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95% of beef traders are Hindus, says former chief justice of Delhi high court


Sep 20, 2014
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AGRA:Justice Rajinder Sachar, former chief justice of Delhi high court who headed a panel that recommended quota for Muslims in 2006, said in Mathura on Friday that more Hindus are involved in beef trade in the country than Muslims.As soon as he said this, in the context of the latest beef controversy at the three-day International conference on radical Islam held at a college, many of the teachers and participants stormed out of the venue.

READ ALSO:Man lynched over cow slaughter rumour; UP govt announces Rs 10L relief

Scholars and delegates from India, Canada, Afghanistan, Bangladesh and other countries were present at the conference to discuss world security and radical Islam.

Justice Sachar, who was sharing the stage with many prominent Muslim scholars on the last day of the conference held at RC Degree College in Mathura, said that among all the beef traders in India, 95% are from the Hindu community.

"Almost 95% beef traders are Hindus. Still, a man was lynched in Dadri because he ate beef. This is the death of mankind and humanity. Eating habits have nothing to do with religion. Even I can eat beef," he said.

Dadri lynching - meat in Akhlaq's fridge was mutton, not beef

In an oblique reference to BJP's Sardhana MLA Sangeet Som, who was recently in the news over allegations, which he denied later, about owning a beef trading company, the former Delhi HC judge said, "MPs and MLAs, too, own beef companies. Then why is only the common man being targeted by right-wing groups?"

No sooner had he said this than scholars and teachers started leaving the conference hall in protest. A few of them also switched off the fans and lights in the hall, demanding Sachar to stop his address. Later, he tried to pacify the audience by adding that he only meant to highlight the plight of Muslims who were being targeted unnecessarily due to the beef controversy.

Shiv Ram Bharadwaj, a teacher at a degree college in Mathura, who was present at the venue, told TOI, "The guests, scholars and intellectuals present at the auditorium got furious when Justice Sachar turned a 'pro-Muslim' topic into an 'anti-Hindu' one. We all have freedom of speech but one should carefully choose words while addressing a public gathering."

READ ALSO:'Beef ban won't make much difference to Indian Muslims'

Yaduraj Yadav, another college teacher who attended the conference, said Justice Sachar should not have made references to Hindus and their scriptures to drive home his point.
Good. Pseculars now don't have the argument that banning cow slaughter adversely affects Muslims or that the move is anti Muslim. Let's hope we go forward with this ban on cow slaughter without any further delay now that we have established that Hindus are the primary losers. :omghaha:

Shiv Ram Bharadwaj, a teacher at a degree college in Mathura, who was present at the venue, told TOI, "The guests, scholars and intellectuals present at the auditorium got furious when Justice Sachar turned a 'pro-Muslim' topic into an 'anti-Hindu' one. We all have freedom of speech but one should carefully choose words while addressing a public gathering."
Nah, its ok. We know where Sachar ji had left his moral compass. :tup:
Scholars and delegates from India, Canada, Afghanistan, Bangladesh and other countries were present at the conference to discuss world security and radical Islam.

Justice Sachar, who was sharing the stage with many prominent Muslim scholars on the last day of the conference held at RC Degree College in Mathura, said that among all the beef traders in India, 95% are from the Hindu community.

"Almost 95% beef traders are Hindus. Still, a man was lynched in Dadri because he ate beef. This is the death of mankind and humanity. Eating habits have nothing to do with religion. Even I can eat beef," he said.

Can anybody can provide me the statistics and the source, from which the conclusion could be made that 95% of beef traders are Hindus. I have seen most of the traders dealing in butchery Muslim in my local City, and would like to see the source.

Op pls provide the source of this claim

In an oblique reference to BJP's Sardhana MLA Sangeet Som, who was recently in the news over allegations, which he denied later, about owning a beef trading company, the former Delhi HC judge said, "MPs and MLAs, too, own beef companies. Then why is only the common man being targeted by right-wing groups?"

No sooner had he said this than scholars and teachers started leaving the conference hall in protest. A few of them also switched off the fans and lights in the hall, demanding Sachar to stop his address. Later, he tried to pacify the audience by adding that he only meant to highlight the plight of Muslims who were being targeted unnecessarily due to the beef controversy.

Shiv Ram Bharadwaj, a teacher at a degree college in Mathura, who was present at the venue, told TOI, "The guests, scholars and intellectuals present at the auditorium got furious when Justice Sachar turned a 'pro-Muslim' topic into an 'anti-Hindu' one. We all have freedom of speech but one should carefully choose words while addressing a public gathering."

The Dadri incidence could have been contained to the Dadri, if the idiot leaders like Sangeet Som, and Oswasi didn't go to the Dadri and make stupid statement. What I see in the Dadri incidence is the criminal act disguised as the Mob to fulfill enmity. They should take the example from the religious leaders like Baba Ramdev, and Sri Sri for not making such rediculous statements. And for the Azam Khan, for writing letter to the UN, he should be told to leave the country as soon as possible.

Yaduraj Yadav, another college teacher who attended the conference, said Justice Sachar should not have made references to Hindus and their scriptures to drive home his point.

Agreed, but when making such confrenss, what was the agenda, and should be discussed prior, to not touch such sensitive issue.
Dear Zebra i have a question when we ask from a Hindu why Cow is their mata they reply Cow give us milk and many other things that is why mata but the happily allow water buffalo to be slaughter and sold, why water bufalow is not mata she is providing the same milk and other stuff, Just because of black color ? are Hindus resist towards water Buffalo ?
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