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A civil-nuclear deal for Pakistan?

Knight Rider

Sep 14, 2014
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A civil-nuclear deal? - Muhammad Umar

It seems there is growing realization in the United States about the need to establish a civil nuclear cooperation deal with Pakistan. In a recent column for the Washington Post, David Ignatius clearly communicated the White House’s leak about the possibility of a deal. According to Ignatius, the US might make the proposal to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif during his visit to Washington DC later this month.

This is a very important development, if true. Because a cooperation agreement will mean that Pakistan will be allowed to import nuclear fuel, components, and even reactors from the US. Its scientists will also be allowed to engage American scientists in an exchange of information.

The deal would signify American willingness to recognize us as a legitimate nuclear power, which will make it easier for us to gain membership to the Nuclear Supplier Group (NSG), and other international technology control regimes.

This prospective deal is in no way unique. The US has a similar civil nuclear cooperation deal with India, China, and many other countries. In fact, the Americans have had similar deals since 1954, when they first passed the Atomic Energy Act. Section 123 of the act deals solely with all civilian nuclear cooperation deals with the US. This is also why a civil nuclear cooperation deal with the US is often referred to as a 123 agreement.

Why now? What could have motivated the Americans to offer Pakistan a 123 agreement?

There are a couple of reasons for the appearing shift in America’s attitude towards Pakistan. The most critical reason is that they still need Islamabad’s support to pull out of Afghanistan. Or this might just be about President Obama’s legacy. As a lame duck, he might be thinking of writing an additional chapter in his book under US nuclear policy.

The American experiment in India failed miserably. It has been ten years since their civil nuclear cooperation deal, but no American company has been allowed to set up or operate a nuclear power plant because of the strict domestic laws that govern the issue of Supplier liability, which the Modi government has been unable to do anything about despite giving the Obama administration several assurances that it would.

Corporate America must have also had a part to play in Washington’s inclination for a civil nuclear deal with Islamabad. Having recognized that they will not be able to supply the Indian market soon, and seeing their reactors being sold by Chinese companies for use at the new Karachi nuclear power plant site, energy giants like GE, and Westinghouse must have lobbied for a 123 agreement for Pakistan with their government so they could also get a piece of the pie.

As far as Afghanistan is concerned the Americans must have done their calculations and realized that it will be impossible for them to withdraw their troops and avoid humiliation if Pakistan does not help them with the whole process.

After they leave, the Americans are counting on Pakistan to have significant involvement in Afghan affairs just as they have right now, and Washington needs to be sure that we will, otherwise it will be impossible for them to completely pull out.

In his article Ignatius says that Obama will most likely ask our prime minister to put a cap on the nuclear weapons programme in exchange for the civil nuclear cooperation deal. The thing that Nawaz Sharif must make Obama understand is that the only way we can think of having any kind of restrictions on our weapons programme is if strategic balance vis-à-vis India is guaranteed, which is not a simple thing to do.

Keep in mind: the good news is that the Americans need us, not the other way round. This fact gives us some space for negotiating on our own terms. This means that Nawaz Sharif could come to an understanding with the United States, resulting in a win-win for both sides. Again, keep in mind that it is still hypothetical.

So if Obama proposes a deal under the conditions leaked by Ignatius, our prime minister will need to stress the need to maintain strategic balance with India for the sake of regional stability and security. I would suggest that maybe the prime minister could explore the American requests in regards to our weapons programme as long as their terms do not handicap our ability to maintain a full spectrum minimum credible deterrent against India, which is the sole purpose of our programme in the first place.

This way we can provide Americans the guarantee they need, which is that we will not start producing weapons that go beyond meeting the requirements for maintaining a full spectrum minimum credible deterrent against India, and at the same time this solution means that we will not compromise on our national security needs.
They're just asking us to limit the nuclear weapons, there might not be any deal involved.
They're just asking us to limit the nuclear weapons, there might not be any deal involved.

"Fish is not out of the water yet" , we can suspect anything because some sources are indicating such a move by America.
My personal Thesis is this that America don't want the Russian to get involved in Afghanistan. Pakistan moving toward Russia has made American insecure. They also recently offer AH-1Z Vipers to Pakistan to counter Russian Mi-35 Hinds deals. The SU-35s to Pakistan has also made US suspicious. I think US don't want Pakistan to become a friend of Russian.
I think this is only happening with China. Pakistan should focus on getting back the 12 out of 14 remaining F-16s. May be some:
32 new Block-52
3 P-3Cs AEW&Cs (replacement of the 1 OHP PN has)
"Fish is not out of the water yet" , we can suspect anything because some sources are indicating such a move by America.
My personal Thesis is this that America don't want the Russian to get involved in Afghanistan. Pakistan moving toward Russia has made American insecure. They also recently offer AH-1Z Vipers to Pakistan to counter Russian Mi-35 Hinds deals. The SU-35s to Pakistan has also made US suspicious. I think US don't want Pakistan to become a friend of Russian.
There is too much opposition within the US towards any such deal with Pakistan, plus a strong Indian lobbying to prevent something like that. Some choppers being sold to Pakistan are not relevant when something like a nuclear deal is concerned.

China has been our main nuclear partner for years and that will not change in the near future. The only incentive that I can think America has is getting all nuclear powers on board to prevent Iran becoming one. Pakistan was one of the few countries that voted against tougher sanctions on Iran over the nuclear issue.

And which Su-35 are we talking about? o_O
"Fish is not out of the water yet" , we can suspect anything because some sources are indicating such a move by America.
My personal Thesis is this that America don't want the Russian to get involved in Afghanistan. Pakistan moving toward Russia has made American insecure. They also recently offer AH-1Z Vipers to Pakistan to counter Russian Mi-35 Hinds deals. The SU-35s to Pakistan has also made US suspicious. I think US don't want Pakistan to become a friend of Russian.
putin playing smart our praim minister dum as always.... obama trying to get back pakistani in his lines.....they are offering penents to stop corridor and they are trying to shop new power which will start from russia china to pakistan. if you see in europ. yesterday euop offer turkery eu membership... so what I see eu and usa try to block russia. after russia occupied the port in Ukraine Eu can now stop raissa only in turkey sea if they stop russia there then russia will have one new rute which comes through china pakistan.so Usa playing smart to counter rassia and china plus they want to keeep india happy after puting restriction on pak nuks.reason why they offering us this deal. I tell you guys we are going to deside who is going to be superpower next. it is time to play smart and bring russia again as power because we are shick of europ and us polices and we must not get happy with small toys which are offered by usa because next 5years will be very hard for usa and its friends in midel east
if Nuclear deal is good than i want to see GE and Westinghouse to built nuclear power plants in Karachi.

I think this is only happening with China. Pakistan should focus on getting back the 12 out of 14 remaining F-16s. May be some:
32 new Block-52
3 P-3Cs AEW&Cs (replacement of the 1 OHP PN has)

if nuclear deal gone through than there will be no hesitation from american side to sell advanced weapons to Pakistan
if Nuclear deal is good than i want to see GE and Westinghouse to built nuclear power plants in Karachi.

if nuclear deal gone through than there will be no hesitation from american side to sell advanced weapons to Pakistan

What Will the price and who will pay ? When I see our economic situation... I can't understand how we will pay...
"Fish is not out of the water yet" , we can suspect anything because some sources are indicating such a move by America.
My personal Thesis is this that America don't want the Russian to get involved in Afghanistan. Pakistan moving toward Russia has made American insecure. They also recently offer AH-1Z Vipers to Pakistan to counter Russian Mi-35 Hinds deals. The SU-35s to Pakistan has also made US suspicious. I think US don't want Pakistan to become a friend of Russian.

What US can offer Pakistan to stop us going for Su-35s?? They don't want to sell F-15(Silent Eagle) or F-18 Super Hornet / Rhino (equivalent of Silent Eagle or may be better) they only have F-16s to offer with huge strings attached, to stop Pakistan tilting towards Russia they have to sweeten their offer like THAAD & MEADS/PAC-3, OHP ships 3-6 with at least SPY-1F Radars & SM-6 or SM-2 block-3A etc.

Because gradually Pakistan will get similar capabilities from China or Russia in future so US have to offer big with some TOT.
A civil-nuclear deal? - Muhammad Umar

It seems there is growing realization in the United States about the need to establish a civil nuclear cooperation deal with Pakistan. In a recent column for the Washington Post, David Ignatius clearly communicated the White House’s leak about the possibility of a deal. According to Ignatius, the US might make the proposal to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif during his visit to Washington DC later this month.

This is a very important development, if true. Because a cooperation agreement will mean that Pakistan will be allowed to import nuclear fuel, components, and even reactors from the US. Its scientists will also be allowed to engage American scientists in an exchange of information.

The deal would signify American willingness to recognize us as a legitimate nuclear power, which will make it easier for us to gain membership to the Nuclear Supplier Group (NSG), and other international technology control regimes.

This prospective deal is in no way unique. The US has a similar civil nuclear cooperation deal with India, China, and many other countries. In fact, the Americans have had similar deals since 1954, when they first passed the Atomic Energy Act. Section 123 of the act deals solely with all civilian nuclear cooperation deals with the US. This is also why a civil nuclear cooperation deal with the US is often referred to as a 123 agreement.

Why now? What could have motivated the Americans to offer Pakistan a 123 agreement?

There are a couple of reasons for the appearing shift in America’s attitude towards Pakistan. The most critical reason is that they still need Islamabad’s support to pull out of Afghanistan. Or this might just be about President Obama’s legacy. As a lame duck, he might be thinking of writing an additional chapter in his book under US nuclear policy.

The American experiment in India failed miserably. It has been ten years since their civil nuclear cooperation deal, but no American company has been allowed to set up or operate a nuclear power plant because of the strict domestic laws that govern the issue of Supplier liability, which the Modi government has been unable to do anything about despite giving the Obama administration several assurances that it would.

Corporate America must have also had a part to play in Washington’s inclination for a civil nuclear deal with Islamabad. Having recognized that they will not be able to supply the Indian market soon, and seeing their reactors being sold by Chinese companies for use at the new Karachi nuclear power plant site, energy giants like GE, and Westinghouse must have lobbied for a 123 agreement for Pakistan with their government so they could also get a piece of the pie.

As far as Afghanistan is concerned the Americans must have done their calculations and realized that it will be impossible for them to withdraw their troops and avoid humiliation if Pakistan does not help them with the whole process.

After they leave, the Americans are counting on Pakistan to have significant involvement in Afghan affairs just as they have right now, and Washington needs to be sure that we will, otherwise it will be impossible for them to completely pull out.

In his article Ignatius says that Obama will most likely ask our prime minister to put a cap on the nuclear weapons programme in exchange for the civil nuclear cooperation deal. The thing that Nawaz Sharif must make Obama understand is that the only way we can think of having any kind of restrictions on our weapons programme is if strategic balance vis-à-vis India is guaranteed, which is not a simple thing to do.

Keep in mind: the good news is that the Americans need us, not the other way round. This fact gives us some space for negotiating on our own terms. This means that Nawaz Sharif could come to an understanding with the United States, resulting in a win-win for both sides. Again, keep in mind that it is still hypothetical.

So if Obama proposes a deal under the conditions leaked by Ignatius, our prime minister will need to stress the need to maintain strategic balance with India for the sake of regional stability and security. I would suggest that maybe the prime minister could explore the American requests in regards to our weapons programme as long as their terms do not handicap our ability to maintain a full spectrum minimum credible deterrent against India, which is the sole purpose of our programme in the first place.

This way we can provide Americans the guarantee they need, which is that we will not start producing weapons that go beyond meeting the requirements for maintaining a full spectrum minimum credible deterrent against India, and at the same time this solution means that we will not compromise on our national security needs.
which will make it easier for us to gain membership to the Nuclear Supplier Group (NSG), and other international technology control

So much for a nation that is still relying on others for their economy :sarcastic:
The thing that Nawaz Sharif must make Obama understand is that the only way we can think of having any kind of restrictions on our weapons programme is if strategic balance vis-à-vis India is guaranteed, which is not a simple thing to do.

You cant balance a 2.5 trillion $ economy with a 292 billion economy.Law of nature wont allow that .

When the Bush signed that deal with India ,he told to PM that he wont expect a reactor export from US but they want a relation with India.
India developed their nuke tech ,tested their own technoloy and made a giant stride in that field .That is noone favour bu our own effort with a background of impeccable ,crystal clear non proliferation record.

Americans are business men .They will try to squeeze maximum from their partners if they strike a deal like this .That didnt worked out in India because we didnt ask them for a deal but asked us for that deal.
Keep in mind: the good news is that the Americans need us, not the other way round.

They can maintain their base in the Afghan for long time if they want .
US need more details and where about of there nukes
So much for a nation that is still relying on others for their economy :sarcastic:

You cant balance a 2.5 trillion $ economy with a 292 billion economy.Law of nature wont allow that .

When the Bush signed that deal with India ,he told to PM that he wont expect a reactor export from US but they want a relation with India.
India developed their nuke tech ,tested their own technoloy and made a giant stride in that field .That is noone favour bu our own effort with a background of impeccable ,crystal clear non proliferation record.

Americans are business men .They will try to squeeze maximum from their partners if they strike a deal like this .That didnt worked out in India because we didnt ask them for a deal but asked us for that deal.

They can maintain their base in the Afghan for long time if they want .
US need more details and where about of there nukes
dont you see today so many pakistani are againt this deal we did not ask them resently as we used to ask for this deal in past as your goverment bag for this deal now they offering us this deal and even your country not doing.anything to get your gols in energy sector what should we do.if your economy is bigger then us in ten years your all most70 persent rute will pass by pakistan sea or land so it better for you keep your business rather telling us you big thing in the world and we dont care if you any and we know what is our worth in the world map... we are in position to decide between powers and this time we will keep the blance
dont you see today so many pakistani are againt this deal we did not ask them resently as we used to ask for this deal in past as your goverment bag for this deal now they offering us this deal and even your country not doing.anything to get your gols in energy sector what should we do.if your economy is bigger then us in ten years your all most70 persent rute will pass by pakistan sea or land so it better for you keep your business rather telling us you big thing in the world and we dont care if you any and we know what is our worth in the world map... we are in position to decide between powers and this time we will keep the blance

dont you see today so many pakistani are againt this deal we did not ask them resently as we used to ask for this deal in past as your goverment bag for this deal now they offering us this deal and even your country not doing.anything to get your gols in energy sector what should we do.if your economy is bigger then us in ten years your all most70 persent rute will pass by pakistan sea or land so it better for you keep your business rather telling us you big thing in the world and we dont care if you any and we know what is our worth in the world map... we are in position to decide between powers and this time we will keep the blance
If you drag India in to the discussion we will reply bitterly whether you like that or not.
So much for a nation that is still relying on others for their economy :sarcastic:

You cant balance a 2.5 trillion $ economy with a 292 billion economy.Law of nature wont allow that .

When the Bush signed that deal with India ,he told to PM that he wont expect a reactor export from US but they want a relation with India.
India developed their nuke tech ,tested their own technoloy and made a giant stride in that field .That is noone favour bu our own effort with a background of impeccable ,crystal clear non proliferation record.

Americans are business men .They will try to squeeze maximum from their partners if they strike a deal like this .That didnt worked out in India because we didnt ask them for a deal but asked us for that deal.

They can maintain their base in the Afghan for long time if they want .
US need more details and where about of there nukes
for Afghanistan thing it is we who want them to stay and make them busy untill we fix things with russia . it is not they want.to stay there it is we make them stay there.. some one said wars are easy to start but hard to finsh... they are not in position to win....

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