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A Country which was created for a purpose .


Sep 18, 2013
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A country , not just a country or bunch of peoples of different cultures , a piece of land that united many cultural ethnicity together under one banner ...A country that was created on a strong ideology with a purpose which no one can even think of ...A country that came in being after all odds .. A country that appear on this world on 27 shab of Ramadan , if i say that this day is one of the most holiest day in Islamic calendar........

Dawn of 14 August 1947 ... it was not just the birth day of Pakistan but a land which was taken after giving millions of human Sacrifices .. A country that face undeniable hard time from its birth , sometimes war with the enemy 10 times bigger , or sometimes the world think tanks predicting that this country will not last long ...

Sometimes we stand for Kashmir and sometimes we stand to protect the house of Allah ....above all we even come face to face with a world super power , and with help of allies we defeat them.... A Country that not just survive with every difficult scenarios, Wars , Proxies ....We survive ..

A Country that take a stand against War on Terror to fight a Global war , and faced the highest level of critics from All the countries but we Survive.... A country who's survival was a big Question Mark for world think tank , Today become the 7th largest Nuclear Power . and the First Islamic Country to put his claws of Atomic bombs .

Pakistan , A country which is always under " Saaye khuaday Zuljalal " , can ever be destroyed ? A nation that is ready to die for his country , can ever be wiped out from this world map? A country that born on the most holiest day of Islamic Calender means nothing ? A country keep not just surviving but fighting his way back to counter threats from all side ? As a nation we might be divided or we just look divided , but under the Flag of Pakistan we are one ..... we might have many fights amongst us , ( brothers fights ) but when it comes to anyone comes from outside and try to mess with us , so lets just say we know how to tackle and show them their place ...

We are not just some people ..... We are a nation who rise from the dust .. we are not iraq , Syria , Libya or etc.... We are Pakistan .. we know how to defend our country ,,If some bunch of idiots think that by funding some terrorists and creating havoc in our country will make us weak ? they should stop day dreaming .... we might be sleeping but our Army is always Awake ....Pakistan army not only fight with weapons , but with a faith which is far more superior to any weapon in this world ....The man behind machine can turn the tables around anytime ... A gun can give you Fire Power but the courage to fight comes from heart ... which is full with Faith and imaan of that Life and Death is only in the hands of Allah ...

For those who think you can implement your fake ideology on us , behead our soldiers and kill our peoples and think you make us weak ? they can just go Fcuk themselves ...you are only save until you are under your women's and children shields ...its just matter of time that we will crush you and your masters, and put a full stop to the madness you started in our country .... for those countries who try to think that they might win this war ? you start this ...but we will end it ...history will judge you and us ...and world will see ...

To my fellow Pakistani peoples , we should have fear about our country ..but we should never loose hope ...from those guys who wear the uniform ..patrolling the borders ..they are always there to protect us ... this country was not made to be destroyed one day ... this country was made for some reason and that reason is far more bigger than we could ever imagine ...

I want to share a very interesting thing with you guys here , i dont have army family background .. but there was one family friend of us who is in the Army ... and one time i ask him that our country is attack by terrorist and all this war are making us weaker , and if things will go like this for longer , our country will break into pieces , and i feel very proud when i hear his answer .. he said " nothing will happen to Pakistan , until the last soldier of Pakistan army is there , we will never be defeated or destroyed by anyone "

Pakistan Zindabad ... May Allah Protect our country from all external and internal threats. and accept the scarifies es of those who die protecting this land :pakistan:......Live with dignity and Die with Honor ....
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To please Allah implement the Sharia. To be protected from his wrath rule by the Sharia of his Prophet. Become a actual Islamic state.
To please Allah implement the Sharia. To be protected from his wrath rule by the Sharia of his Prophet. Become a actual Islamic state.

Criminal Shariah law is fraudulent, deceitful---it does not protect the citizens of the state---. People with money & power can easily manipulate this arab tribal custom---.

The criminal persecution of this law is worthless in a nation state---. It is a MUK MUKaO law---" let's make a deal "
A self praising and feel good piece, but good luck with the future. Hope to see a stable and peaceful Pakistan :tup:
A Emir as a ruler who is elected by the scholars and and islamically knowledgeable.
The rest is well known.
have you seen our scholars...where the hell in shariah does it say rape requires 4 witness which our stupid so called 3rd class scholars ask for?!

You should be bold enough to take such risks for the cause. :agree:
I don't know it's hard brother. Does Indian airlines fly to Turkey. I can slip in from there.
Turkish airlines had Kobe Bryan on the ad which was upsetting as a Michael Jordan fan.

have you seen our scholars...where the hell in shariah does it say rape requires 4 witness which our stupid so called 3rd class scholars ask for?!
Exactly the system is corrupt from head to shoulders. They are told by lefties to make Sharia look unattractive as possible. But one event is all that is needed. I personally will come to Pakistan and make Dawah and show as many people as possible the light of Sharia. Inshallah
I don't know it's hard brother. Does Indian airlines fly to Turkey. I can slip in from there.
Turkish airlines had Kobe Bryan on the ad which was upsetting as a Michael Jordan fan.

Sadly, Air India doesn't fly to Turkey. How about you simply come down to India and join Lal Topi's noble cause of Ghazwa-e-Hind?:D
Exactly the system is corrupt from head to shoulders. They are told by lefties to make Sharia look unattractive as possible. But one event is all that is needed. I personally will come to Pakistan and make Dawah and show as many people as possible the light of Sharia. Inshallah

Good luck with that...we have too many jahils who are literally under the spell of:

Surah 2 verse 170:

When it is said to them: "Follow what Allah hath revealed:" They say: "Nay! we shall follow the ways of our fathers." What! even though their fathers Were void of wisdom and guidance?

Surah 11 verse 87: Yusuf Ali: They said: "O Shu'aib! Does thy (religion of) prayer command thee that we leave off the worship which our fathers practised, or that we leave off doing what we like with our property? truly, thou art the one that forbeareth with faults and is right-minded!"

This is true in each field from politics (will only vote the same party whom their grandparents voted for)..when it comes to choosing an imam...the guy whose father was imam (son must be just as pious so lets choose that drunkard based on lineage!), same goes even for our political parties: Bhutto - Benazir, Billo .... and so on!

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