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A complete encirclement Of Pakistan? by the Indo-Afghan alliance??

Circle is even better.
we can fire in every direction without a concern then. :D :D :D
A complete encirclement?
By Imtiaz Gul
Published: May 3, 2016

Pakistan’s encirclement by the Indo-Afghan alliance is nearly complete. The Afghan Army Chief General Qadam Shah Shaheem said on April 30 that if other options don’t yield any positive results in bringing Pakistani incursions to a halt, the Afghan Army would step in as a last resort in responding to military aggression along the Durand Line. The Indian foreign secretary told Pakistan that it “cannot be in denial of the impact of terrorism on the bilateral relationship”, essentially reiterating that terror and talks cannot go hand in hand. Quietly, New Delhi remains focused on entrenching itself at the Iranian Chabahar port to gain access to Afghanistan and Central Asian energy markets, as well as connecting with the Middle East and Europe. With Afghan transit trade down, traffic through Chabahar is likely to make Pakistan even more irrelevant for Afghan imports. India has also successfully cultivated the ruling elite in both Afghanistan and the land-locked Central Asian states, thereby trumping the natural geographical importance and relevance that Pakistan has for these countries.

India-Afghanistan trade through Pakistan

We in Pakistan believe to have successfully thwarted Indo-Afghan-American conspiracies against us. But empirical evidence — Pakistan’s image abroad and its continued isolation on issues related to terrorism — suggests that this ‘success’ continues to bleed Pakistan socially, politically and economically. Tactically, we have been successful — but at what cost? Beyond doubt, neither the US nor India can bend a nuclear-armed Pakistan. Both tried, but failed to dictate. Punish they can, nevertheless; and continue to do so, both directly and indirectly. Through its strategic investment and a whole-of-government approach towards Afghanistan, India has created a hornet’s nest for Pakistan. Those who are relevant in Afghanistan — from members of parliament, to President Ghani, to Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah, to former president Karzai and the civil-military establishment — are all blowing hot and cold on Pakistan as the supporter of “all those animals killing innocent Afghans”, a perception that resonates with common Afghans and is gaining currency by the day.
The way the Quadrilateral Contact Group has come to a halt on the heels of the deadly bombing in Kabul clearly illustrates that Pakistan has lost on the strategic front. It is fighting a modern war of perception-management with a Cold War-era tactical mindset blunted by an outdated bureaucratic implementation regime towards the war-battered country. The country cannot complete critical investments — a nuclear medicine hospital in Kabul or crucial road links — in nearly 10 years. The bureaucracy in Islamabad miserably fails in addressing Afghan importers’ grievances related to the transit trade.

Afghanistan losing interest in trade links with Pakistan

Many Pakistanis love to point to the US, India and other countries, despite the fact that Pakistan itself has relied on non-state actors in the last three decades to achieve geo-political objectives. From South America to the Middle East to Africa, we have seen support for such entities. Recently, President Obama expressed his determination to continue funding the training of anti-Assad Syrian non-state actors. This is considered to be fine as long as the US government and Congress consider it to be in the American interest. Most Pakistanis overlook the obvious difference here — a superpower, with all its might, or a burgeoning economy like that of India, can get away with such ventures. A struggling and marginalised economy — beset with endemic governance, political polarisation and a dearth of strategic vision — cannot.
Are our ruling elites thinking in the strategic way leaders in other countries think? We may be very good in tactical approaches. It has helped the country stay afloat, but is that enough for long-term peace, economic development and regional connectivity? Can the country afford policies that have drawn it into a prolonged state of conflict with both its major neighbours? The third neighbour — Iran — looks on as we hang on to the Cold War security matrix. Shouldn’t India’s growing economic proximity to Iran as well as to Saudi Arabia serve as a wake-up call to us all? That is real encirclement. Can an apologetic policy towards the Afghan Taliban really help the country end its global isolation and put it on the path to development?

Published in The Express Tribune, May 4th, 2016.
nothing is going to happen dude. Dont get a panic attack. These two will still need Pakistan to trade and imports from CARS. That Chahbahar isnt suitable and is way way too costly for indians. The most cheapest route for them is only through Pakistan. Same for Afghanistan. Let these guys first start trading and fully utilizing Chahbahar port:lol:
U will see it yourself.

There is a reason why Chinese themselves dumped the ideas of north south corridor and Route 606 (Chahbahar corridor) in favor of CPEC, even though they were the first ones to propose it and brought these two routes into the attention of iran, russia india etc as alternative to the security situation in balochistan. Thats why u see Russia n CARS r now more interested in CPEC then in North South Corridor or Route 606.:rofl:

But what Gen Raheel Sharif and IG FC Balochistan Sher Afgan did in the peace of balochistan has brought Chinese trust back on Pakistan.

We cant thank Allah enough.

[QUOTE="third eye, post: 8284874, member: 10858"]India has always torn a page out of the Pak book of dirty tricks. Unfortunately for Pakistan, India has done a better job of it in most cases.

Maybe parts of what you have written are correct , I dont want to get int a who started it first dialogue.

However, its worth evaluating where & how is it helping ? A serious change in direction is needed obviously respecting the nations self respect . If not then the nation will at best ' remain afloat'.[/QUOTE]
correction. Pakistan torn page from Indian book of dirty tricks. Remember Mukti Bani terrorists?
We can't and should not fight with Iran and Afghanistan,eastern border no probs.
The problem is that India uses the Afghan soil to destabilize Pakistan. It is an established fact that Indian consulates have become terror outfits where suicide attackers are trained to harm Pakistan. Let's not pretend otherwise because there is overwhelming proof to back this up. In fact, many top Indian officials in various capacities have acknowledged this on numerous occasions. Terror is a much preferred tool by India. To top it all, it is happening right under the nose of an occupying force, namely the US.

You cannot expect peace and trade at the expense of harming Pakistan. You seek to use Pakistani territory for engagement with Afghanistan and Central Asia, yet you also indulge in harming Pakistan by use of terror. These things don't go hand in hand. India and the US are going to have to make a choice. They either seek peace with all the actors involved and treat every country on a level playing field. Otherwise, the outcome is right before you. This is a frank assessment.

Sometimes it make sense to think before someone pens their frustrations. If India wanted to destabilise Pakistan why would they choose Afghanistan. We are guests there and if we are caught doing anything which warrants international scrutiny then we would lose all that good will that we have built in Afghanistan judiciously. Not to mention all the resources we have poured in rebuilding that country.
The example you are quoting is relatively recent.

We are looking at sending in soldiers in 65 ( Op Gibraltar) & J&K 47-48.
Op Gibraltar if ever happened or war yes the actual war of 1947 which was fought by my both grand dads both native Azad Kashmiris hasnt got anything to do with yr cross border Bengali terrorism. There is a reason why LOC is not called international border.

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