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72 paramilitary companies to be pulled out of Jammu and Kashmir

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72 paramilitary companies to be pulled out of Jammu and Kashmir
Bharti Jain | TNN | Updated: Dec 25, 2019, 00:29 IST
CRPF personnel standing guard in Srinagar. (TOI file photo)
NEW DELHI: The Centre has decided to pull out over 7,000 Central para-military troops from Jammu and Kashmir on account of the improvement in law and order situation there and also because the troops were on short-term deployment, sources told TOI on Tuesday.

Of the nearly 7,200 troops de-inducted from Jammu and Kashmir , 2,400 are from the CRPF and 1,200 each from BSF SSB, CISF and ITBP. They were all deployed in the state in view of the government’s decision to abrogate

Article 370
in the erstwhile state on August 5 this year.

Earlier too, some troops were withdrawn from Jammu and Kashmir for the

Jharkhand assembly polls

While sources indicated that the withdrawal of the Central troops was due as they were on short-term deployment, the decision assumes significance as it comes on a day when a high-level review on situation in UT of Jammu and Kashmir was held in the home ministry.

The review was attended by national security advisor Ajit Doval, Jammu and Kashmir LG GC Murmu, home secretary Ajay Kumar Bhalla, senior security adviser in MHA K Vijay Kumar, Army chief, CRPF DG and IB chief, among others. Home minister Amit Shah chaired the meeting, which was spread over several hours, for some time, as did minister of state for home G Kishan Reddy.

Kumar is scheduled to travel to the UT of Jammu and Kashmir soon to take stock of the situation.


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Not good..less troop all of a sudden! ...why what's happening ...sudden change in tactics.....

Torontos Limo
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India will be short of troops to keep peace elsewhere in India. Like in Kashmir, they've offended people all over India. What a moron country who is burning itself willfully.

We all knew India would shine one day... and here you go... they've burnt themselves so they could shine!
India will be short of troops to keep peace elsewhere in India. Like in Kashmir, they've offended people all over India. What a moron country who is burning itself willfully.

We all knew India would shine one day... and here you go... they've burnt themselves so they could shine!

Long festering issues are being brought to the fore and solutions are being sought which were unresolved for years.

Aug5 ended one 70 odd year old issue.

The second one is testing the concept of India.

Both the above I dare say are good for India.
Actually the RSS gang is needed elsewhere now. They are done doing their shit in Kashmir.
Aug5 ended one 70 odd year old issue.

No - the fact is that India has attempted to solve it using an absurd and obvious way which was always there; the use of brute force. Its response is in making. Kashmir is under curfews and blackouts. If Aug5 had solved the issue for India, why do you think India is preparing for a war with Pakistan? If India had got what it wanted - it would not try to sabotage what is gained.

India has lost its only narrative before Kashmiris that Kashmir under India will be better off than Pakistan. Kashmiris have been witnessing denial of rights form the last 70 years and on Aug 5th India lost its narrative completely. Now there is no way back. The story of Kashmir has taken a new turn but it is far away from a "solution" from any side.

Believe it or not, Pakistan is better off after what India did on Aug 5th because we know where will Kashmiris stand in India's upcoming conflict with Pakistan.

All true. However, GanguFacistRegime is deploying RSS Terrorists in Police uniforms... so they are not short of killers.

Why else has RSS trained all these years?

For these days of Religious-EthinicCleansing!

ظلم جب حد سے بڑھتا ہے تو مر جاتا ہے. Injustice dies its own death when it crosses the threshold. If India will bring more RSS terrorists in... they will fuel the fire faster than the Indian army was doing.

72 paramilitary companies to be pulled out of Jammu and Kashmir
Bharti Jain | TNN | Updated: Dec 25, 2019, 00:29 IST
CRPF personnel standing guard in Srinagar. (TOI file photo)
NEW DELHI: The Centre has decided to pull out over 7,000 Central para-military troops from Jammu and Kashmir on account of the improvement in law and order situation there and also because the troops were on short-term deployment, sources told TOI on Tuesday.

Of the nearly 7,200 troops de-inducted from Jammu and Kashmir , 2,400 are from the CRPF and 1,200 each from BSF SSB, CISF and ITBP. They were all deployed in the state in view of the government’s decision to abrogate

Article 370
in the erstwhile state on August 5 this year.

Earlier too, some troops were withdrawn from Jammu and Kashmir for the

Jharkhand assembly polls

While sources indicated that the withdrawal of the Central troops was due as they were on short-term deployment, the decision assumes significance as it comes on a day when a high-level review on situation in UT of Jammu and Kashmir was held in the home ministry.

The review was attended by national security advisor Ajit Doval, Jammu and Kashmir LG GC Murmu, home secretary Ajay Kumar Bhalla, senior security adviser in MHA K Vijay Kumar, Army chief, CRPF DG and IB chief, among others. Home minister Amit Shah chaired the meeting, which was spread over several hours, for some time, as did minister of state for home G Kishan Reddy.

Kumar is scheduled to travel to the UT of Jammu and Kashmir soon to take stock of the situation.


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Not good..less troop all of a sudden! ...why what's happening ...sudden change in tactics.....

Torontos Limo
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All rights reserved.


with nation wide riots ... they are needed else where
Lol......are we suppose to take this garbage news seriously reporting Kashmir is now quite and peaceful. Hahaha.......700,000 troops since 90s haven’t quelled the uprising in there modi has done it now......hahaha
Indians populations are generally conditioned to believe in there own lies other wise this shItty state can not function on reality and the truth
Multiple problems across India

Plus it's getting cold in Kashmir
If Aug5 had solved the issue for India, why do you think India is preparing for a war with Pakistan? If India had got what it wanted - it would not try to sabotage what is gained.
Where did anyone say India is preparing for a war with Pak. The only responses from IA's top brass were their preparedness to defend against any misadventure from Pak. Infact, it was Pak's top brass who were threatening to create unrest and IK warns of potential nuke war in his UN speech






India has lost its only narrative before Kashmiris that Kashmir under India will be better off than Pakistan. Kashmiris have been witnessing denial of rights form the last 70 years and on Aug 5th India lost its narrative completely. Now there is no way back. The story of Kashmir has taken a new turn but it is far away from a "solution" from any side.

Believe it or not, Pakistan is better off after what India did on Aug 5th because we know where will Kashmiris stand in India's upcoming conflict with Pakistan
If you're blinded with such a perception, as recently as Aug-31st...575 J&K youth joined the IA

Its cold in kashmir. Troops are struggling especially due to poor accommodation and equipment. The paramilitaries are stuck in overcrowded buildings. Modi and shah are sleeping in confort.
India cant sustain the huge deployment in Kashmir to keep the local population subdue on the gun point. And the self goal of messing things up in rest of India with the new legislation, it was only matter of time that redeployment was forced upon.

Aint complaining though.

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