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A 12 year-old Christian is gang raped for eight months, forcibly converted

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Any latest report on atrocities on Minorities in India..

Or will we get the same Kandhamal or gujarat riots as examples which happened some 3yrs and 9 yrs back respectively?

In India..the population of minorities are increasing..and in Pakistan it is decreasing...
Sir its matter of routine in India Minorities are targeted daily in many forms Sir read your own news papers regularly you will know I do that is why I know that
Can give clue on how Islam spread in subcontinent, may be ?
Through Sufis no one was converted through Sword Sir if it was their would have no Non Muslim In Sub continent this is the enough proof how was Islam Spread in Sub Continent :yahoo:
Any latest report on atrocities on Minorities in India..

Or will we get the same Kandhamal or gujarat riots as examples which happened some 3yrs and 9 yrs back respectively?

you seem so casual about those incidents......as casual as your Modi was when he allowed genocide of Muslims in Gujrat -- 3,000 of them

by the way, discrimination against Christians and other minorities (even low caste hindus) takes place in india on daily basis......so don't act all innocent here as if your hands are all clean and just only ours are dirty

In India..the population of minorities are increasing..and in Pakistan it is decreasing...[/QUOTE]

I happen to belong to a 'minority' group in Pakistan --a large one.

it isnt necessarily that minorities are shrinking, it's just that the 'majority' is growing at faster rate. There have been cases of people fleeing for political asylum and its unfortunate. Media is very strong in Pakistan now so none of these incidents go un-reported. And when they are reported, provincial and fed government is under pressure to take action to rectify the problem.

it's better for you and your people to mind your own business and focus on your own internal problems
Can give clue on how Islam spread in subcontinent, may be ?

Stupidity ignorance need to have a limit .if this incident is proof how Islam spread in sub continent then there would be no non Muslim in sub continent .
individual criminal acts like this happen in both the countries..and it will continue to happen what we need to look at is, if the justice is delivered or not once police comes to know about it.. or is the law and system stands on the side of of rapist.
Rise of islam has been stopped by India only. All other civilisations were white washed by Islam from saudi to iran and AFG. But they could not deter India. hahah Just like global conquer of alexander was stopped by India only.

That is why hardcore islamists hate India so much. They treat india as the final frontier whome they could not conquer after exceptional victory in iran. They could not be able to bow down indian civilisation even after so many repeated efforts. India stands as a thorn in thier eyes. However islamists were able to suceed some what by converting major chunk of fearful hindu population by coercion, threatning or allurement and that chunk of popluation is called todays pakistan. Indic civilisation and value system still stands tall. :)
Rise of islam has been stopped by India only. All other civilisations were white washed by Islam from saudi to iran and AFG. But they could not deter India. hahah Just like global conquer of alexander was stopped by India only.

That is why hardcore islamists hate India so much. They treat india as the final frontier whome they could not conquer after exceptional victory in iran. They could not be able to bow down indian civilisation even after so many repeated efforts. India stands as a thorn in thier eyes. However islamists were able to suceed some what by converting major chunk of fearful hindu population by coercion, thread or allurement and that chunk of poluation is called todays pakistan. Indic civilisation and value system still stands tall. :)

We Muslims rules you for centuries- you altaf wanna be crap-
I don't know what's more sad; the fact that a poor 12 year-old got raped, or that the disgusting event has been widely overlooked on this forum and turned into - yet again - another Internet-Indo-Pak war. It's pathetic really. Grow up guys. :disagree:
you have some twisted facts- if annihilation of hindus was the mandate- then 700 years were more than enough to wipe of your ancestors- or make them convert forcefully-

People like Maharana Pratap, Sikhs, Maratha shivaji etc did not allow you to do that. Akbar and dara shikoh were not extremists they were regular recitees of Indian holy scriptures. Aurangzeb is the one who coreced major hindu population to become muslim and who later fled to pakistan. Around 120 million people approx. But he was given a terrible pain in his a$$ by the then hindu rulers like Shivaji Maharaj and Sikhs. Ultimately he died and later Brits took over subsequently and you Islamic dream could not be realised.

---------- Post added at 01:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:17 PM ----------

Ahem....Ahem...seems some one else has beaten us to it. :lol:

Pakistani flag hoisted in Assam (India) - YouTube

Petty things amuse petty minds.
In india rapists rape women,and go to jail.
In pakistan majority community rapes minority community,then converts them.

Really, then why Delhi is most unsafe place for women?

Ontopic. If true then culprit must be hanged with his balls.
One of the reason but not the only reason.

Why non Muslims are declining in BD and Pakistan? I can not see suffis at work for this decline, can you?

Those who were converted by sufis were suffi Muslims not orthodox Sunnis or shias. They were minority at that time and are still a miniorty like Ahmadis, where taged as doing shirk. They were then picked by orthodox missionaries when visiting mosques and when intermingling with rest of the community.

Muslims remember taimur lang as sword of Islam. When it comes to highlight the bravery of those expeditionary Generals then Muslims boast about them with pinched eyes. But when they come on discussion prove how the whole bloody business of increasing numbers happened then they pretend to have a peaceful history !

Prove it, If sword was to be used then non Muslims could have been extincted. Even Hitler wasn't able to murder Jews out. What is your point? It is the same mentality at work that muslims ruled India at 1000 years. No where in history they were allowed to rule Indian landscapes by native Indians without resistance. Moguls would brown their tight pyjamas when they would dare to look at iron walled Rajputana. Hindus were never at the verge of extinct not because the mercy of Muslim invaders but the sheer pockets of powers like Maratha, Rajputana et al they were able to preserve.

Every single wave of invasion brought influx of foreigners doing same shoddy job of increasing numbers at weak frontier states by hook or crook and then spreading eastwards. There is enough evidence in history of Sikhism where Sikhs were cut into pieces and burnt alive just for refusing not to change their religion. Act of violence work for spreading fear, the same way it is working here in this case. The memory of that fear is short when you surrender to that fear and become one of them.

@ Sidhu: Bai apna kam kar kyon mere kam ch bhanee marda hain ?

Brilliant analysis my friend.
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