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hello ,building 7 about 2% fire you blind ,yopu got any common sense in that empty head of yours ,you so called truth seeker ,theresv even a comercial thats come out in last few days making people aware of building 7 controlled demolition,funded and run by senators,your lies am afraid will be short lived ,you guys will be held to acountability and treason:devil: :sniper:

zionistjob9/11, your name says everything we need to know about you. Namely: you are stupid. Yes, that's right! You have less intelligence than an imbecile.
9-11 Questions

Why did Ashcroft stop flying commercial, citing an unidentified "threat" in July 2001?

Why were there no photos or videos of the Pentagon plane?

Why didn't the Secret Service hustle Dubya out of the classroom?

Where are the flight recorders?

Why were the FISA warrants discontinued?

How did Bush see the first plane crash on live camera?

the list goes on and on :cheers:
You,usadog,9/11was true are a single man ,you can change your name a 100times but you can't change your mentality,i doubt if you can survive the whole day today.
we all know 9/11 was an inside job [/

In order to definitively know something you have to prove it, this is where people like you fail, your proof doesn't exist, any proof you do post is laughable and quickly brushed aside, debunked, and destroyed.

[/B][/,my best reasercher is David Ray griffin,a christian professor,who knows more about science than you ptld sweepey will ever do [/B]

It's possible he knows more about science than me but he does not know more about callapes, and do you know why.....?

Be careful we can track your location, infact we know who you are, creating new accounts :disagree: how sad.
Most of your claims are too rediculous but a few i will answer.

Why were there no photos or videos of the Pentagon plane?

The camera at the pentagon is a not a continuous frame camera so it does not catch everything. As for photos there are plenty of them, and dozens of credible eye witnessess that seen the plane hit the pentagon, including an airline pilot. There was even a light post that was knocked down by the aircraft's wing.

Where are the flight recorders?

They were found, infact i posted pictures before, would you like for me to post them again?
I would ask the mods to close this thread. This had become pointless trying to appease just a single loser who believes so hard in these conspiracy theories.
we all know 9/11 was an inside job ,my best reasercher is David Ray griffin,a christian professor,who knows more about science than you ptld sweepey will ever do

:pakistan: :sniper:

yet another new id???

okay..enlighten us with what you favourite researcher says...
Melted steal cores but left body untouched ?

the ridiculous theories goes to you my dear old friend.

if you go through the recent posts for some time,then you will find out that nobody here is saying that the steel columns actually melted...They became weak....

From next time on,please spend some time on reading the other posts rather than hastily trying to impress your idea upon others.
For everybody's communal sanity, please lock this thread. It would be appreciated. That would give Mr. Sock Puppet nowhere to go, since he is interested in nothing else, it seems.
Anyone, that is ANY ONE, who believes this 9/11 inside job crap is an idiot, plain and simple. I don't care how much education you have or how many degrees you have, or how many internet articles you can cite. If you believe this crap, you do not possess the common sense of a rice farmer.

same to you buddy
For everybody's communal sanity, please lock this thread. It would be appreciated. That would give Mr. Sock Puppet nowhere to go, since he is interested in nothing else, it seems.

ALL the voices in my head agree with this post!
yea all i see is a coupel of yanks that cant handel the truth and let emotions come in there responses .. excluding the russian
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