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A Clever New Ad From India Shows Just How Stupid Men Look When They Creep On Unsuspecting Women

:lol: considering the normal meetup between totally stranger happen in similar ways. There is no clear boundary between wrong and right, means it all depends upon context. For example consider scenario in the ad where guy in buss was looking at girl. Now what if she smiles back ? In this case from her perspective she didn't mind that all but according to ad creator guy is pure evil and should be ashamed of it.

boys will be boys....
o teriiii :man_in_love:
download (2).jpg
this is all bullshit ! if men don't look at women they will literally start to cry.
If anybody don't agree with me just stand beside a charming beautiful lady and do not look at her but start reading smthg, or don't say a word to women(working in your office) who looks stunning that day. you will feel she has just start acting weird, to get attention.
Though this cannot be same for all, but for majority this is true...:lol::lol:
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this is all bullshit ! if men don't look at women they will literally start to cry.
If anybody don't agree with me just stand beside a charming beautiful lady and do not look at her but start reading smthg, or don't say a word to women(working in your office) who looks stunning that day. you will feel she will just start acting weird, to get attention.
Though this cannot be same for all, but for majority this is true...:lol::lol:
That is totally true, they like to be seen in stunning dress and makeup and be complimented, you ignore such things mind your business, they think whats wrong with this guy why is he not looking at me. this drives them mad, especially the queen bee ones who have big ego's that they beautiful and everyone is running after her.Ignore makes them seethe with rage.:D
That is totally true, they like to be seen in stunning dress and makeup and be complimented, you ignore such things mind your business, they think whats wrong with this guy why is he not looking at me. this drives them mad, especially the queen bee ones who have big ego's that they beautiful and everyone is running after her.Ignore makes them seethe with rage.:D
ha ha ...
I second that..:lol::lol::lol:
I honestly don't understand what people get from gawking :undecided:
BTW what about the provocative dressing by Women :undecided: By nature men are programmed to look at opposite gender :p: If all men stop looking at females will it make all women happy, considering by nature women like to be admired by men? On one hand you want men to don't stare at you but you don't respect your own dress code, it doesn't sounds fair!

There is a difference between Looking and Drooling.
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