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6th Generation Fighters Jet - Race


Apr 22, 2020
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Future of air war belong to 6th generation fighters Jet program

Very good informative video on 6th generation programs and capabilities
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Shouldn't this Topic be best suited in the Air Warfare Thread?

What has Pakistan got to do with 6th Gen-Fighters?

We're still light years away from a 5th Gen-jet at the moment...
Shouldn't this Topic be best suited in the Air Warfare Thread?

What has Pakistan got to do with 6th Gen-Fighters?

We're still light years away from a 5th Gen-jet at the moment...
Most interesting thing in that is Indian which still suffering to produce decent 4th generation jet start working on 6th as well
Most interesting thing in that is Indian which still suffering to produce decent 4th generation jet start working on 6th as well
You're missing the point. 6th Generation is not even on the cards as far as PAF is concerned.

That would explain my reason for suggesting that this Topic belongs to a different Thread & not Pakistan Air Force.

Seriously..., you're going to use India as an example?

Just because they're obsessed with Pakistan 24/7, doesn't mean we need to follow in their path.

Besides, India is currently working on a 5th Gen-Fighter - which they'll get a lot of help from the West. Now it may NOT be in the same class as the F-35, but you can be certain that they'll get it done one way or another.

Try to keep your eye on the ball.

6th Gen-Fighter for Pakistan = Pakistanis landing on Mars.
You're missing the point. 6th Generation is not even on the cards as far as PAF is concerned.

That would explain my reason for suggesting that this Topic belongs to a different Thread & not Pakistan Air Force.

Seriously..., you're going to use India as an example?

Just because they're obsessed with Pakistan 24/7, doesn't mean we need to follow in their path.

Besides, India is currently working on a 5th Gen-Fighter - which they'll get a lot of help from the West. Now it may NOT be in the same class as the F-35, but you can be certain that they'll get it done one way or another.

Try to keep your eye on the ball.

6th Gen-Fighter for Pakistan = Pakistanis landing on Mars.
Got your point, you are right
I think air fight future is all about Drones or AI controlled planes, because i don't think there would be any advantage a human pilot would have over pilot less AI fighter drone. How this willy change the dynamics of air warfare?

Very good!

Most excellent!

Japan so confident of her military prowess and very very likely be wanting to fight with USA against China.



All Chinese around the world be very very delighted and hope Japan be USA doggie and be in that fight
over Taiwan.

Nanjing Massacre and Unit 731 grudges will be exorcised.

At the end of that very very short fight, Okinawa and Ryuku islands will be granted independance and protection of China.

Okinawa /Ryuku was historically recognised as sovereign country and will be free from Japan

Very interesting presentation Okinawa /Ryuku was historically recognised as sovereign country and will be free from Japan

Ainus will have Hokkaido under their sovereignity , and under protection of China.

Guam and Mariana Islands will be freed under the Chamorros and will gladly welcome China naval base there.

Hawaii will be free and under Hawaiians:enjoy:

Yasakuni Shrine be razed to the ground and turned into a memorial park if China felt charitable, or else a public toilet be build where the shrine used to be.

And the poison and pus in USA will be drained out totally and USA no longer a threat to world peace anymore.
You're missing the point. 6th Generation is not even on the cards as far as PAF is concerned.

6th Gen-Fighter for Pakistan = Pakistanis landing on Mars.

Very good!

Most excellent!

Japan so confident of her military prowess and very very likely be wanting to fight with USA against China.



All Chinese around the world be very very delighted and hope Japan be USA doggie and be in that fight
over Taiwan.

Nanjing Massacre and Unit 731 grudges will be exorcised.

At the end of that very very short fight, Okinawa and Ryuku islands will be granted independance and protection of China.

Okinawa /Ryuku was historically recognised as sovereign country and will be free from Japan

Very interesting presentation Okinawa /Ryuku was historically recognised as sovereign country and will be free from Japan

Ainus will have Hokkaido under their sovereignity , and under protection of China.

Guam and Mariana Islands will be freed under the Chamorros and will gladly welcome China naval base there.

Hawaii will be free and under Hawaiians:enjoy:

Yasakuni Shrine be razed to the ground and turned into a memorial park if China felt charitable, or else a public toilet be build where the shrine used to be.

And the poison and pus in USA will be drained out totally and USA no longer a threat to world peace anymore.
Don't bring out of topic politic jargon in here.

On Topic :

I think there are only 3 fighters that have clear design objective for their "6th Generation Fighter". That's US, Japan and China. I don't know why, but most European concept should be fall into 5th generation rather than 6th one. For US, the Penetrating anti air is interesting although I don't know what it is. Maybe they want an aircraft that can target the enemy air elements that hide behind their anti air defense array?

Like today in Ukraine - Russian war, Russian SU-57 strike the enemy target from far-far away, even maybe from their own territory. So, this new penetrating anti air means to clear those long range air to ground elements? There are also Chinese new H-6 Long Range missile trucker that can attack the enemy with long range air to ground cruise missile from their mainland.

The Japanese emphasis of battlefield information warfare concept with their information network and use the fighter as the beacon for all air friendly element around. But hey, I beg to pardon, but aren't they just make a fighter size AWACS aircraft?

While China is clear that they want to use the next gen fighter to counter any nuclear threat with conventional means. I don't know what they means with countering nuclear threat in here.
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I think 2040 is the earliest we will see 6th gen. First will be US then China then Russia. China will continue upgrading 5th gen fighters to 6th gen capabilities till then
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