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A $2 billion hydropower dam in Sikkim, India, was destroyed in 10 minutes by flash flood.

I think we all can avoid making fun of human tragedies, about 100 missing so far. Nationalistic fun is fine, let's not trivialize human losses, no matter here it happens.
I think we all can avoid making fun of human tragedies, about 100 missing so far.
Sir ji, your folks made fun of Rohingyas. Your folks behaves like trafficking womens in indian brothels is a macho thing. Your entire nation feel proud that you folks can terrorize Kashmiris.
So, when tragedies strikes you, some people will take pleasure just like you folks do with others...

Bilal bhai,

Although I am sure these filthy "akata" haramis will go into hiding as soon as Hasina is ousted.

We will never allow Hasina Bibi to be ousted.


You will circumvent the will of the Bangladeshi people from India and keep us enslaved? :lol:

Good luck.

The design of the bridge seemed destined for failure from the start. The total budget allocated, a mere 21 million USD, proved insufficient for a bridge of such magnitude, especially spanning the expansive Ganga River in Bihar. Bihar, being a region crisscrossed by numerous huge rivers, splintering the region into smaller fragments prone to flooding, posed specific challenges. The soil, often wet, necessitates a more extensive and deeper foundation for secure structural support due to the reduced stability of wet soil compared to dry soil. This adds to the complexity and cost of construction.

Now you will claim that if a BJP govt. had undertaken the project instead of Nitish Kumar, it'd never have collapsed.

Just waiting for that comment from some poojari.
@etylo , all fine? How come you have become so interested on Indian issues?
Doctor’s advice or CPC instructions?
Well since Indians used to claim Chinese construction as tofu dreg, now we get to witness first hand yindoo quality. Lololol
wow, 2B$ dam gone in minutes, let that sinkkin...
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