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A note on Zoroastrian mobeds who support Kurdish separatism and the balkanization of Iran


Dec 29, 2019
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
This thread aims to discuss the enemy's deep infiltration of institutions and actors pertaining to Iran's ancestral faith, Zoroastrianism. The zionist enemy has put to use several of its devices - US/EU regimes and their intelligence agencies (on this particular topic, EU regimes are playing a surprisingly prominent role), regional lackeys such as anti-Iranian Kurdish separatist groups in northern Iraq and Syria, as well as certain elements drawn from the Indian Parsi community - particularly Parsi elites adhering to British masonry, so as to turn a historical-cultural element that ought to be a soft power asset for Iran into a weapon to be used against Iran's social stability and even against her very existence as a unified state.

Two factors have strongly contributed to easing the enemy's task in relation to this:

1) The sheer negligible size of the worldwide Zoroastrian community, resulting in its vulnerability against more resourceful foes.

2) And more importantly, several centuries of British rule over India. British imperialism stretched its tentacles into the very social fabric of the territories London used to occupy uner the Raj, subverting and recruiting elites among every community and segment of the population, while manipulating hordes of "useful idiot" foot soldiers to put to execution the empire's sinister and criminal plots.

The Parsi community in India was prone to being affected by these subversive schemes. British colonialists endowed elements among its notable class with relative privileges, turning them into prefential vehicles for the imposition of their illegitimate domination not just over India but way beyond the Raj and in particular over Iran.

We already adressed in a separate thread the example of British secret agent Ardeshir Reporter, a Parsi Zoroastrian from India, and his interference in Iran's domestic affairs at the behest of London, particularly his role in the accession to power of vassal dictator Reza Khan, installed onto the Peacock throne by the Rothschild-/Sassoon-funded, genocidal British empire.

It comes thus as little surprise that to this day, Iran's existential enemies from the zio-imperial oligarchy have been able to rely on certain Zoroastrian figures in order to harm Iran, the cradle of Zoroastrianism, a land with which the history and tenets of said belief system are intimately intertwined.

Nowadays anti-Iranian imperial subversion leaning on specific treasonous elements recruited from Zoroastrian communities, takes several shapes which reflect the dialectic of the dissolution of nations both from above and below, i. e. the simultaneous promotion of sub- as well as supra-national identitarian constructions, social practices and institutions as means to render the nation-state and the nation itself irrelevant and ultimately eliminate it through balkanization on the one hand, through integration into federative regional blocs complete with transfers of sovereignty on the other hand, etc:

1) The abuse of Zoroastrianism as a social engineering vehicle for cultural globalization/uniformization, prelude to the establishment of a single zio-masonic and bankster-dominated world government and, as a matter of consequence, to the vanishing from the pages of time of every historically rooted nation and religion including Iran, Islam (both Shia and Sunni) and Zoroastrianism themselves.

Here, freemason lodges, the Haifan Bahai sect as well as organized proponents of neo-Judaic messianist universalism, are suspected of playing a particular role.

Indeed, observers were able to notice how in recent decades, some elements among Zoroastrian associations and priesthood, particularly on the American continent (Canada, USA but also in more "exotic" places such as Brazil and Latin America in general) set out to proselytize and to attract converts hailing from completely novel geographical and civilizational backgrounds.

Inextricably interlinked with Iranian civilization as well as with the historical geographical realm known as Greater Iran up until now, the Zoroastrian faith is rapidly turning into an umpteenth post-modern universal ersatz-religion, alienated through and through and cut off from its own venerable Tradition.

With this particular type of universalization, inevitably comes uprooting, as well as progressive dilution and watering down of theology, dogma, individual praxis of religiosity, solidity and resilience of the clerical institution. Zoroastrianism, not unlike any of the other traditional faith systems targetted by the devious globalist oligarchy, is therefore being subjected to the primacy of secularism, masonic "humanism" and the substitutive pseudo-religion of "human rights" within the polities where its followers are to be found.

Likewise, as with every other traditional religious belief system suffering the continuous assaults of bloodthirsty imperial power structures, a general tendency towards laxity and gradual fading altogether of religious practice among Zoroastrians must be deplored, resulting as it does from the global oligarchy's nefarious social and mental engineering.

Thence, in many a place Zoroastrianism has devolved into a merely superficial cultural reference, a hollow and transitory identitarian and consumerist shell deprived of substance, cut off from territory, land and Tradition and destined to disappear like every other such shell as soon as the murderous oligarchs in power decide that the time is ripe to have mankind leap into the next stage in their criminal scheme, marked by the amalgamation of every national and religious community (save one) into an undifferentiated unitary community intended to form the constituency of the so-called mixed "global village".

This is particularly visible in Iran, where some westernized individuals from the middle- and upper classes indulging into profoundly liberal, hedonist-consumerist, "MacDonaldized" lifestyles hardly distinguishible from those practiced by their peers all over the cultural and economical "global village", sport outwardly Zoroastrian symbolism, in particular Faravahars in every imaginable shape and form (as necklace pendants, pins, stickers placed on their cars and elsewhere, etc), whilst not only being completely oblivious to the first thing about Zoroastrianism, its teachings and tenets, its history, its values and beliefs (but what to expect, really, from a generation busy with playing videogames, consuming fake news on "social media", eating GMO-infested fast food, watching satellite TV and garbage made in Hollywood instead of visiting a library and opening a book every once in a while?), but also making this empty, uninformed, capitalist-consumerist fetish the focal point and penultimate signifier of their actual distanciation from the notion of religion per se.

More obscene illustrations of the globalist oligarchy's destructive, parasitic plot against the healthy consistency and internal stability of established national and religious entities, in the present case Zoroastrian communities, include despicable community-specific promotion of LGBTism (fed a posteriori by recycled exploitation of Farrokh Bulsara a.k.a. Freddie Mercury's "iconic" status within global homosexualist circles) down to homosexualist pornography involving a "performer" tattooed with a Faravahar, yet another monstrous insult added to injury by the largely zionist-controlled pornographic mafia.

In other words, we are dealing with a capitalist fetish of transitory, uprooted identity-building extracted from the realm of religion and civilization but serving as a statement of actual fatigue with their religion (i. e. Islam) and civilization in the traditional sense, fatigue that is induced and triggered by meticulous globalist social engineering transmitted through innumerable, foreign based Persian-language anti-Iran media...

Welcome to the nightmarish post-modern world order forged by elite zionists, usurious banksters, reckless corporations and secret masonic societies, where nothing is stable and everything is fluid, where everything is potentially substitutable with everything else.

2) The abuse of Zoroastrianism to further "ethno"-separatist agendas designed to end up with the balkanization and territorial dismemberment of Iran.

In parallel with the promotion of the idea of an overarching "world citizenry" Iranians and nationals of every other country are supposed to be part of prior to being part of anything else, i. e. a top-down attack on the existence of the Iranian nation-state and its sovereignty, we are now led to examine the attack on Iranian sovereignty from the bottom under the guise of so-called "rights" supposedly enjoyed by non-existing "ethnic minorities".

This is while in reality, upwards of 50%-60% of Iranians have at least two grandparents stemming from different sub-national linguistic groups, therefore the Iranian population can impossibly be subdivided into distinct categories of so-called "ethnic" nature. Nevermind the perfect geographical mixity of these sub-national linguistic accross Iranian lands.

To this effect, additional treachorous elements recruited by the zio-American enemy from the ranks of the Zoroastrian community, are now proceeding to support Kurdish separatism and pan-Kurdism, particularly in northern Iraq but with a view to destabilizing Iran as well.

In the follow on posts, we shall furnish concrete examples and case studies reflecting this immensely deplorable development.
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The fire worshippers are desperate for Iran to fall

The U.S and Zionists are desperate for Iran to fall

Common enemies, common foes

It's up to Iran to be aware of all it's enemies and be ready for them
The fire worshippers are desperate for Iran to fall

The U.S and Zionists are desperate for Iran to fall

Common enemies, common foes

It's up to Iran to be aware of all it's enemies and be ready for them

My brother, I was about to adress this last point you made.

You are perfectly right to stress the importance of knowing one's foes, as numerous Iranians really need to wake up from their slumber and straighten up their enemy/friend perception.

While the zionist cabal which destroyed Iraq and Syria is coming for them, some are still busy acting like spoiled kids with disproportionate expectations, bickering and self-flagellating day and night, cultivating misplaced nostalgia for the vassalized Pahlavi monarchy, blatantly failing to discern and appreciate the reality of their hardly earned independence, incessantly demonizing their political system, their armed forces and their leadership and not realizing how this directly plays into the hands of their existential enemies, who are nothing but a goup of criminals desiring to see them, their relatives and their offspring buried and who have set their sights on them as we speak.

Thank God the Islamic Republic's leadership, the armed forces (in particular the IRGC) and all those loyal to the lofty principles of the 1979 Revolution are fully aware of what's going on. It's just that the patriotic forces of awareness and vigilance would have it so much easier if those among their compatriots who expose themselves to nonstop brainwashing by the BBC, Voice of America, social media and the internet finally proceeded to pull the plug on this endless stream of propaganda and social engineering courtesy of their foreign enemies.

However if I may add a complementary observation, I would urge everyone not generalize about any given community and this includes of course Zoroastrians. In my opening post, I took great care to stress that what's at stake here is a certain group of Zoroastrian elites, concentrated in areas known to be under strong oligarchic influence i. e. outside of Iran proper (namely North America, Indian bourgeois circles with strong ties to Britain and the US and so on).

There are also honorable and patriotic Zoroastrians, particularly inside Iran, where a large majority among the small Zoroastrian community of just a few tens of thousands fall among that category. These Zoroastrian Iranians will not betray their own roots nor their homeland.

An example is the chairman of the Association of Zoroastrian Mobeds of Iran, Dr. Ardeshir Khurshidian. Loyal to the Islamic Republic, Khurshidian reciprocates the tolerance and respect shown by authorities in Iran to the Zoroastrian community, for example through his regular expressions of praise for Imam Hussein, grandson of the Prophet of Islam.


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@padamchen start your day 3 here after a blissful indian summer weekend snooze.

No thank you.

Your motives I once thought were good. As a fellow desi.

When you opened my eyes to potential harm to my own land and people from those who no longer are.

But I am beginning to have my doubts. So I will politely decline to step into Muslim affairs.

It's not my fight.

Not my people.

Cheers, Doc

Doc will be grinding down his dentures at this one.

Not at all.

He has an agenda. That is obvious.

In the old days he would have been engaged properly by Iranian nationalists.

Till one by one all were culled and you have here now what you have here.

I am here only to interact with friendlies.

Cheers, Doc
My brother, I was about to adress this last point.

You are perfectly right to stress the importance of knowing one's foes, as numerous Iranians really need to wake up from their slumber and straighten up their enemy/friend perception.

While the zionist cabal which destroyed Iraq and Syria is coming for them, some are still busy acting like spoiled kids with disproportionate expectations, bickering and self-flagellating day and night, cultivating misplaced nostalgia for the vassalized Pahlavi monarchy, blatantly failing to discern and appreciate the reality of their hardly earned independence, incessantly demonizing their political system, their armed forces and their leadership and not realizing how this directly plays into the hands of their existential enemies, who are nothing but a goup of criminals desiring to see them, their relatives and their offspring buried and who have set their sights on them as we speak.

Thank God the Islamic Republic's leadership, the armed forces (in particular the IRGC) and all those loyal to the lofty principles of the 1979 Revolution are fully aware of what's going on. It's just that the patriotic forces of awareness and vigilance would have it so much easier if those among their compatriots who expose themselves to nonstop brainwashing by the BBC, Voice of America, social media and the internet finally proceeded to pull the plug on this endless stream of propaganda and social engineering courtesy of their foreign enemies.

However if I may add a complementary observation, I would urge everyone not generalize about any given community and this includes of course Zoroastrians. In my opening post, I took great care to stress that what's at stake here is a certain group of Zoroastrian elites, concentrated in areas known to be under strong oligarchic influence i. e. outside of Iran proper (namely North America, Indian bourgeois circles with strong ties to Britain and the US and so on).

There are also honorable and patriotic Zoroastrians, particularly inside Iran, where a large majority among the small Zoroastrian community of just a few tens of thousands fall among that category. These Zoroastrian Iranians will not betray neither their own roots nor their homeland.

An example is the chairman of the Association of Zoroastrian Mobeds of Iran, Dr. Ardeshir Khurshidian. Loyal to the Islamic Republic, Khurshidian reciprocates the tolerance and respect shown by authorities in Iran to the Zoroastrian community, for example through his regular expressions of praise for Imam Hussein, grandson of the Prophet of Islam.





Would cross forum tag Anonymous and vstol hockey too if I could.

Cheers, Doc
Do Zoroastrians can do fireball bending??
Fire magic, way too go!!
This dude really hates Zoroastrians.

This dude really seems to experience difficulties comprehending the English language.

Either that or he simply appreciates repeating untruths, such as the trademark BBC/VoA/Manoto fairy tale he was promoting lately, according to which the fair and balanced Iranian-Chinese draft treaty confers a supposed "vassal" status to Tehran (of course when one feels nostalgia for the overthrown sell-out monarchy of M.-R Pahlavi, Washington's favorite back-alley cop, then one might be tempted to project the shah regime's faults onto the Islamic Republic in order to encapsulate oneself into a somewhat more bearable yet fictitious parallel reality).

Go figure.

If I was him I would rather worry about the acute threat of balkanization along so called "ethnic" lines faced by the country he originates from, and about the zio-masonic agenda calling for universal dissolution of every nation and religion (and sorry to say, "every" does include Zoroastrianism too, as much as it includes Islam, Buddhism, Shintoism, ancestral Turkic shamanism or Christianity) into a unified one-world polity, a goal relentlessly pursued by the same global mafia of all mafias which the ousted shah regime used to submit to prior to the 1979 Revolution in Iran.
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In the old days he would have been engaged properly by Iranian nationalists.

Pro-zionists and passionate apologists of the masonic-/Haifan Bahai-/zio-American-dominated shah regime cannot be proper Iranian "nationalists". They are as "nationalistic" as zio-Trump and his step son at best, or perhaps they are content with deluding themselves into living in an unreal fantasy world designed for them by their zionist puppet masters.

Because the globalist project pushed for by international zionism, aims to uproot and dissolve every single nation and every single traditional faith system. The enemy is a common one to all peoples, and that includes ordinary Jews.

Iran is no exception and is being targetted like everyone else, stories about king Cyrus the Great "saving Jews from Babylonian captivity" notwithstanding (that will not make the zionist mafia feel any pity for Iranians; nor will it make them grant Iran a free pass; not at all). In fact Iran is being targetted with far greater energy than others given how the Islamic Republic is resisting against the criminal globalist enterprise. Not that hard to realize, really.

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