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Feb 3, 2016
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I had a dream some times ago which led me into believing that a humanist cum nationalist is replacing a sole nationalist inside me every passing moment so I must consider it a Nobel duty to leave no stone unturned to help out the fellow human beings in their time of distress.

Lately there's been anger and rage brewing on our esteem side and considering the fact that the high caste cadre which calls the shot couldn't do nothing to cool it down. So, there's an apprehension that it could be vent out on the minorities like ALWAYS - - - - - - -

It has also frequently been noticed that Indian media guys have made it a habit to visit the ghettos, talk shows or wherever they could trace a Muslim to distribute certificates of patriotism by making them minorities, specifically Muslims, chant "down" with PAKISTAN and raising of a shit storm in the absence of the required act . Moreover in many incidents the video footage in case of non compliance could lead a disgruntled mob to your locality - - - - - - - - -.

may be the situation is no different in the Eastern states of India bordering China with a lil change in the media mantra of Down with, replacing Pak with China.

I wonder what could be the reason behind such national bigotry? Trp ratings? Mob mentality? Extreme Inferiority complex?

As the saying goes desperate times call for desperate measure so, have to come up with something ingenious to atleast delay or lessen the severity of the upcoming onslaught - - - - -

My advice to indian Muslims would be that whenever some creepy guy with a mic and camera approaches you in a public place like restaurant, universities, offices, while losing an argument in a media debate or, get stopped at some bharti press checkpost - - - - - - - - just don't panic at all, muster up all your energies and shout at the top of your lungs


Trust you me this technique could work wonders. That weirdo mic guy draws all the attention and you get to be on your way without much drama and humiliation - - - - - - - - - as Ex chief minster of Indian occupied Kashmir Farooq Abdullah successfully saved himself the hassle deploying this technique and left the overexcited news correspondent in a catch 22 situation.

@Tps43 @Signalian @fitpOsitive @Dawood Ibrahim @Path-Finder @Max @313ghazi @Hakikat ve Hikmet @I.R.A @pakistanipower @PakSword @The Sandman @Areesh @BHarwana @Chakar The Great

I had a dream some times ago which led me into believing that a humanist cum nationalist is replacing a sole nationalist inside me every passing moment so I must consider it a Nobel duty to leave no stone unturned to help out the fellow human beings in their time of distress.

Lately there's been anger and rage brewing on our esteem side and considering the fact that the high caste cadre which calls the shot couldn't do nothing to cool it down. So, there's an apprehension that it could be vent out on the minorities like ALWAYS - - - - - - -

It has also frequently been noticed that Indian media guys have made it a habit to visit the ghettos, talk shows or wherever they could trace a Muslim to distribute certificates of patriotism by making them minorities, specifically Muslims, chant "down" with PAKISTAN and raising of a shit storm in the absence of the required act . Moreover in many incidents the video footage in case of non compliance could lead a disgruntled mob to your locality - - - - - - - - -.

may be the situation is no different in the Eastern states of India bordering China with a lil change in the media mantra of Down with, replacing Pak with China.

I wonder what could be the reason behind such national bigotry? Trp ratings? Mob mentality? Extreme Inferiority complex?

As the saying goes desperate times call for desperate measure so, have to come up with something ingenious to atleast delay or lessen the severity of the upcoming onslaught - - - - -

My advice to indian Muslims would be that whenever some creepy guy with a mic and camera approaches you in a public place like restaurant, universities, offices, while losing an argument in a media debate or, get stopped at some bharti press checkpost - - - - - - - - just don't panic at all, muster up all your energies and shout at the top of your lungs


Trust you me this technique could work wonders. That weirdo mic guy draws all the attention and you get to be on your way without much drama and humiliation - - - - - - - - - as Ex chief minster of Indian occupied Kashmir Farooq Abdullah successfully saved himself the hassle deploying this technique and left the overexcited news correspondent in a catch 22 situation.

@Tps43 @Signalian @fitpOsitive @Dawood Ibrahim @Path-Finder @Max @313ghazi @Hakikat ve Hikmet @I.R.A @pakistanipower @PakSword @The Sandman @Areesh @BHarwana @Chakar The Great

You have to understand the limitations of Minorities in India. Even hindus are afraid of this new wave of hinduvata terror. I dont expect anything from minorities who are second or third class citizens of India, being treated worse than Cows and Monkeys. Situation for women is no different either.

They have to shout slogans against Pakistan to prove that they are patriotic, unlike Pakistan where patriotism is something that comes naturally to every one. I dont blame them either these minorities have children and homes and business and families, if by abusing Pakistan, they feel protected I dont mind.
You have to understand the limitations of Minorities in India. Even hindus are afraid of this new wave of hinduvata terror. I dont expect anything from minorities who are second or third class citizens of India, being treated worse than Cows and Monkeys. Situation for women is no different either.

They have to shout slogans against Pakistan to prove that they are patriotic, unlike Pakistan where patriotism is something that comes naturally to every one. I dont blame them either these minorities have children and homes and business and families, if by abusing Pakistan, they feel protected I dont mind.

Point well taken and this is the reason Iam in favour of preemptive mud slinging. Before the other party blames you of being an agent take the lead and turn the table over.
I wonder what could be the reason behind such national bigotry? Trp ratings? Mob mentality? Extreme Inferiority complex?

There are multiple reasons,

starting with media: for them its money only, they don't mind if they can earn it by selling anything even blind hatred, no code to follow, no ethics to adopt. Sadly indian media appears to be one incompetent, irresponsible, insensitive, irrational, careless cesspool. They have some very good journalists, but their media is a CBF (chay banany ki factory), lie manufacturing industry.

Politicians : It appears that they have only one manjan to sell to their people when it comes to Pakistan .... and that manjan is always spewing hatred and negative image of Pakistan, unlike our politicians (most of them) you won't hear them saying "we can have talks with Pakistan". They further the already existing ignorance for Pakistan and Pakistanis in indian society, they appear to have very little opposition against and logic behind their rhetoric against Pakistan. And all this when they know the truth ...... they know all their promised of false bravado holds no ground, they cannot directly harm Pakistan as they do in their bollywood movies.

indian society: Well. Most of it is a mob. There are huge gaps within this society ..... involving caste, race, living standards and money. They are easily fooled, emotionally blackmailed and used. They don't question, you know one problem with submissive people ..... such people will always take out their frustration and bully other weaker people. Plus most of them have zero idea of what war actually means.

I had a dream some times ago which led me into believing that a humanist cum nationalist is replacing a sole nationalist inside me every passing moment so I must consider it a Nobel duty to leave no stone unturned to help out the fellow human beings in their time of distress.

Lately there's been anger and rage brewing on our esteem side and considering the fact that the high caste cadre which calls the shot couldn't do nothing to cool it down. So, there's an apprehension that it could be vent out on the minorities like ALWAYS - - - - - - -

It has also frequently been noticed that Indian media guys have made it a habit to visit the ghettos, talk shows or wherever they could trace a Muslim to distribute certificates of patriotism by making them minorities, specifically Muslims, chant "down" with PAKISTAN and raising of a shit storm in the absence of the required act . Moreover in many incidents the video footage in case of non compliance could lead a disgruntled mob to your locality - - - - - - - - -.

may be the situation is no different in the Eastern states of India bordering China with a lil change in the media mantra of Down with, replacing Pak with China.

I wonder what could be the reason behind such national bigotry? Trp ratings? Mob mentality? Extreme Inferiority complex?

As the saying goes desperate times call for desperate measure so, have to come up with something ingenious to atleast delay or lessen the severity of the upcoming onslaught - - - - -

My advice to indian Muslims would be that whenever some creepy guy with a mic and camera approaches you in a public place like restaurant, universities, offices, while losing an argument in a media debate or, get stopped at some bharti press checkpost - - - - - - - - just don't panic at all, muster up all your energies and shout at the top of your lungs


Trust you me this technique could work wonders. That weirdo mic guy draws all the attention and you get to be on your way without much drama and humiliation - - - - - - - - - as Ex chief minster of Indian occupied Kashmir Farooq Abdullah successfully saved himself the hassle deploying this technique and left the overexcited news correspondent in a catch 22 situation.

@Tps43 @Signalian @fitpOsitive @Dawood Ibrahim @Path-Finder @Max @313ghazi @Hakikat ve Hikmet @I.R.A @pakistanipower @PakSword @The Sandman @Areesh @BHarwana @Chakar The Great
@Mentee Your Reply :
Its a 2 Minute Video Part ( from 50 Minutes show ) Hosted BY PAK, IN PAK.
@Mentee Your Reply :
Its a 2 Minute Video Part ( from 50 Minutes show ) Hosted BY PAK, IN PAK.

These Indian guys qualify to be haves - - - - we can also arrange a panel of three Israelis to advocate our good side.

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