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Is it that time of the month again? Pre menstrual syndrome can be hard......stay strong brother! *high five*

Why do you suffer from it ?

wouldn't know about she-male society. ;)
Professional engineer Jon Cole cuts steel columns with thermate, debunks Nat Geo & unexpectedly reproduces WTC anomalies

Cole set out to answer three questions:

1. Can thermitic material melt steel?

Conclusion: Yes.

2. Can it cut steel horizontally or vertically?

Conclusion: Yes.

3. Does it take massive quantities to do any real damage?

Conclusion: It takes only a few pounds to melt completely through steel that is over an inch thick.

In addition to this, he unexpectedly reproduced the following WTC events:
Jesse Ventura's "Conspiracy Theory" on Pentagon:-

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Aircraft debris inside the Pentagon:






When a jet aircraft impacts beyond red-line speed, the destruction is catastrophic. Human remains are often little more than liquid spatters. 90% of the parts could fit in a cardboard box. Usually, only the forged steel landing gear components survive at all.
Very Interesting. Check this out..

Did these Kids Really Say This ??

Actually Bush did not (at that time) think "America is under attack." It was initially seen as a terrible accident. Only later would they come to the correct conclusion.

As for the kids' words - just an odd coincidence.

If it was a massive conspiracy, wouldn't it have been a lot better for Bush to be doing something noteworthy, heroic, when the news came in, rather than attending school in a PR stunt? If it had all been scripted, they could have produced a much more potent video for public consumption.
...As for the kids' words - just an odd coincidence.
tooo many co-incidences,,, make it NOT a coincidence,,, it becomes a plot, a scam,,,,
Aaron Russo was told many months before that Afghan/Iraq invasion was planned.... Coincidence...!!!
Simpson's ... Coincidence...!!!
X-Files "The Lone Gunman"... coincidence...!!!

Nostradamus.... Coincidence...!!!

The year 1999, seventh month,...
Bush nominated for presidency in June-1999... sixth month but old-guy predicted pretty close.
From the sky will come a great King of Terror....
American initial attacks were all air raids.
To bring back to life the great King of the Mongols....
Mongols mass-murdered muslims, starting from what now is Afghanistan & causing most damage in what now is Afghan & iraq.
Before and after Mars to reign by good luck.

The video gives you the wrong words...

Kite Hit Steel....... Plane was wrong thou but it sounded like plane...
& the lesson "The pet goat".... The Baphomet..!!!
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2 aircraft coming and whole security, Army, Airforce, agencies sleeping 10 terrorist coming (26/11) hahhahahha man make me laugh...!! what a joke! US and India...
2 aircraft coming and whole security, Army, Airforce, agencies sleeping 10 terrorist coming (26/11) hahhahahha man make me laugh...!! what a joke! US and India...

" Fool me once, shame on you..fool me twice shame on me"

Well the jokes on you..It Happened to US once and then it happened to India once and never since..but seems this kind stuff happens every other week in Pakistan!!
Yes... it's VERY LIKELY that as part of the conspiracy, the conspiracists would have kidnapped the teacher, briefed her into the whole project, and demanded that she use specific "key words" on that very day. Kind of a hip, cool "inside joke" that they could all laugh at, and history could discover at a later date.

That makes sense. Yeah. I'm on board. Totally convinced.
^^^^ no need to bump up an extremely up old thread.^^^^
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