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A peaceful "March for Democracy" on Dec. 29 called by Begum Khaleda Zia

E deshe ja kichu chiro okolyankor, hoyeche joto pap,
Ordhek tar koreche Hasina, ordhek tar baap!

Courtesy: fb

An activist's coming out in the street counts more thah the sympathy of thousands of people when fair election fails to hold..
Police ban BNP rally in Dhaka
Staff Correspondent, bdnews24.com

Published: 27 Dec 2013 15:12 BdST Updated: 27 Dec 2013 16:12 BdST

BNP will not be allowed to hold a rally in Dhaka city on Sunday, police have said.

"It has been decided not to allow the rally considering risk to the security of the public," Masudur Rahman, Deputy Commissioner of the Dhaka Metropolitan Police, told the bdnews24.com.

The opposition allies led by BNP, who boycotted Jan 5 elections, announced a Dhaka march, to protest the polls, and a rally on Sunday at Nayapaltan where the party is headquartered.

The leader of the opposition Khaleda Zia had announced the ‘March for Democracy’ in a news conference after ending lengthy blockades.

A day later, a three-member delegation headed by her chief whip Zainul Abdin Farroque submitted a letter to the DMP Chief Benazir Ahmed’s office on Wednesday seeking permission for the programme.

The police Commissioner did not make any immediate comment then.

BNP had also sought permission to use loudspeakers at the rally and the Chief Whip had said they would give similar letters to the junior minister for home and home secretary seeking 'cooperation'.

The BNP Chief urged people to resist the Jan 5 elections which she boycotted demanding non-party caretaker regime for its oversight.

The elections are going to be held under an “all-party” government in which BNP did not join.

Hours after her press briefing on Tuesday, a policeman was burnt alive in a bomb attack on a bus at Dhaka's Bangla Motor.

Since then additional police had been deployed in front of Khaleda’s residence. Police also picked up several leaders and supporters of her party while they tried to enter her home.
It seems the only way to oust these evil parasitic bastards is armed protest unless the International community take some steps (perhaps by means of military takeover).
Police ban BNP rally in Dhaka

And opportunist business owners (not the small business owners), Awami media and shushils shut their yap when basic rights for protest is blocked. In such case only way force change people desire and stop farcical election is by force. Awami media, sushil and opportunist businessman dont have any right for making noise.
She has got killed thousands of innocent Muslim in Bangladesh(Country of Bangoli) who will you justify this?
Muslims are in trouble and in pathetic condition in Bangladesh Mosque are being Burnt old and young who love Islam are being killed this is her democracy.
She has got killed thousands of innocent Muslim in Bangladesh(Country of Bangoli) who will you justify this?
Muslims are in trouble and in pathetic condition in Bangladesh Mosque are being Burnt old and young who love Islam are being killed this is her democracy.
Wake up O Muslim Bangladesh represent Bangole not Islam you gave your life for this in1971?
Real enemy of Islam Hasina wajid and Khalda zia.
Don't you have any Man this is sing of Qayama that women would Role Country and man will be following them.
BD has got a permanent damage by BAL, even BNP will come in power, BAL wont let BD live in peace, as the nation is divided, the conflict would remain for very long time.
BD will not worth living in future for political crisis made by BAL. Some people who are able are migrating to other countries. This country does not worth the foot steps of patriot people anymore as the country cannot give them any favor. The country is breeding BAL and bastards in mass.
Indians are assisting Awami League plan and logistics for sabotage and massacre when people gather on 29th.
Now Awami League using gun power of its genocidal force enforced shut down of communication system.

সরকারি অবরোধের কবলে দেশ
27 Dec, 2013 বিএনপিসহ ১৮ দলীয় জোটের দুই মাস অবরোধের পর এবার সরকারি অবরোধের কবলে পড়েছে দেশ। আবারও দুর্ভোগে পড়েছে দেশের মানুষ। বিভিন্ন জেলার সঙ্গে বিচ্ছিন্ন হয়ে পড়েছে রাজধানী। টিকিট সংকট দেখিয়ে ফিরিয়ে দেওয়া হচ্ছে যাত্রীদের। কোথাও কোথাও আইন-শৃঙ্খলা বাহিনীর বিরুদ্ধেও যান চলাচলে বাধা দেওয়ার অভিযোগ উঠেছে। তবে তারা বাধা দেওয়ার বিষয়টি অস্বীকার করেছেন। ২৯ ডিসেম্বরের ঢাকা অভিমুখে যাত্রার দুদিন আগেই সরকার যানচলাচলে নিয়ন্ত্রণ নিয়েছে।

বিডিটুডে.নেট:সরকারি অবরোধের কবলে দেশ
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