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A new era of Pak-Afghan relations and Frustration of Friends in East.



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Sep 10, 2014
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Moeed Pirzada.
Modi Govt upset about growing Pak-Afghan thaw & improved relations between Islamabad and Kabul and its intelligence apparatus may plan something in the region to divert attention and to bring Islamabad under pressure internationally and to isolate it..???

This looks like intelligence leaks to Pakistani media, which is also being discussed in news bulletins; so far the details are sketchy. It looks like based on intelligence intercepts; it is being speculated that this may take the form of attacks at strategic places inside India. All of this has a background which needs to be understood.

Any such happening will be frightening since Modi govt has already demonstrated its intent of a "hard line policy" towards Pakistan. Its escalation of border tensions at LOC, its retching of war of words, cancellation of Secretary level talks and rebuffing of peace overtures by Nawaz Sharif are all troubling signs. Add to this the internal political overtures of Modi govt like the commitment to abrogate Art. 370 which guarantees a Special Status to Jammu & Kashmir within the Indian constitutional framework and you clearly see that Modi govt is bent upon changing the rules of business or dealings with Pakistan. You can sense this "belligerent feeling" by hawkish comments of many of our Indian members on this page.

Pak-Afghan thaw then becomes the last straw on the Indian Establishment's strategic apple cart. Delhi has patiently invested in building a strategic partner in Kabul. They have invested hundreds of millions of dollars and their commitments are around $ 2 Billion. India was one lone country that had consistently opposed total US withdrawal from Afghanistan. It feared that a US scale down will create space for Pakistani entry and maneuvering. New Delhi's strategic calculus relies upon Afghanistan as an important ally to keep Pakistan under pressure from both sides.

With change of guard in Kabul, with Ashraf Ghani and Abdullah Abdullah both striking good chords with Islamabad, with Pakistani military flushing out TTP from North Waziristan, with Gen. Raheel Sharif and his new Intel Chief, Rizwan Akhtar increasingly successful in assuring Kabul of their neutrality in the internal power dynamics of Afghanistan and with the US seeing Pakistani military as a vital ally in keeping ISIS influence out of Pakistan and Afghanistan (notice Gen. Raheel Sharif's statement in Washington), Indian strategic calculus is in serious jeopardy. New Delhi is upset and understandably so. Even with a Congress govt they would have done something to influence these recent unfavorable developments - but with a belligerent trigger happy Modi government that already wanted to change "rules of business" these unfavorable regional developments may be quite difficult to digest. Fear is that they will do something to redress this "changing balance"

Pakistani media is discussing it, but Pakistani Foreign Office should address these concerns in its briefings. It should air its concerns on such news and assure New Delhi that it will extend its fullest cooperation in the event of any third party doing any irresponsible act in the region. Word should go out internationally that something can happen and all sides need to be alert and vigilant to address and cooperate in any such eventuality
India won't kill her citizens because there is thaw in relation between Pakistan and Afghanistan. It defy all level of logic.

If there is major terrorist attack in India by your controlled or not-so-controlled Non-state actors/charity organisation like Jamat ud dawa led by hafiz saeed, All your crazyiness aside, Pakistan won't be same again as it exist in present state.

Btw Who with a sane mind on this earth believe that Jamat ud daawa is a charity organisation and hafiz saeed is a saint like edhi ?
Not happy with the current thaw in the relationship between Pakistan and Afghanistan, India is perturbed over the new political dispensation in Afghanistan.

Contrary to her expectations where India could gain while clandestinely proving Pakistan a bad boy, India’s intelligence agency, the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) has reportedly hatched a sinister plan to orchestrate a drama of a large scale attack at some sensitive location in India, showing it to be done by Pakistan/Inter-Services Intelligence.

RAW is using RAW recruited, trained and bred reservoir of hired terrorists. For this planned activity, RAW has hired the services of some notorious media channels. This plan is expected to be executed anytime in the near future.

Published in The Express Tribune, December 13th, 2014.

Sinister scheme: RAW planning attack on Indian soil – The Express Tribune

RAW has mastered the art of killing its own people and blaming it on others

Well i never though indian govt including modi will go down this much for the sake of the propaganda compaign launched against Pakistan in 1987-1988
Lmao how did Express tribune get this info though?
that was expected , they do need a reason to strike Pakistan , put some pressure and attention from the west , they have been jumping around crying about AQ , so probably they will help you out in achieving this plan ...
Lmao how did Express tribune get this info though?

It should not matter as long as we have saved the lives of hundreds of indians.

Atleast the indians of PDF should now thanks us for saving many indian lives.
Not happy with the current thaw in the relationship between Pakistan and Afghanistan, India is perturbed over the new political dispensation in Afghanistan.

Contrary to her expectations where India could gain while clandestinely proving Pakistan a bad boy, India’s intelligence agency, the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) has reportedly hatched a sinister plan to orchestrate a drama of a large scale attack at some sensitive location in India, showing it to be done by Pakistan/Inter-Services Intelligence.

RAW is using RAW recruited, trained and bred reservoir of hired terrorists. For this planned activity, RAW has hired the services of some notorious media channels. This plan is expected to be executed anytime in the near future.

Published in The Express Tribune, December 13th, 2014.

Sinister scheme: RAW planning attack on Indian soil – The Express Tribune

RAW has mastered the art of killing its own people and blaming it on others

Well i never though indian govt including modi will go down this much for the sake of the propaganda compaign launched against Pakistan in 1987-1988
seems legit

It should not matter as long as we have saved the lives of hundreds of indians.

Atleast the indians of PDF should now thanks us for saving many indian lives.

as if we have exposed a conspiracy, no i don't think so, things might be going on in intel circles, but that are too difficult to predict, so as of now it is still wait and watch(or monitor closely) game....
why would India launch an attack on our own soil to affect pak/ afghan relations? :crazy:
India won't kill her citizens because there is thaw in relation between Pakistan and Afghanistan. It defy all level of logic.

If there is major terrorist attack in India by your controlled or not-so-controlled Non-state actors/charity organisation like Jamat ud dawa led by hafiz saeed, All your crazyiness aside, Pakistan won't be same again as it exist in present state.

Btw Who with a sane mind on this earth believe that Jamat ud daawa is a charity organisation and hafiz saeed is a saint like edhi ?

in india even if a person farts unexpectedly it is blamed on Pakistan and Hafiz saeed. you have bloody more army in Kashmir then the whole army of Pakistan which is the clear evidence that India is trying to control Kashmir by force and when any killed by freedom fighters your whole country starts whining like babies.
India won't kill her citizens because there is thaw in relation between Pakistan and Afghanistan. It defy all level of logic.

If there is major terrorist attack in India by your controlled or not-so-controlled Non-state actors/charity organisation like Jamat ud dawa led by hafiz saeed, All your crazyiness aside, Pakistan won't be same again as it exist in present state.

Btw Who with a sane mind on this earth believe that Jamat ud daawa is a charity organisation and hafiz saeed is a saint like edhi ?
You guys seriously need to let go of this Pakophobia and concentrate on things that matter. Every where I see it's you guys either comparing your achievements to that of either Pakistan or China. Get some peace of mind. This article is not about you killing your people. Even thought the Maoists are doing just that.
article is about Pakistan and Afghanistan. So stop lying to yourself and have a beer (It's allowed right?) just let the hatred flow from you.
And please stop underestimating us. You might be in for a surprise.
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