and areas away from the Hindus, they even don't allow a flux of Hindus into their area at any time. In the past Muslims there have denies Hindu activist from marching into their streets. Hindus are routinely beaten up in Muslim areas of India. Old Hyderabad is a great example where Muslims are the majority and exercise their will. There are countless articles and videos of Muslims and Hindus clashing, this silly propaganda from a tool won't change the reality on ground.

I know bro all my Comments are For those indians that are on this forum claiming to be muslims and Singing the flowers of Thier life under hindu Rule their are countless you tube videos of Muslim abuse in india......
Yeah they are so "safe and happy" that they can be arrested for eating beef, killed & jailed for criticzing Hindu extremists, least % in govt and army, and denied basic rights :lol:
And one extremist who killed 1000 muslims can be CM of india next day! lol!

Jinnahs fear came true. Look at the hindustani muslims today.

Its really sad that few of you here expect indian muslims to write articles and yell "we hate pakistan'" to prove their loyalty :D
p.s indian muslims are none of my business, good luck to each and everyone of them.

Right on the spot!
Just another example of India's twisted "secularism."
I will disagree here,first of all hinduism isnt a religon its a hocus pocus collection of fables that you people somehow beilieve to be true.secondly the most intolerant people in the subcontinent are the hindus,inspite of all the drama of being santan dharm,peace lovers,hippies etc etc,the opposite is unfortunately true.so study your own history first and try to learn something from the mistakes of our elders rather than repeating them.

Better than someone who claims he hears God. Now learn to respect other religion. We are not killing ourselves in Bomb attacks daily.
Muslims are the laughing stocks of this world ( except Indian Muslims). THis month alone 2000 muslims were killed in Iraq. Yearly more than 3-4000 muslims are killed in Pakistan alone.
So before pointing out hands at other religion, first learn to co-exist with the sects present inside Islam.
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