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A Female Student Denied Admission Due To Face Veil In GC University Lahore.

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What about the other 78% who voted against the Burka?
they didnt vote against Burka,
53% voted for Hijab, while the remainder voted for either dupatta, or nothing at all
@Desert Fox: A little exercise for your primitive mind..... (others can participate too!)

Identify images that offend you the most (you find indecent) ....... in descending order....... then I can give you an approximate mental profile...

A. Woman in red dress


B. Woman in black dress


C. Woman in Hijab and dress smoking hukka


D: A Pakistani woman in Kurta and tights


E: A woman in hijab and jeans:


F: Woman in veil


F: Special version of Burka / Veil - courtesy Sultan Abdul Wahab.


G: Fully loaded veiled terrorists?

First of all, there is only one 'F' in the Latin alphabet not two. Secondly, the last picture (H), are actually male terrorists afraid of getting caught by the police.

Anyways B, D, and E I like,...C smells like tobacco so that's a definite no, F no, G possibly same as H so no. A is a special case it depends on whether or not she's in my bedroom....:azn:... if not mildly offensive, especially since you can see through it.
they didnt vote against Burka,
53% voted for Hijab, while the remainder voted for either dupatta, or nothing at all
So the Burka supporters were indeed in minority, though 32 percent is still a considerably large number (i thought it'd be lower).
So the Burka supporters were indeed in minority, though 32 percent is still a considerably large number (i thought it'd be lower).
it is surprisingly huge
refer to 22 July 2014 Capital Talk for more information
Good. A criteria needs to be set of what is required to join the educated class.

An eye sore like a face veil has no place in civilized society.
By asking all of these intellectually challenging questions, your putting too much pressure on these poor kids pea brains, it might blow up! :D
Unfortunately, it seems people like that have the support of the Moderators and can get away with everything, even when they blatantly break forum rules. Indeed, this forum is a reflection of Pakistani society, as they say "its not about what you know, its about who you know".

I'm accused of "baiting" when in fact Hyperion personally attacked me and started using name calling in his VERY FIRST reply to my post. Our moderator seems to have overlooked that detail it seems intentionally. And now i'm being threatened with a ban. Sure, go ahead, ban me. I could care less about such a pathetic forum, its got nothing of value anyway when we have people like Hyperion and his family members running this forum who let him troll and spew all the garbage he wants as he pleases.
A is a special case it depends on whether or not she's in my bedroom....:azn:... if not mildly offensive, especially since you can see through it.

(a) needs to eat more.

Why india was brought in coz I have only heard this kind of shit from india and SOME Pakistanis.....

well, there is our other indian friend, mj ( mujhaidind ). ;)

You guys try to be more gora than the gora...

not really... some south asians try to be more saudi than the saudis.
A Arab Nationalist? Didn't you oppose Nationalism?

On topic: As someone who believes in freedom of choice and freedom of association i believe the girl was within her right to refuse taking off her veil in front of MALE interviewers. Living in Pakistan, the interviewing board should have known that people of all walks of life and religious beliefs will enter the university and thus should have prepared accordingly by having female interviewers (Their lack of shows the sexist/patriarchal nature of the school administration board).

Patriarchy is the normal state of humanity though. :) I agree with everything but your last sentence.
well, there is our other indian friend, mj ( mujhaidind ). ;)
well the very fact that indians are commenting on this is showing their obsession...dont you guys have anything happening in india needing your time?
Good. A criteria needs to be set of what is required to join the educated class.

An eye sore like a face veil has no place in civilized society.

Just because it is an eye sore does not mean it should have no place, in a truly civilized society what one wears should not matter at all whether they wear to many clothing or too little.
Just because it is an eye sore does not mean it should have no place, in a truly civilized society what one wears should not matter at all whether they wear to many clothing or too little.

To be able to speak to someone face to face is minimum of what is required in a "civilized" society.
well the very fact that indians are commenting on this is showing their obsession...dont you guys have anything happening in india needing your time?

in a globalized world everyone has the right to opine, especially me the muslim socialist. :agree:

their nationality shouldn't decide their correctness.
Just because it is an eye sore does not mean it should have no place, in a truly civilized society what one wears should not matter at all whether they wear to many clothing or too little.
Because we had a similar news just couple of weeks back where SC banned veils to be worn during exams, and people from Pakistan lost their mind and started the usual oppression of Muslims talk.
That's not the point here.
Veil is her right.
Don't try to start a stupid debate on whether veil is compulsory or not.


Veil is her right in her personal space----. An interviewer has the right to see the person being interviewed.

The face tells a thousand truths----. Plus---she faced a hurdle----she did not show any abilitity to find a way to cross it---but rather started butting head with the hurdle and that is a no no in an interview---.
in a globalized world everyone has the right to opine, especially me the muslim socialist. :agree:

their nationality shouldn't decide their correctness.
Well the lady has the right to her opinion of how she wants to bring herself, or only you have that right to dictate her your views from across the border?
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