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A 50cr taka question?


Apr 8, 2007
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Hardcore criminal Bikash Kumar Biswas, whose sudden and secret release from jail triggered huge controversy, has been facilitated with safe passage to India, said sources in police and the ruling party.

He left the country on December 15, a day after he had been released on bail from Kashimpur jail-2. He was supposed to leave India in a couple of days, said a source having close contact with Bikash.

After his release, Bikash went straight to Mawa and headed towards Jessore crossing the river on a speedboat. He was accompanied by two Chhatra League activists. The next day, he was taken to the Jessore border on a motorbike. He entered India through a snapped barbed-wire fence, said a Chhatra League activist close to one of Bikash's aides.

Sources said he had been released under a Tk 50 crore deal. He had also pulled some strings to ensure his release and safe passage.

The sources said police and other law enforcement agencies had been informally asked by some government high-ups not to intercept Bikash.

Sources in the ruling party said two top figures in the government -- a minister and an influential leader of Awami League -- were his main facilitators.

Bikash has served 15 years since 1997 in 10 cases, including those for murders and possession of illegal arms. Of the cases, five were filed with Tejgaon, four with Mirpur and one with Lalbagh police stations.

In 2009, he was released on bail in a case, but soon as the came out of the jail Gazipur police arrested him under Section 54 of the Criminal Procedure Code. The same year, his confinement was declared illegal by a court, but he chose to remain in jail fearing police shootout. Since then he had been looking for a safe exit from Bangladesh.

Sources in Kashimpur prison-2 said Bikash had met an Awami League leader, now a minister, in the prison during the tenure of the last caretaker government. Both of them were kept in adjacent cells and they used to hold meetings. This helped Bikash establish a good relationship with the leader.

Bikash used the link after the leader had become a minister. Sources claimed he used to communicate with the minister over the phone quite regularly.

But the minister alone was not able to release Bikash and give him the safe passage. So Bikash had to established links with another influential Awami League leader, who although not being a minister controls the police administration from the shadows, a source close to Bikash told The Daily Star.

“He [Bikash] decided to come out of jail and leave the country after getting the green signal from the leader,” he said.

According to sources in police, intelligence agencies and Chhatra League, political reasons were behind Bikash's release. Quelling the opposition's anti-government movement is one of them.

The sources, however, believe that using Bikash for political benefits would be very difficult.

“Criminals like him are not loyal to anyone. They serve to only money and like to enjoy backing of powerful corridors,” said a source, who once used to be involved in underworld activities.

He said Bikash also had good links with several top leaders of BNP, including one who had been staying in the UK for several years.

“In future, if you see some high profile assassinations or disappearance of politicians like Ilias Ali and thereby a shift in opposition's movement you should consider that the Bikash factor is working behind those,” he said.

An official of an intelligence agency who has been following Bikash case for long said Bikash had already taken control of the entire underworld network that handles illegal firearms and ammunition, and extortion in Dhaka city.

“They are now raising money for Bikash and sending it to India,” said the official, adding that a major overhaul had taken place in Dhaka's underworld before Bikash got released.

A source in the Kashimpur Prison-2 claimed that three to four months ago top criminals imprisoned had held a secret meeting inside the jail and unanimously selected Bikash as their boss. Notorious Sweden Aslam and Killer Abbas were also present in the meeting, he added.

He said Bikash had led a lavish life in jail. He used to keep a cell phone and a laptop.

A ruling party source said they had heard that Bikash's patrons had planned to release several other criminals from jail. But the idea had been shelved owing to media reports on fishy release of Bikash.

Jail sources said majority of the prison officials were against releasing Bikash on Friday, as it is against the norm to let a prisoner go on a holiday. But Bikash, who obtained bail late on Thursday, was released hurriedly around 8:30am on Friday upon the instructions from his influential patrons.

“As there was strong backing for Bikash, the jail authorities finally had to bow down to the pressure from the powerful quarter,” a jail official told The Daily Star seeking anonymity.

A 50cr taka question?
@ In a country like Bangladesh where the Honourable President is pardoning the convicted prisoners where the case of Bikash is very very "Mamuli".

@ We have to realize that AL is not other political parties like BNP and Jatia Party. AL is a left oriented party.
n 2009, he was released on bail in a case, but soon as the came out of the jail Gazipur police arrested him under Section 54 of the Criminal Procedure Code. The same year, his confinement was declared illegal by a court, but he chose to remain in jail fearing police shootout. Since then he had been looking for a safe exit from Bangladesh.

Epic fail again Munshi.
He has finished his jail term, and he is at freedom to go anywhere.
Perhaps u should be ashamed at BNP, for they shield Jamaati members, who had taken part in massacres of ur own brothers.
After his release, Bikash went straight to Mawa and headed towards Jessore crossing the river on a speedboat. He was accompanied by two Chhatra League activists. The next day, he was taken to the Jessore border on a motorbike. He entered India through a snapped barbed-wire fence, said a Chhatra League activist close to one of Bikash's aides.

An official of an intelligence agency who has been following Bikash case for long said Bikash had already taken control of the entire underworld network that handles illegal firearms and ammunition, and extortion in Dhaka city.

“They are now raising money for Bikash and sending it to India,” said the official, adding that a major overhaul had taken place in Dhaka's underworld before Bikash got released.

From the investigative report following facts about india sponsoring and supporting terrorism in Bangladesh became very clear:

1) india sponsoring and sheltering terrorist, specially the hindu terrorist.

2) Terrorist Bikash got 50 crore take from india.

3) India is doing terror money laundering and should be put on world financial watch list.

4) India is source of underworld illegal arams and ammunation.

5) Through Bikash india will control terror and extortion activity and future political assasination.
Why are criminals being released?
This gives rise to serious misgivings

The recent release of infamous criminal Bikash from Kashimpur Jail has raised serious public concerns. The manner of his setting free, reportedly, under special protection in presence of some senior police officials, further adds to the deep misgivings.

It is worthwhile to note that all the procedures of releasing the criminal from the jail, who had some 15 cases against him, were completed within a matter of only 45 minutes. And that too on a weekend day when the court remains closed -- a feat that was "not possible for jail authorities'', a Supreme Court lawyer pointed out, unless some powerful hands lent active help.

It is baffling to note how this notorious criminal could get the bails in all those 15 cases against him lying with the police stations? So, would we be wrong or unfair to raise the question whether or not the administration had a role in getting him released?

And now that both the home secretary and the home minister have tried to unconvincingly assure us that due process of law has been followed in freeing Bikash from jail, what still eludes common sense is why on earth a criminal facing charges of murder and extortion should receive this enthusiastic attention from the administration?

One wonders why the process of law has not been equally expeditious in bringing Biswajit's killers to justice.

What is further upsetting is is that criminals have been freed from other jails as in last November some 11 terrorists were released from Chittagong jail.

It may be recalled that home minister on November 14 told the Jatiya Sangsad that the President granted clemency to 21 convicted offenders among whom 20 were on death row during the last three years. Among them was Biplob, the killer of Advocate Nurul Islam, whom the president had pardoned in July 2011 while in late 2010 he granted clemency to 20 convicted in the murder of opposition Jubo Dal leader Sabbir Ahmed Gama.

With all our respect for the president's prerogatives, we cannot but share public anxiety over the president's showing mercy to so many killers with supposed political link.

We are deeply concerned about this phenomenon of releasing these criminal elements from jail. Could there be a link with the prospect of steep rise in political violence? Is there an attempt to use well-known criminals to do the dirty work while the government is now facing rising public criticism for doing it through its cadres?

For the sake of democracy we sincerely hope not.

Why are criminals being released?
And those who often try to equate Awami corruption and criminal acts with others are hiding in indian provided hole now. They will come out with spam and new line of lie in few days.
Epic fail again Munshi.
He has finished his jail term, and he is at freedom to go anywhere.
Perhaps u should be ashamed at BNP, for they shield Jamaati members, who had taken part in massacres of ur own brothers.

You're commenting about something you have no knowledge of. Plz view post#5.
Epic fail again Munshi.
He has finished his jail term, and he is at freedom to go anywhere.
Perhaps u should be ashamed at BNP, for they shield Jamaati members, who had taken part in massacres of ur own brothers.

Indians are always the main supporters of terrorists in Bangladesh.
Epic fail again Munshi.
He has finished his jail term, and he is at freedom to go anywhere.
Perhaps u should be ashamed at BNP, for they shield Jamaati members, who had taken part in massacres of ur own brothers.

Actually being a foul mouth stinky Indian U should know, that BAL's student wing recently killed a innocent Hindu predestrain openly in front of the media openly. The reaction from BAL ministers & leaders gives a notion that, most likely they will go unpunished. Also a convicted death penalty prisoner for murder crime was pardoned by the President. Lets not talk about the everyday rape, looting, abductions and political killings going on rampant.

And can U tell me when did Jamat take part in killing for our own brothers and how BNP shielded them. If U mean 71 then don't even bother as the whole trail farce is internationally condemned as a drama for judicial killing. IF U want to talk about killing and massacre, U don't have to go before Oct 28, 2006 when BAL massacred JI activist along with innocent pedestrians in the street openly that too in a unprovoked manner.

And another thing, why does BD political threads matters to U so much? Why do U care so much that U want to fart here ignorantly albeit intentional ignorance which equals to trolling. Btw Bangladeshis don't troll and make a fool out of themselves in Indian political threads. Your braking doesn't encite us to troll on Indian threads. :)
What the **** are they doin?

That bastard killed an innocent boy who had nothing to do with politics. And the scumbag is running his a** free to India...
From the investigative report following facts about india sponsoring and supporting terrorism in Bangladesh became very clear:

1) india sponsoring and sheltering terrorist, specially the hindu terrorist.

2) Terrorist Bikash got 50 crore take from india.

3) India is doing terror money laundering and should be put on world financial watch list.

4) India is source of underworld illegal arams and ammunation.

5) Through Bikash india will control terror and extortion activity and future political assasination.

If he was such a catch as you are claiming, then why release him. You could have made up charges to hold him longer. Now he is gone why crib and moan.... you should have put some kind of tracking device on him or is it too high tech. for BD. Was the 50 crore taka bribe money or bail out money?? Either way you guys are richer by 50 cr taka.....
From the investigative report following facts about india sponsoring and supporting terrorism in Bangladesh became very clear:

Let me quote it from the Report itself

1) india sponsoring and sheltering terrorist, specially the hindu terrorist.

In 2009, he was released on bail in a case, but soon as the came out of the jail Gazipur police arrested him under Section 54 of the Criminal Procedure Code. The same year, his confinement was declared illegal by a court, but he chose to remain in jail fearing police shootout. Since then he had been looking for a safe exit from Bangladesh.

2) Terrorist Bikash got 50 crore take from india.

Quote it from the so called REPORT that he got money from India?

3) India is doing terror money laundering and should be put on world financial watch list.

No one will be interested in listening to a joke country.

4) India is source of underworld illegal arams and ammunation.

5) Through Bikash india will control terror and extortion activity and future political assasination.

So this is how a normal PDF Bangaldeshi reacts when he sees a word India in the article.

1. Hindu India is a terrorist.

2. Raw is behind a rickshaw puncture in Dhaka.

3. Awami govt is run by India.

4. India is blah blah.....

Note: Comments may not have any connection with the article. :lol:
Bikas Kumar Biswas most notorious terrorist relase by indian money and escape to india exposed the fact india is arming and sponsoring terrorist in Bangladesh and supplying arms and ammunation. Anticipating forceful protest in coming days india plan to kill as many opposition leaders and activists as possible. Indian hand in massacre and blood bath of Bangladeshis are getting way more heavier and clear.
India harboring Bangladesh criminals
Following publication of a report in Hindustan Times, leading English language daily newspaper in India titled 'Bangladesh's most wanted has papers to prove Indian citizenship' has finally proved that Indian authorities are not only sheltering absconding criminals and terrorists from Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka and other neighboring nations but also are providing them with citizenship documents of that country with the ulterior motive of hiding such crimes from the focus of international media. According to Hindustan Times report, Sailen Biswas, a most wanted leftist terrorist and serial killer, wanted in Bangladesh in more than 75 cases including murder, extortion, possession of arms etc fled to India in 2003 after the Khaleda Zia government launched a crackdown on armed renegade outfits as part of a mission codenamed 'Operation Clean Heart', while a court in country's southern district of Khulna awarded death sentence in 2005. It was revealed by the Indian newspaper that Sailen Biswas not only got shelter inside India but also was provided with valid voter ID as well as PAN card, in addition to other vital documents to prove him to be a legitimate Indian national. Biswas along with his kin had been based in the northern fringes of the Kolkata city since 2003 and had been living off the proceeds of his business in the name of Pradip Biswas. A resident of Birati, less than 15 km from the heart of Kolkata, Sailen Biswas, founder leader of the outlawed New Biplabi Communist Party [New Revolutionary Communist Party] in Bangladesh, has acquired a secure living in the city over the past few years - courtesy proceeds raised from collecting extortion from people in the southern part of Bangladesh. It may be mentioned here that, dozens of criminals and terrorists from Bangladesh, who are sheltered inside India, continue numerous forms of criminal activities. Bangladesh authorities on a number of occasions requested India to nab these criminals and extradite them for facing trial. But, in most cases, Indian authorities refused such request from Bangladesh, as most of these sheltered criminals and terrorist had connections with Indian intelligence agencies and worked for them on various assignments.

Even after the real identity of absconding Bangladeshi leftist terrorist Sailen Biswas, who is the founder of New Biplabi Communist Party [New Revolutionary Communist Party] in Bangladesh, Indian authorities or law enforcing agencies in that country are totally reluctant in taking any initiatives in extraditing him along with family members to Bangladesh. Rather, Mrinmoy Biswas, son of this notorious serial killer told Hindustan Times that his father along with the family "had been living as a successful businessman here. "My father has every document, from a Voter ID to a PAN card, to testify to being a bona fide Indian citizen. He had even been listed as a voter from the Belgachia [East] constituency" Mrinmoy said.

The family further said that having successfully established his status as an Indian national [voter card number BKN 4625828], Sailen, son of Premchand Biswas, managed to set up a successful venture in the fringes of the city. Such businesses were initiated and being expanded with the money collected from Bangladesh through extortion, abduction and various forms of criminal activities. Sailen Biswas and his gang also got involved in cross-border trafficking in arms and narcotics as well they also were reportedly helping Indian intelligence agencies in implanting various agendas within Bangladesh.

Sailen Biswas, hailing from the Shalua village of Khulna district in Bangladesh in wanted in 54 criminal cases only in Khulna, Shatkhira and Jessore districts while he is listed in another 21 cases of murder, extortion and kidnapping. A large number of terrorists from the outlawed left-inclined criminal gangs are sheltered in India, mostly under the indirect patronization of country's espionage agency.

While the case of Bangladeshi terrorists and criminals sheltered in India is getting international media exposure, information of Interpol alert on absconding Bangladeshi criminals from the website of Bangladesh Police has been removed by some unscrupulous elements within the police forces. A source inside Bangladesh Police told Weekly Blitz that some corrupt officers in charge of the website have removed the contents of Interpol alert as well as many names and photographs of absconding Bangladeshi terrorists and criminals from the website in exchange of substantial amount of bribe. Similarly information on a large number of absconding criminals is also removed from the website of Dhaka Metropolitan Police. For example, the picture and information of Wanted criminals named Haris Ahmed Haris, Jafar Ahmed Manik, Jabbar Munna, Aga Shamim, Jishan Ahmed, Kamrul Hassan Hannan, Nabi Hossain, Shahadat and Freedom Imam Etc.

Surprisingly enough, information on the absconding killers of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman are also removed from the websites of Bangladesh Police and other law enforcing agencies, though the current government of Bangladesh Awami League has been strongly claiming to have been active in bringing back the absconding killers to face legal consequences.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/bangla...oring-bangladesh-criminals.html#ixzz2Fwj7bsmZ

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