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A Decade of massive healthcare reform


Feb 21, 2013
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As we inch towards the end of United Progressive Alliance's (UPA's) second term, it is important to look back and reflect on what was accomplished and what is still to be achieved. If health indicators are any yardstick, then the UPA's thrust on social healthcare has led to improved health of citizens and set the stage for future reforms.

In 2004, when UPA came to power, expenditure on public health was around Rs 7,500 crore. This has now almost quadrupled to Rs 27,000 crore. In the b ..

Read more at:
The UPA regime: A Decade of massive healthcare reform - The Economic Times
All the schemes mentioned in the above articles could have happened regardless of which gov. was in power. I don't get what the author is trying to say, does he mean that if UPA was not ruling then India's life expectancy could have gone down or India could not be polio free. then he is just delusional. I dont care which gov. is ruling but unless an until these reforms are seen at the PHC level then all of this means zilch.

OK.. I get it now. Just goggled the author and the first link that came up was
ANURODH LALIT JAIN – Hamara Congress
@fsayed bhai...post wat ever u want abt congress....but plz leave health care... its not a joke...atleast u wouldnt think when u see people dying due to lack of health care infra...
iam not a supporter of any political party here... neither has done any good...
dont make plight of people ur PR!
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@fsayed bhai...post wat ever u want abt congress....but plz leave health care... its not a joke...atleast u wouldnt think when u see people dying due to lack of health care infra...
iam not a supporter of any political party here... neither has done any good...
dont make plight of people ur PR!
Exactly, the author just wrote the article to promote congress. As it is in India, the schemes are formulated by committees headed by bureaucrats, not politician, they just come afterwards for the inauguration. And he just added polio and life expectancy to increase the word count.

I'm mad cause he totally undermined the effort put forth by WHO, doctors and volunteers to achieve these goals, while the gov. did nothing on the infrastructure front. Just one has to take a look at any PHC to prove this.
Come on man if you can propagate modi this guy can the congress:)

I only start a thread on whats in NEWS, not some advertisements, I don't propogate modi, but what can i do if the surveys are in his favor? I have never started a thread on how BJP did well than Congress.....blah...blah....
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