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A glimpse at Chandrayaan-2 mission

there are many indians in nasa so it is easy for india to develop their own space mission
Indians working in NASA have nothing to do with Indian Space mission. Our initial technology came from France and not USA/Russia. We started further research on technology we learnt from France. We succeeded, we failed, we retried.
so we should not be surprised if they land unmanned spacecraft on moon.
Landing on surface of other body isn't as easy job. We are good at making orbiters but its our first attempt with a soft landing.
pace race seems good when your public living standard is good like in u.s and europe.
Same didn't apply on USSR (upper middle income) and China (very poor country) when they started to involve.
It is better india should first focus on removing poverty from their country and spend money to deal with water crisis which their poor public are facing instead of entering in to space race and first compete with u.s and other developed countries in removing poverty and raising lifestyle of poor public of india
India is very much focused on removing poverty and improving living standards. We were biggest gainer in HDI in this decade alone, finished extreme poverty, improved literacy by 10% and so on lot.

India's space budget is surprising low in terms of GDP. So low that even if we stop spending, no difference to lives of people will be there. All because of our GDP is large because our population is large.

So, if we stop working just for optics, India will be a high income economy by 2050-60. So, if we start it then and not now just for optics, we will be left far behind East Asia and West.

In fact we'll be left poor because things in research today will be industries at that time and we will not have those industries if we don't work today.

By the way, all drama will stop soon. India will graduate as an upper middle income country in next decade.
scientific development which directly or indirectly help public is beneficial going on moon has no benefit for public
Moon is rich in minerals and energy resources. As Indian population grows big and rich, India's energy needs jump high and bills for energy get long, we will need resources from outside planet.
and is merely showoff just like ussr did to copy u.s
Our missions don't have anything to with optics or competition with USA, Russia or China. India will rise but not to contain any of these countries. We are a strategically autonomous country with swing towards both left & right for our own benefits.

We play it as second tier partner till now, as we rise, we'll play it as first tier. But we won't join any of military sides ever.
but broke down due to lack of focus on public welfare and alleviation of common public.
USSR was crazily investing on these goodies while ignoring public. Same case isn't there with India.
Our public expenditure is high but investment on such things is very low.
Low cost are due to low wages which reflect your public miserable living standard and you are third world nation.
India has doubled its wages over past decade. Low cost is because we reuse materials and use low quality and low efficiency stuff.
We aren't bothered about it as long as it puts our stuff in orbit.
In long run you will
be richer and people will lose this reason to insult India.
India changed from a low income to a lower middle income country in previous decade and will be an upper middle income country in next decade.

If somalia and Pakistan spend on space program then no doubt it will be much cheaper than india
It won't be. Basic technologies, skilled labour and experience is needed. India is only lower middle income country in world with expertise on advanced technologies. Others are not so.

Assembling automotive which is primitive for us will be only modern industry in Pakistan who is just textile and agriculture based country. Somalia is worse.
but we are not allocating our budget for space program as our major focus is to improve our public living standard and removing poverty .
Factually incorrect. Pakistan spends much more than India on defence while it's budget for public is always low. Somalia is an unstable state. So, can't do anything.

India's expenditure on its public is much higher than Pakistan or Somalia. We were actually much poorer than you in 1970s and 80s but we left you behind in most indicators till 2010 and INSHALLAH we will be an upper middle income country before your GDP per capita touches $2500.

This all is apparent because India's growth rate and improvement rate in all sectors of life is much better than Pakistan and Somalia.
The truth is Pakistan and Somalia don't even know their real population for past 30 years. Comparison with India is out of question.
Once this is achieved and our economy is strengthened in real
Both of your economies have not been showing direction of improvement. Your economies are stagnant since 90s.
means unlike your artificial economy in which large no of public is living worst than animals
Seriously, all human development indicators don't agree with you.

Artificial economy? India's economy far more open in economic freedom index.
we will lead in space race also INSHALLAH
Start after 30 years when India would be landing on Moon.
And stop bringing allah everywhere.
If somalia and Pakistan spend on space program then no doubt it will be much cheaper than india but we are not allocating our budget for space program as our major focus is to improve our public living standard and removing poverty .Once this is achieved and our economy is strengthened in real means unlike your artificial economy in which large no of public is living worst than animals we will lead in space race also INSHALLAH
So that is the reason why Pakistan defence budget is around 3.5% and education budget is around 2.8% of its GDP...
And as compare to you our defence budget is around 2% of our GDP and education budget is around 3.8% of our GDP....
there are many indians in nasa so it is easy for india to develop their own space mission so we should not be surprised if they land unmanned spacecraft on moon.Space race seems good when your public living standard is good like in u.s and europe.It is better india should first focus on removing poverty from their country and spend money to deal with water crisis which their poor public are facing instead of entering in to space race and first compete with u.s and other developed countries in removing poverty and raising lifestyle of poor public of india

Some of the technologies like heart stent bring us far more than what we spend on ISRO.
There are only 0.002 Indians working in NASA, Indians have spread this shit all over the net just do some research.
ISRO is famous for successfully completing missions using low budgets. For example the cost of India's first Mars Mission was less than the cost of producing many successfully Hollywood movies. Realistically, a couple dozens of billions of dollars will not magically solve India's problems with poverty. Simply throwing money at a problem will not make it go away, so there is no reason India should limit itself in the guise of solving poverty. Especially when ISRO has made discoveries that have benefited the global scientific community, and India's space capabilities have made India a highly respected country.
ISRO is famous for successfully completing missions using low budgets. For example the cost of India's first Mars Mission was less than the cost of producing many successfully Hollywood movies. Realistically, a couple dozens of billions of dollars will not magically solve India's problems with poverty. Simply throwing money at a problem will not make it go away, so there is no reason India should limit itself in the guise of solving poverty. Especially when ISRO has made discoveries that have benefited the global scientific community, and India's space capabilities have made India a highly respected country.

Guys who ask to spend these on alleviating poverty instead are the actual ones who have gotten a binary in Economics.
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