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A New Hypersonic Wind Tunnel Will Put China '20 to 30 Years Ahead' of the West


Nov 4, 2011
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A New Hypersonic Wind Tunnel Will Put China '20 to 30 Years Ahead' of the West
JF-22 will reach speeds of up to Mach 30.

Dec 20, 2021



A Chinese physicist revealed that a new wind tunnel in Beijing will "soon" be unveiled that will put China decades ahead of the rest of the world when it comes to testing hypersonic weapons technology, according to a South China Morning Post report.

In an online lecture last week, Han Guilai, of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, revealed new information about the JF-22 wind tunnel in Beijing, which will be capable of simulating flights at Mach 30 — 30 times the speed of sound and approximately 6.2 miles (10 km) per second. The launch date for the JF-22 wind tunnel is currently classified.

Flying at Mach 30 is like 'swimming in mud'
During the lecture, Guilai said that the enhanced capabilities of this new wind tunnel, added to the existing research capacity of China's existing facilities, would put the country "about 20 to 30 years ahead" of the West. China's next most powerful wind tunnel is JF-12, which runs at a fifth of the power output of JF-22.

Hypersonic wind tunnels in the U.S. include the Hypersonic Tunnel Facility (HTF) at NASA's Neil A. Armstrong Test Facility in Sandusky, OH. That tunnel (pictured above), which was originally built to test nuclear thermal rocket nozzles, can test hypersonic flight up to Mach 7.

In his lecture, Guilai gave some insight into the conditions inside the soon-to-be-unveiled JF-22 wind tunnel in Beijing. "This air is no longer the air we breathe in," he said. "The flying vehicle we study is like swimming in mud." The physicist explained that the surface of an aircraft inside JF-22 at Mach 30 could reach temperatures of up to 10,000 degrees Celsius (18,032 Fahrenheit), which is hot enough to break air molecules into atoms and even give some of them an electrical charge. According to Guilai, the wind tunnel will have a power output of 15 gigawatts, which is roughly three-quarters the capacity of China's enormous Three Gorges Dam.

Hypersonic technologies promise to massively reduce flight times
According to the South China Morning Post, China has had a great success rate in hypersonic flight tests in recent years because it uses chemical explosions to generate high-speed air flow instead of the mechanical compressors used in other countries. This allows for experiments within the wind tunnels to run for longer periods.

"Our experiment time is much longer than theirs, so the aircraft model can be larger than theirs, and the experiments can be more advanced than theirs," Guilai said. "This determines our leading position in the world."

Hypersonic aircraft such as the one in development by U.S.-based startup Hermeus promise to drastically cut down travel times. Hermeus has stated that it could enable flights between New York and London in as little as 90 minutes. The technology also has great potential for enhancing weapons capabilities. In April, a hypersonic weapon test by the U.S. Air Force ended in failure. By contrast, China sent a hypersonic missile into orbit in October using technologies that mystified U.S. officials.

China's is Mach 30 — 30 times the speed of sound and approximately 6.2 miles (10 km) per second, not 1-3 Mach which China already had so many decades.

Well, if you would read the 7 years old news from Iran fully, then you would realize that 7 years ago Iran was ahead of china cause of Mach 8 wind tunnel. And still is ahead till the J-22 will "soon" be opened. Till then china has officially only Mach 5-6, known as J-12.
Well, if you would read the 7 years old news from Iran fully, then you would realize that 7 years ago Iran was ahead of china cause of Mach 8 wind tunnel. And still is ahead till the J-22 will "soon" be opened. Till then china has officially only Mach 5-6, known as J-12.
I don't know much about 7 or 70 years ago, I care more about now and future.
W the J-22 will "soon" be opened.

2022 is still a week away, so it's not too soon.
I don't know much about 7 or 70 years ago, I care more about now and future.

2022 is still a week away, so it's not too soon.

But i care. It is great that china can push technic to new limits. Thats good for all. But, and that is why i linked the over 7 years old Iran news, why has it needed so long? China, with its economic power and such high military budget - what were the problems china had with a better wind tunnel if one imagine that China works on hypersonic vehicles for over a decade?
But i care. It is great that china can push technic to new limits. Thats good for all. But, and that is why i linked the over 7 years old Iran news, why has it needed so long?
China is not the only country working on this technology, comparing to other countries, China's speed of development is not slow at all, you should ask other countries what takes them so long.

Yes, that is what i wrote. China worked on hypersonic vehicles more then a decade, but didnt manage to build the needed wind tunnel in this time.
China is not the only country working on this technology, comparing to other countries, China's speed of development is not slow at all, you should ask other countries what takes them so long.

Well, there are not much countries which developed hypersonic vehicles with speeds greater Mach 15. Most countries with objects travalling on hypersonic speeds only need wind tunnels of Mach 10-20. And these wind tunnels of Mach 10-20 mostly exists since years in Europe, India, USA and so on. In Australia there is even a wind tunnel of up to Mach 30 at woomera test range.

So please, dont think i am anti china. I am not. But this question "why did it needed so long?" is a must if i look at the whole picture.

Yes, and one year later...take a look at the linked article from 2014...
But this question "why did it needed so long?" is a must if i look at the whole picture.
The same reason that takes every country so long, I guess. After it's completed, China will be the first country to get there on this planet.
The same reason that takes every country so long, I guess. After it's completed, China will be the first country to get there on this planet.

"woomera test range wind tunnel"

" In addition to the Woomera Test Range facilities, one of the largest weapons test facilities in the world, Australia reportedly operates seven hypersonic wind tunnels and is capable of testing speeds of up to Mach 30..."
Well, if you would read the 7 years old news from Iran fully, then you would realize that 7 years ago Iran was ahead of china cause of Mach 8 wind tunnel. And still is ahead till the J-22 will "soon" be opened. Till then china has officially only Mach 5-6, known as J-12.

Yes, that is what i wrote. China worked on hypersonic vehicles more then a decade, but didnt manage to build the needed wind tunnel in this time.

Wind tunnel: JF-12

Maximum speed: Mach 9
Start year: 2008
Completed year: 2012

FireShot Capture 692 - JF12 激波 风洞 _ 百度 百科 - baike.baidu.com.jpg


WU-14 hypersonic
FireShot Capture 689 - DF-ZF - Wikipedia - en.wikipedia.org.jpg

FireShot Capture 682 - DF-ZF - Wikipedia - en.wikipedia.org.jpg


  • FireShot Capture 682 - DF-ZF - Wikipedia - en.wikipedia.org.jpg
    FireShot Capture 682 - DF-ZF - Wikipedia - en.wikipedia.org.jpg
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