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A beautiful poem from Indian Muslim

These lines rolled tears out of me.. " Ham Musalman hai Bharat ke wafadar"
If someone goes there and says he wants to give them "Azaadi from Hindustan" these guys will beat the living daylights out of him. :lol:
If someone goes there and says he wants to give them "Azaadi from Hindustan" these guys will beat the living daylights out of him. :lol:

Dont you know he was saying it because of pressure from evil hindus who would have killed him if he would have not said so.... :D
Dont you know he was saying it because of pressure from evil hindus who would have killed him if he would have not said so.... :D

Yes I can make that out from the tone of his voice :lol: It feels like some RSS guys are pointing a gun on him along with the camera :lol:
No Pakistani has ever claimed that Indian Muslims are not patriotic to India. If anything, they have to be extra-patriotic to silence the anti-Muslim bigots within India who continually demand proof of their allegiance. As Arundathi Roy remarked, Indian Muslims are held hostage to the Kashmir issue, and the ghost of partition.

What Pakistanis are saying is that Indian Muslims are disadvantaged compared to other religions. Some of it is due to their own dysfunctional social structures, but a lot of it is due to institutionalized discrimination by dominant groups.

And please, for the love of God, don't bring up token symbols to prove your point. The fact remains that Indian Muslims are behind on every measurement of success and prosperity. They have benefitted second-least from India's economic gains -- only the dalits fare worse.
No this should raise questions in india that y muslims have to always proclaim that he is patriotic to india.What made him feel insecure in india that in every other interview or public gathering a muslim has to proclaim his patriotism.

its not just muslims that proclaim to be patriotic you can see hundreds of hindus doing the same on this very forum. so we dont care for religion. whatever religion you are you have to prove you are patriotic to get admired for that.
and there is difference between admiration and and recognisation.
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