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A civil-nuclear deal for Pakistan?

Why you Indians poke nose into matters not concerned to you???

It seems there is growing realization in the United States about the need to establish a civil nuclear cooperation deal with Pakistan. In a recent column for the Washington Post, David Ignatius clearly communicated the White House’s leak about the possibility of a deal. According to Ignatius, the US might make the proposal to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif during his visit to Washington DC later this month.

This is a very important development, if true. Because a cooperation agreement will mean that Pakistan will be allowed to import nuclear fuel, components, and even reactors from the US. Its scientists will also be allowed to engage American scientists in an exchange of information.

The deal would signify American willingness to recognize us as a legitimate nuclear power, which will make it easier for us to gain membership to the Nuclear Supplier Group (NSG), and other international technology control regimes.

This prospective deal is in no way unique. The US has a similar civil nuclear cooperation deal with India, China, and many other countries. In fact, the Americans have had similar deals since 1954, when they first passed the Atomic Energy Act. Section 123 of the act deals solely with all civilian nuclear cooperation deals with the US. This is also why a civil nuclear cooperation deal with the US is often referred to as a 123 agreement.

Why now? What could have motivated the Americans to offer Pakistan a 123 agreement?

There are a couple of reasons for the appearing shift in America’s attitude towards Pakistan. The most critical reason is that they still need Islamabad’s support to pull out of Afghanistan. Or this might just be about President Obama’s legacy. As a lame duck, he might be thinking of writing an additional chapter in his book under US nuclear policy.

The American experiment in India failed miserably. It has been ten years since their civil nuclear cooperation deal, but no American company has been allowed to set up or operate a nuclear power plant because of the strict domestic laws that govern the issue of Supplier liability, which the Modi government has been unable to do anything about despite giving the Obama administration several assurances that it would.

Corporate America must have also had a part to play in Washington’s inclination for a civil nuclear deal with Islamabad. Having recognized that they will not be able to supply the Indian market soon, and seeing their reactors being sold by Chinese companies for use at the new Karachi nuclear power plant site, energy giants like GE, and Westinghouse must have lobbied for a 123 agreement for Pakistan with their government so they could also get a piece of the pie.

As far as Afghanistan is concerned the Americans must have done their calculations and realized that it will be impossible for them to withdraw their troops and avoid humiliation if Pakistan does not help them with the whole process.

After they leave, the Americans are counting on Pakistan to have significant involvement in Afghan affairs just as they have right now, and Washington needs to be sure that we will, otherwise it will be impossible for them to completely pull out.

In his article Ignatius says that Obama will most likely ask our prime minister to put a cap on the nuclear weapons programme in exchange for the civil nuclear cooperation deal. The thing that Nawaz Sharif must make Obama understand is that the only way we can think of having any kind of restrictions on our weapons programme is if strategic balance vis-à-vis India is guaranteed, which is not a simple thing to do.

Keep in mind: the good news is that the Americans need us, not the other way round. This fact gives us some space for negotiating on our own terms. This means that Nawaz Sharif could come to an understanding with the United States, resulting in a win-win for both sides. Again, keep in mind that it is still hypothetical.

So if Obama proposes a deal under the conditions leaked by Ignatius, our prime minister will need to stress the need to maintain strategic balance with India for the sake of regional stability and security. I would suggest that maybe the prime minister could explore the American requests in regards to our weapons programme as long as their terms do not handicap our ability to maintain a full spectrum minimum credible deterrent against India, which is the sole purpose of our programme in the first place.

This way we can provide Americans the guarantee they need, which is that we will not start producing weapons that go beyond meeting the requirements for maintaining a full spectrum minimum credible deterrent against India, and at the same time this solution means that we will not compromise on our national security needs.

Source: A civil-nuclear deal for Pakistan?

What is India doing here ?
Seriously we new gen Indians dont like this shit when some retard writer of yours compare India with you.

for Afghanistan thing it is we who want them to stay and make them busy untill we fix things with russia . it is not they want.to stay there it is we make them stay there.. some one said wars are easy to start but hard to finsh... they are not in position to win....

They are testing their military tactics dude.
They are playing with you.As a nation you are nothing in front of US .They can arm twist you at any way they want.
If you drag India in to the discussion we will reply bitterly whether you like that or not.
it is your brought india init as you all does..it is your say we are world kingkong economically..no one say this you.from our part... you guys should execpt the rallity we are bigger player then you guys in this world we accept you have more money then us...but your country does not have better lifestyle then our meddle class.... it is time for india awak up from their high profle dreams
A nuclear deal is not done in a day. So do not expect a nuclear deal from NS visit. If such a deal is on the table,it will take months to finalize.
it is your brought india init as you all does..it is your say we are world kingkong economically..no one say this you.from our part... you guys should execpt the rallity we are bigger player then you guys in this world we accept you have more money then us...but your country does not have better lifestyle then our meddle class.... it is time for india awak up from their high profle dreams

Ya right entire world is revolving around Pakistan.
But real numbers says otherwise.
They are testing their military tactics dude.
They are playing with you.As a nation you are nothing in front of US .They can arm twist you at any way they want.[/QUOTE]
sorry I got problem with my phon while type this ....here you mistaken again they are in dep trouble you know how much one army person cost them 2 million a year they are in deep shit every ware reason why rassia china came out to show their power. keep doing your day dreaming

Ya right entire world is revolving around Pakistan.
But real numbers says otherwise.
thanks GOd you accpted that lol we not center of the world but we can help some one to be world power as we helped Usa to became solo super power in 90zz now it is time for us to bring the blance back in the world
sorry I got problem with my phon while type this ....here you mistaken again they are in dep trouble you know how much one army person cost them 2 million a year they are in deep shit every ware reason why rassia china came out to show their power. keep doing your day dreaming

thanks GOd you accpted that lol we not center of the world but we can help some one to be world power as we helped Usa to became solo super power in 90zz now it is time for us to bring the blance back in the world

Nice logic .We can ask some Americans in here

@Providence @C130 :D
It looks like your effort was nothing in front of our mard i momin Pakistan[/QUOTE]
sorry I got problem with my phon while type this ....here you mistaken again they are in dep trouble you know how much one army person cost them 2 million a year they are in deep shit every ware reason why rassia china came out to show their power. keep doing your day dreaming

thanks GOd you accpted that lol we not center of the world but we can help some one to be world power as we helped Usa to became solo super power in 90zz now it is time for us to bring the blance back in the world

Nice logic .We can ask some Americans in here

@Providence @C130 :D
It looks like your effort was nothing in front of our mard i momin Pakistan[/QUOTE]
let me tell you we have country our left call indian with one billion population and other side china more then billion then left side iran and other arabs with hell of oil and gas...chaina accept us as friend and getting through our roads and india did not accept us but I belive india have to accept when we will have strong navy in our sea so out of 7 billion two billion will have to depend on us
Nice logic .We can ask some Americans in here

@Providence @C130 :D
It looks like your effort was nothing in front of our mard i momin Pakistan

Nice logic .We can ask some Americans in here

@Providence @C130 :D
It looks like your effort was nothing in front of our mard i momin Pakistan[/QUOTE]
let me tell you we have country our left call indian with one billion population and other side china more then billion then left side iran and other arabs with hell of oil and gas...chaina accept us as friend and getting through our roads and india did not accept us but I belive india have to accept when we will have strong navy in our sea so out of 7 billion two billion will have to depend on us[/QUOTE]

Extraordinary thought process :sarcastic:
Nice logic .We can ask some Americans in here

@Providence @C130 :D
It looks like your effort was nothing in front of our mard i momin Pakistan
let me tell you we have country our left call indian with one billion population and other side china more then billion then left side iran and other arabs with hell of oil and gas...chaina accept us as friend and getting through our roads and india did not accept us but I belive india have to accept when we will have strong navy in our sea so out of 7 billion two billion will have to depend on us[/QUOTE]

Extraordinary thought process :sarcastic:[/QUOTE]
time will tell
let me tell you we have country our left call indian with one billion population and other side china more then billion then left side iran and other arabs with hell of oil and gas...chaina accept us as friend and getting through our roads and india did not accept us but I belive india have to accept when we will have strong navy in our sea so out of 7 billion two billion will have to depend on us

Extraordinary thought process :sarcastic:[/QUOTE]
time will tell[/QUOTE]

Time already told us :haha:
@Knight Rider @Horus what benefit civil Nuclear deal will give??? China is already helping Pakistan in civil nuclear projects and they are affordable too.
Extraordinary thought process :sarcastic:
time will tell[/QUOTE]

Time already told us :haha:[/QUOTE]il

thanks GOd you have learnt this
it is I who telling you lol go and tell this to your policymakers... before it to late for them....do live and let live
So if Obama proposes a deal under the conditions leaked by Ignatius, our prime minister will need to stress the need to maintain strategic balance with India for the sake of regional stability and security.

Would you say it's possible that Washington is proposing this deal with Pakistan to get India to adjust their Supplier Liability?

We all know how immature S. Asian media are, the Breaking news will easy highlight and question why India didn't buy US reactors to make sure they don't make their way to Pakistan.

what benefit civil Nuclear deal will give??? China is already helping Pakistan in civil nuclear projects and they are affordable too.

Legitimize Pakistan's Nuclear Program. Regardless of the fact that China will willingly continue to supply and help Pakistan, the stamp of approval from the US outweighs the Chinese.

But the question is will Pakistan be willing to curtain their National Security for the ability to boast that it has a "Nuclear Deal" with the US? Regardless of whether or not a deal is concluded, the US Congress will still have to permit the sale of reactors/ technology/ nuclear fuel.
@Knight Rider @Horus what benefit civil Nuclear deal will give??? China is already helping Pakistan in civil nuclear projects and they are affordable too.
we should not refuse the deal... we should do.as per our intrest....we have to make it clear.. india will be In our missile range

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