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70% absents for Nawaz Sharif !


Sep 7, 2010
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PM missed out on 70pc of NA sittings

According to the statistics gathered by Free and Fair Election Network (FAFEN), Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif missed out on about 70 per cent of the National Assembly sessions while Opposition Leader Syed Khurshid Shah could not make it to 20 per cent of the total sittings of the House held during the second parliamentary year which ended last week.

PM missed out on 70pc of NA sittings | Pakistan Today
He become PM for other reasons. He is not even interested in war against terrorism neither you would find him worrying about people's issues like poverty, education, unequal distribution of wealth, corruption, law-and-order and all those $hitty people things.
How many months did Imran waste on protests?
What does this have to do with NS's disappearance act? Remember public voted for him so he works for them meaning he needs to give their issues a time and he is a representative of them. A PM is not a joke ....He should answer as per the democratic rights of us as the people of the country need to know what bloody shit was more important than us? The democracy he has been crying about demands answers for every move he makes for every decision he takes and if he isnt clear than he isnt our representative SIMPLE as that!
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