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A Knockoff, Made-in-China Phone Electrocuted and Killed a Man

RIP to the deceased

I don't think the problem was with the phone only... May be he had wet hands or the phone was wet or wrong plugs or some piece of wire was not sealed properly
It is worth to note that most of today's cellphone are made in China and the genuine cellphones are also made in China. Accessories are mostly made in China whether genuines or imitations.
Ohh have faced i bought a n97 just days after it came out after 5-6 months the battery was loosing it charge it was under warranty so i sent to the dhop and for mean while bought a chinese its to sad my phone cought fire one day as the battery over heated
It is worth to note that most of today's cellphone are made in China and the genuine cellphones are also made in China. Accessories are mostly made in China whether genuines or imitations.

They go under strict quality check if it is not maintained the whole lot is cancelled ask me my dad owns some packaged water factories so the preformas are bought from china ans specific quality control is told to maintain
One day my laptop caught fire due to a Chinese battery, when I was asleep. Half of my room was burdened. I myself had some minor burn injuries.

After that I never bought Chinese stuff regarding electronics.

that happened with my mixer grinder as well. branded chinese product are good but the knockoffs are serious no no.
One day my laptop caught fire due to a Chinese battery, when I was asleep. Half of my room was burdened. I myself had some minor burn injuries.

After that I never bought Chinese stuff regarding electronics.

Good decision so your iphone is made in USA, now your laptop and all its accessories and components are made in US, France and Germany. You cannot escape from the Made in China coz most electronics are made in China for instance you may buy a Philips TV made in Thailand but most of its internal electronics are made in China likewise the Nokia phone may be made in Hungary but the battery comes from China. Nowadays you cannot find electronics products 100% made in US or in EU. Iphone, Ipad, smartphones are either made in China or else its internal electronics and accessories are made in China. The internal circuits and rare earth used to make them are made in China and originate from China. Even when you are travelling by planes like in Airbus parts of the plane are made in China. All your goods you purchased travelled by containers ships and store in containers made in China. You have a car made in US, its tyres are Japanese or French trade marks but they are made in China. You cannot escape from the made in China, its just hypocrisy to say something like this. Electronics, foodstuff, textiles etc must have some made in China, you cannot escape this when the West and the White people cannot work in industries, when they are lazy and want only white collar job and spent their time as tourists in beaches, pub, nightclubs etc how can you find TV sets, cellphones, textiles made exclusively in the West. You might have decided to stop buying Chinese electronics but you are perhaps a voracious consumer of Chinese goods without knowing it. Just like many US racist republican who have proclaimed that they never consume Chinese goods while they eat, sleep, work Chinese and China. The US government and US citizens get Chinese credit to buy their house, get education loans. So you cannot escape from the made in China. You are born and will die in it, whether you want it or not. Thats the reality.
Ban them --- the only way to throw out cheap disgusting Chinese electronics
Trouble shooting manual for modern electronics..........

1) Confirm if the device is Chinese..... If yes then Chinese are to blame regardless of who the manufacturer was.
2) .......................
3) ..........................

Chinese are an excellent scapegoat aren't they ?
Few months back a similar report had surfaced in which an Indian guy got killed, when his Chinese cell phone exploded, How come this happens only in India and not else where? I am sensing a malevolent intent here.
One day my laptop caught fire due to a Chinese battery, when I was asleep. Half of my room was burdened. I myself had some minor burn injuries.

After that I never bought Chinese stuff regarding electronics.

lol everythiing is made in china stop using electronics.

LOL guys stop saying all electronic made in china are crap :disagree:.

Most of my electronics are made in china and i like them a lot...never faced any issues with them whatsoever....only my xbox 360 conked off very early (ring of death) .
:no: the man should have checked his faulty power lines before plugging it in

Duh! And your Trolling was'nt Needed here...!!!

Btw, How do you know that the power lines were faulty at his place?
Dude my original HP G62 laptop is made in India.....oh wait ,no .sorry it says China.
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