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A full month since the last rocket or mortar from Gaza


Dec 12, 2008
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A full month since the last rocket or mortar from Gaza

On the first day of Operation Pillar of Defense, the IDF announced:

"The first aim of this operation is to bring back quiet to southern Israel, and the second target is to strike at terror organizations."

It has now been a full month since the last rocket or mortar has been shot from Gaza.

If this continues, as Challah Hu Akbar has researched, December will be the first calendar month since at least 2004 that has not seen a single rocket or mortar from Gaza. (I don't know if there had been any 30 day periods of calm within that time period, but there certainly have been none for at least six years.)

For all of Hamas' bragging about their victory, it appears that Israel achieved its stated major goal for the operation.

Israel and Hamas struck a cease-fire under the watch of Muslim-Brotherhood's Egypt. :)

Besides, read the agreement of stalemate/ceasefire. Not to mention the global PR disaster for tiny Jewish state...

If all of THIS is "Israeli victory" , then so be it.
...Not to mention the global PR disaster for tiny Jewish state. If all of THIS is "Israeli victory" , then so be it.


Making The Lie Die From Exposure

December 29, 2012: Israel is placing more cameras (either fixed or in vehicles or aircraft) in areas where its forces confront angry, or armed, Palestinians. This is to get a video of what actually happened in situations where Palestinians get killed and then accuse the Israelis of war crimes. Often Israeli troops are being ambushed or otherwise on the defensive. No matter, if Palestinians get hurt the Palestinians have learned that the media is willing to believe some outrageous lies and blame everything on the Israelis. All these videos, aggressively distributed by the Israelis, are becoming a real problem for Palestinian propagandists.

For over a decade Israel and the Palestinians have been fighting an Information War over who is doing the most damage to each other’s civilians. Both sides take a markedly different approach to how they deal with documenting and publicizing casualties. The Israelis photograph and record any available data on anyone killed in areas they control. In addition, the Israeli press (which includes pro and anti-government outlets) scrutinizes the deaths for possible headlines. So the Israeli count of who died, and whether or not they were fighters or unarmed civilians, is generally considered accurate. The Palestinians, on the other hand, severely restrict media access to combat areas they control. The Israelis do this as well but not as consistently and persistently as the Palestinians.

Palestinians also play with the numbers and have even been caught staging funerals using "corpses" that were actually live people pretending to be dead and representing fake fatalities. In at least one case an Israeli UAV camera caught one of these phony funerals in which the corpse fell off the stretcher, got up, and got back under the shroud. The video of this went viral and from that the Israelis realized that they had lots of similar video evidence of Palestinian efforts to deceive the media. So now the Israelis are turning that around with energetic searches for such video or photographic evidence of Palestinian deceptions, and then getting that rebuttal out there in a big way.

This has hurt the Palestinians in other ways. The Palestinians will claim as high a number of dead Palestinians that they think they can get away with. In cases where a third party was able to double check, the Palestinians were found to be exaggerating the number of their dead by five to ten times. Now, after years of having their deceptions revealed, the exaggeration is a lot less. That is considered preferable to being shamed by another exaggerated count being exposed as a lie.
Israel were desperate for a ceasefire. Just 24 hours before it was signed there was explosion on a bus in Tel Aviv yet the event was downplayed and Israel signed the ceasefire regardless. On any other occasion, a terrorist attack in the capital would warrant massive retaliation by Israel yet on this occasion they were silent.
Israel were desperate for a ceasefire. Just 24 hours before it was signed there was explosion on a bus in Tel Aviv yet the event was downplayed and Israel signed the ceasefire regardless. On any other occasion, a terrorist attack in the capital would warrant massive retaliation by Israel yet on this occasion they were silent.
Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, not Tel-Aviv. And the terrorist attack occurred after the ceasefire. The terrorist was shortly apprehended and is in jail waiting for his sentence.

See how much of a fool you make yourself out to be by me simply correcting everything you've just said?
Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, not Tel-Aviv. And the terrorist attack occurred after the ceasefire. The terrorist was shortly apprehended and is in jail waiting for his sentence.

See how much of a fool you make yourself out to be by me simply correcting everything you've just said?

if Arab leader don't be fool ... you will cry for having Tel Aviv ... but they are bunch of cowards ...
Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, not Tel-Aviv. And the terrorist attack occurred after the ceasefire. The terrorist was shortly apprehended and is in jail waiting for his sentence.

Two points:

i) Only Israel regards Jerusalem as its capital. The international community does not regard Jerusalem as its capital.

ii) The blast in Tel Aviv happened at around 1000 (GMT) on the 21 November while the ceasefire talks were happening. The ceasefire came into effect at 1900 (GMT) on the 21 November.

See how much of a fool you make yourself out to be by me simply correcting everything you've just said?

The irony in that statement is really quite something.
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