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A Community no one cares about

third eye

Aug 24, 2008
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A community no one cares about – The Express Tribune

Another case of digging up the corpse of an Ahmadi near Jaranwala in Faisalabad, Punjab, reminds us that Pakistan is still quite backward in its observance of the multilateral treaties it has signed for the protection of genuine and — in the Ahmadi case — ‘manufactured’ minorities. Extremists of Jaranwala are threatening with what has been done repeatedly in many other places: disinterment of a corpse from a Muslim graveyard and its defilement.

The Ahmadi community claimed that there was an old custom in the area of burying the dead of all communities in one graveyard. An elderly Ahmadi man, who died last May was buried as per the routine with the consent of all villagers. However, the Muslim clergy got wind of it and put up a protest that has developed into a full-blown campaign to persecute the Ahmadis who are receiving death threats. They fear that these threats are a prelude to something more horrible than just digging up an Ahmadi from his grave. One telltale sign of the coming massacre is that the clerics are from out of town.

The police, of course, resolved the matter in no time. SP Jaranwala, not too devoted to the virtue of impartiality, says: “It has been made clear to the Ahmadi community that they will not bury their community members in a graveyard, which is also a Muslim graveyard”. His reassurances have brought no solace to the stricken minority: two years ago, while praying in Lahore, Ahmadis were attacked by armed men with suicide vests and grenades. The killers felled a number of them at leisure without fear of interruption. CCTV footage showed the policemen on security duty fleeing the scene. Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif, otherwise fond of mixing with people, carefully kept away from the scene of carnage.

In June 2011, pamphlets were distributed in Faisalabad calling on Muslims to kill Ahmadis, audaciously displaying names and addresses of 50 prominent Ahmadis who were to be eliminated. The incendiary pamphlets were signed by the student wing of the Khatm-e-Nabuwwat Federation, boldly listing their website and phone numbers. Inevitably, six Ahmadis were shot dead. On average, 25 Ahmadis are killed by fanatics every year, who think Pakistan has to be purged of their presence.

This where the rub is. As a community, they deserve to be looked after by the state and secured against discrimination and physical assault. Pakistan, never famous for protecting its non-Muslims, experienced a lucid moment in 2006 when it abolished the separate electorates. Initiating joint electorates and thus equalising all citizens as ordained in the Constitution, the state ordered the election commission to prepare a common voters’ list based on Pakistani citizenship and not on the basis of religion and creed. Overjoyed, the Ahmadis tried to get themselves enrolled as voters but in many cases were prevented from doing so by elements motivated by religious prejudice. Instead of coming to their help, the government turned against them. It went back on its decision and transferred the names of the Ahmadis from the common list to another list meant only for them. In other words, the state of Pakistan indulged in its favourite pastime of exclusion.

Now Pakistan is in a ridiculous situation in which there is a common list of voters, which contains the names of all the Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, Parsis, Christians and Buddhists voters; and a strange second list, termed as non-Muslim, comprising only Ahmadis. No Pakistani has the right to say that Pakistan has corrected itself and returned to the joint electorates of the original 1973 Constitution. True and non-fanatic Pakistanis feel the sting of conscience over the way this community has been treated. Other communities may also be persecuted in the coming days, but nothing will surpass the horror of the way the Ahmadis are treated.

This is ethnic cleansing that recalls the pogroms of Hitler’s Germany. The Ahmadis are the lambs silently going to their slaughter. They don’t resist — they have even stopped protesting — because theirs is a cause that moves no one.

Published in The Express Tribune, June 18th, 2012.
a common list of voters, which contains the names of all the Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, Parsis, Christians and Buddhists voters; and a strange second list, termed as non-Muslim, comprising only Ahmadis.

yup correct! AHMADIS are non muslims. sikhs,parsis,christians & buddhists never claim to be muslims hence they are respected for what they claim to be! Ahamdis are Pakistanis YES but NOT MUSLIMS!

I don't know what the issue is here?
Ahmaddiya are mushirks same as BOHRI community and ismaili muslims who follow kinda GURUISM in Islam ... which is a shirk ..
Ahmaddiya are mushirks same as BOHRI community and ismaili muslims who follow kinda GURUISM in Islam ... which is a shirk ..
Forget their muslim status, why a separate list, they could have included them in same list, with designation as 'ahmedi'.
Anyway that is not the main point of the article.
Wrong section budy,its crime not politics!
You are , allways seen puting feul on fire,its not the issue in concern, in pakistani politics?
I can put a dam thread every thn & now, genrl peoples(muslims) getting killed every day on the streets, of our bigger cities.
But it doesn't look good here.
Wrong section budy,its crime not politics!
You are , allways seen puting feul on fire,its not the issue in concern, in pakistani politics?
I can put a dam thread every thn & now, genrl peoples(muslims) getting killed every day on the streets, of our bigger cities.
But it doesn't look good here.
There is a difference between general muslim getting killed and ahmedis being targetted.
Imagine there is a sustained hate campagn against south asians, and some south asians die in regular interval.
How does it matter if white people die too.
Ahmaddiya are mushirks same as BOHRI community and ismaili muslims who follow kinda GURUISM in Islam ... which is a shirk ..

Bohri and Ismaili Muslims know Muhammad PBUH is last prophet.. Thats why they are Muslim, Ahmedis are not
Another case of digging up the corpse of an Ahmadi near Jaranwala in Faisalabad, Punjab, reminds us that Pakistan is still quite backward in its observance of the multilateral treaties it has signed for the protection of genuine and — in the Ahmadi case — ‘manufactured’ minorities. Extremists of Jaranwala are threatening with what has been done repeatedly in many other places: disinterment of a corpse from a Muslim graveyard and its defilement.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/nation...mmunity-no-one-cares-about.html#ixzz1yADGatiy

Let me refute this.

Ahmedi knew very well what their status is.
Ahmedi knew very well that they are not allowed to put anyone in muslims graveyard.

Then why did they do it in the first place ?

As per the Ahmedi religion, they prefer being laid to rest in Rabwah, a town in central punjab ... so ....

WHY did they do it in the first place ... just to ignite the local majority ?

now since a Hindu-stani opened this thread ...
Many of you claim beef is fair food in most of India, agreed ...
but would it make sense to cut one in front of a mandir even if Cow was legal ?
People that dig up corpses in Pakistan are the people that do black magic.
indian specially HINDUS will not understand the QADYANI issue hence no point explaining it to them. truly they don't care they just wish to fuel fire
Nobody need to understand theology to say they are humans and they should get same rights. They same way muslims, christians, sikhs should have. Even rapists, murderers and terrorists have human rights.
We are not discussing whether they are muslims or not, but whether they have right to live just because they have different (or even wrong) view.
What do Indians want us to do? Pass some laws say we are secular then continue abusing minorities like they do??

Nobody need to understand theology to say they are humans and they should get same rights. They same way muslims, christians, sikhs should have. Even rapists, murderers and terrorists have human rights.
We are not discussing whether they are muslims or not, but whether they have right to live just because they have different (or even wrong) view.

At least we do not call Ahmedis untouchable
What do Indians want us to do? Pass some laws say we are secular then continue abusing minorities like they do??

At least we do not call Ahmedis untouchable
No, instruct your law agencies to implement the law and be fair to everybody. The worst thing is I have never seen any muslim condemning the atrocities on them (compared to say shia or sunni targetted violence)
No, instruct your law agencies to implement the law and be fair to everybody. The worst thing is I have never seen any muslim condemning the atrocities on them (compared to say shia or sunni targetted violence)

the law is clear and is being implemented. You take care of your own minorities. We do not need Indians telling us about looking after minorities. remember Gujrat?? 3000 being killed??
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