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Hey @USADOG... you sound very similar to the other guy "9/11wasaninsidejob" who just got banned today? Wonder howz that possible... :whistle:
guess what one time i actuelly thought osama was the culprit :sniper:
Looky here...When you brought on the frying pan argument, you failed -- SPECTACULARLY -- basic science. I have several cast iron pans. To prevent rust after washing, the iron pan should be heat dried, meaning leaving on some heat to dry all the water. One night, I forgot that I had a pan on the stove and went to bed. In the morning, the pan was undoubtedly too hot to touch, but hardly 'deformed'. The reason why a piece of iron or steel or any metal will soften or even melt is when heat loss is less than heat gain. The greater the difference the sooner the piece of metal will soften or melt. This is basic science.
Don't post trash, Massad agents dancing? really? Is that what conspiracy theorists have religated themselves to?

The video is from Fox News and is based on facts. If you do not want to watch it, no one is forcing you. It is not up to you to decide what is trash ans what is not.
you got any sense in your head indian,thats the reason why usa wants pepituel war on some guy that more than likely is dead some ware around tora bora:rofl::rofl:

How come that is related to the topic???
The video is from Fox News and is based on facts. If you do not want to watch it, no one is forcing you. It is not up to you to decide what is trash ans what is not.
When the man used the words 'the event' he was merely stating that he was there when the attack occurred, not that he knew beforehand what will happened. This video has been pored over by professional journalists and speech specialists and no one gave any credence over the words 'the event'. I was a witness to a traffic accident once and I used the words 'the crash', as in 'I saw the crash'. That did not meant I knew beforehand a collision was going to occurred.

---------- Post added at 09:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:51 PM ----------

who you kiddin i wasnt born yesterday ,i gave you example of fryin pan as an example even if the pan is like a siv the shape is still there it dosnt melt like them twin towers laver under neigh,me thinks ive done more researche than you guys ,ask the firemen in NY.:sniper:
Yes...You were.
Conspiracy theories are for everything,the bigger the incident is,the more laughable they are.you can google theories on area51,gandhi assasination,elvis presly's death,9/11 was no exception either
we dont realy give a crap about gandu o elvis ,9/11 is the bigest hoax of the century thats why we got to remind us so called uncivilised savage americans that if you gonna go down go down in dignity ........and you little veggie not american indianms no one fears you:devil:

Based on what? Dancing Massad agaents, pans, hearsay and false claims.
please clarify if you dont mind:usflag:

I'm saying that every single conspiracy theory has been disproven, and to be honest some of the conspiracy theories are absurdly stooped, thus far no one has been able to disprove the facts or my assertions which are usually backed with sources, instead conspiracy theorist post their pathetic videos that have been proven to be full of lies or they repeat '911 was an inside job' without and proof.
its a conspiracy when you havnt no proof ,

Exactly, and until i have proof not hearsay it will stay a conspiracy.

when you have proof like the scientists and engineers and proffesers who put there neck on line thats no conspiracy ,you indian veggie animal fu.....

So you are either saying that everyone invloved in the investigation or is involved in one way or another is in on the conspiracy? If you want to beleive some so called scientists and engineers that have never actually taken part in the investigation feel free, but i will beleive real engineers and real scientists that were actually involved in the investigation, key words---involved in the investigation. I have spoken to engineers and explosive technicians and all of them agree that conspiracy theorists have been sniffing too much glue, in this world you will get some loonies that beleive these 911 conspiracy theories, but 99.9% of all engineers and scientists disregard this.

scum really think the world dosnt understand you lost the plot you really think you gonna be a super power,your nation is starving to death even these ****:pakistan:after floods there got more going for them than you cow piss drinkers will ever have :sniper:

you will never be who you want to be :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I'm not Indian.
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Exactly, and until i have proof not hearsay it will stay a conspiracy.

So you are either saying that everyone invloved in the investigation or is involved in one way or another is in on the conspiracy? If you want to beleive some so called scientists and engineers that have never actually taken part in the investigation feel free, but i will beleive real engineers and real scientists that were actually involved in the investigation, key words---involved in the investigation. I have spoken to engineers and explosive technicians and all of them agree that conspiracy theorists have been sniffing too much glue, in this world you will get some loonies that beleive these 911 conspiracy theories, but 99.9% of all engineers and scientists disregard this.

I guess u need to visit NY USA and interview the firefighters who were present at the seen in the world trade center.....plus tell me about the building 7 nothing touched it and there was no fire in it next to the world trade center...so how did it fall?....why the pplz and the firefighterz ran out of the building when they heard explosions within the building in every storey....some of them were trapped and died but luckily some managed to run and saved themselves......I have many proofs but I guess the answerz to just these questions should be enough to make u understand that it was the joint venture (an inside job)...there r even pplz who were also the part of the game and admitted privately that they did it themselves but due to the fear of their lives they cant come out openly.........:cheesy::woot::cheesy::agree:
u should watch the movie 911 the truth on google videos that will give u some idea of this evil conspiracy.....this is a technology age its hard to fool the world by just lying in the media and forging the evidence... the pplz are very smart now a dayz and they have resources to watch and checkout everything:lol::coffee:
I guess u need to visit NY USA and interview the firefighters who were present at the seen in the world trade center.....

The same figherfighters that that debunked the 'explosion' myth by acknowledging their oxygen tanks were left behind.

plus tell me about the building 7 nothing touched it and there was no fire in it next to the world trade center...so how did it fall?

Wrong and wrong, building 7 was badly damaged, at least 25 of the outer core was destroyed and it did burn, infact it burned for over 7 hours and it should be noted that diesel tanks inside building 7 spurred the fire.

Your argument is typical of conspiracy theorists, I take it you also believe that flight 93 had no wreckage? Stop listening to diluted conspiracy theorists.

....why the pplz and the firefighterz ran out of the building when they heard explosions within the building in every storey

Diesel generators, and abandoned oxygen tanks.

....some of them were trapped and died but luckily some managed to run and saved themselves......

Stop it with the nonsense, there is no way three building could have been set up for demolition without anyone noticing, like I mentioned before it takes demolition technicians months to prepare buildings, this includes striping walls, floorboards, removing and cutting pipes and electrical wire and drilling hundreds or thousand of wholes for explosive charges, then running miles of charge wire through the building. Use some common sense.

Your claim about figherfighters hearing explosions, presumable from dynamite, in wtc7 and making it out is absurd. Like I mentioned earlier I know a bomb technician that worked for an intelligence agency, he was actually my instructor, so I know a thing or two. Firstly the shockwave will kill you......period. You won't be able to outrun it or 'ride the wave' as you see in movies. it will turn your organs into mush.

Lets use so critical thinking skills, it takes just seconds for all explosive charges in a building to go off, almost immediately after, the building collapses, so unless those figherfighters were able to outrun a ~600-2000mph shockwave, depending on the charge, and actually outrun the falling floors I say your claim is busted...no utterly annihilated.

I have many proofs but I guess the answerz to just these questions should be enough to make u understand that it was the joint venture (an inside job)...

:rofl: No you don't, your claims are rediculous and false.

there r even pplz who were also the part of the game and admitted privately that they did it themselves but due to the fear of their lives they cant come out openly.........:cheesy::woot::cheesy::agree:

So FBI, CIA and Massad 'privately' told you they were involved? :rofl: Or let me guess you heard this nonsense from a conspiracy theory website that is probably written by a schizophrenic.
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