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90 ‘ready-to-use’ IEDs found at Indian Mujahideen hideouts

Who else should leave India apart from Bengalis? Oh yes...Muslims! And? :D

Oh he is some hot-blooded kid; too immature to understand the complexities of things, and the essence of India. He wants to blindly copy the same extremists that he seems to oppose. :)

He stays too much on PDF and listens to the Pakistani sunni wahabbi crazies and their racism,extremism here. That's making him paranoid and a bit crazy. But he has a few valid points.If the indian govt were to monitor what sermons the muezzins are giving and keep a network of informers in the mosques , a lot of things which are happening can be preempted . India is home to muslims too ,but yes our muslims should not try to ape the Arabs and their wahabbi ways. I agree on this.

Thanks for the kind words. If you looked into the local news here,you would have noticed how many illegal Bangladeshis get caught on a regular basis. But it is difficult to guard such an wide unfenced border and when a faction of corrupted BSF endorses these kind of activities for bribes.

The power politics in WB does not work the way you think. The situation was different in the time of Bajpayeeji. The BJP had abundant chances to solidify their position here but it was the inefficiency from the part of top brass BJP leaders that they never thought to take a chance to win.The local leaders are useless with no practical knowledge about the ground situation. If BJP doesn't care for people of West Bengal,don't expect the Bengali Bhadralok society to vote for them.

PS: Today,BJP is the silent ally of CPI (M),the once biggest supporter of Illegal immigration.
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All of these arms could be shipped to Baluchis fighting the Pakistani government. If Pakistan can support what it sees as freedom fighters in India, India can do the same to Pakistan.
Muslim bengalis are not stupid.But your UP,kerala and Andhra Pradesh muslims have riotous tendencies. Please don't paint all of us with same brush.

xcept for the hyderabadi muslims , muslims frm the rest of the andhra pradesh are fairly sane when compared to hyderabadi ones , they do not indulge in voilence , they jst do their wrk and live as any othr nrmal citizen.... but these old city muslims of hyd are mofos and thugs who would sell their motherland given an oppurtunity.......once u enter the old city area of hyd u feel as if u r in pakistan with long beards and burkas everywhere....
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