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There was not any Chaos in Syria for the Turkish Armed Forces
Screenshot_2022-06-10 2020 Balyun airstrikes - Wikipedia.png

At around 5 p.m., a 400-man Turkish mechanized infantry battalion traveling in a convoy was targeted by an airstrike on the road between al-Bara and Balyun, around five kilometers north of Kafr Nabl. A light airstrike by a Su-22 halted the convoy, after which another bombing forced 80 Turkish soldiers of the 65th Mechanised Infantry Brigade to take shelter in the nearby buildings.According to Al-Monitor, "What followed next was likely the dropping of KAB-1500L bombs...by the Russian jets", collapsing two buildings and leaving a number of soldiers under the rubble. The following day, the Russian government denied it carried out airstrikes in the area and stated it made attempts to ensure the Syrian military ceased firing to allow the evacuation of the Turkish troops, but claimed that Turkish forces should not have been in the area, where "counter-terror operations" were taking place, and that Turkey failed to notify it about the soldiers' presence in advance.The Turkish government claimed that the Russian military had already been notified of Turkish troop locations, as the two militaries had regularly liaised about these.

The Turkish Army disbanded the 65th Mechanised Infantry Brigade because of the human losses and the remaining servicemen were assigned to other units.
It'll be like Russia in Ukraine. Russia boasts about technology and performance but when shit hits the fan everything fails.

-- Russia used most of outdated weapons
-- Russia has No UCAV fleet
-- Russians dont know how to fight for urban warfare and guerrilla tactics
-- Russia had logistic problems
-- Ukraine is large country
-- Russia entered many cities at the same time

and Ukraine lost Crimea , Don Bas
also Ukranian cities were destroyed by the Russian Armed Forces

Russia won

on the other hand

-- Turkiye use high tech modern weapons
-- Turkiye has 250+ UCAV fleet
-- Turkiye has great experience to fight for urban warfare and guerrilla tactics
-- Turkiye will not have logistic problems ... Greek Islands just 2 - 40 km away from Turkiye
-- We dont need to enter Athens or other Greek cities

to take just Islands , if USA-France-Greece start a war ......
-- Turkiye has great experience to fight for urban warfare and guerrilla tactics
Russiye didn't have great expertience in urban warfare and guerilla tactics? They fought in Chechenya and Dagestan from the late 90's to the early 2010s. They also fought a war in Georgia and later Donbass through proxy.
The Turkish Army disbanded the 65th Mechanised Infantry Brigade because of the human losses and the remaining servicemen were assigned to other units.

Turkiye-Russia-İran have signed agreement for Idlib in ASTAN-Kazakhstan

but they attacked Turkish Forces and we lost 34 soldiers

after treacherous attack on Turkish Forces in Idlib 27.02.2020

Turkish Armed Forces killed 3.322 Assad Regime militia including 6 generals and Iran backed terrorists

also Turkish Armed Forces destroyed
3 UAVs
2 SU-24 Fighter Jets
1 L-39 Aircraft
8 Helicopters
8 Air Defense Systems
155 Tanks
51 Howitzers
29 AFVs
68 Military Vehicles
15 Anti Tank Weapons
36 Pick-up mounted anti aircraft guns
49 Ammunition Trucks
10 Ammunition Storage
2 Missile Systems

Russian army fled in panic after Turkish attack on Idlib

also Turkish Armed Forces destroyed
3 UAVs
2 SU-24 Fighter Jets
1 L-39 Aircraft
8 Helicopters
8 Air Defense Systems
155 Tanks
51 Howitzers
29 AFVs
68 Military Vehicles
15 Anti Tank Weapons
36 Pick-up mounted anti aircraft guns
49 Ammunition Trucks
10 Ammunition Storage
2 Missile Systems
Same fake list you've posted 50,000 times on this forum. You have it somewhere written and you c/p it every time.

Same fake list you've posted 50,000 times on this forum. You have it somewhere written and you c/p it every time.

Turkish UCAVs recorded all strikes .......... Russians very well knows about heavy losses of SAA+IRGC+HEZBOL

and Russia deployed more Tanks,Howitzers,AFVs,MLRS and AD Systems for SAA

Even Azerbaijan destroyed $1 billion of Armenian Army military equipment by UCAVs

Turkish UCAV War concept to kick daydreamers
İsraeli DELILAH is outdated to compare with Turkish nex gen CAKIR

CAKIR Missile

-- with electronic jamming capability

-- Guidance = INS , IIR , RF , Hybrid (IIR+RF) Seeker , Radar Altimeter , Barometric Altimeter , Datalink

-- The passive hybrid ( RF+IIR) seeker
-- Network-centric warfare capability with Datalink
-- next-generation swarm technologies
-- artificial intelligence
-- Swarm concept that allows coordinated attack with a large number of ammunition.
-- Determining and changing the flight route
-- Ability to perform evasive maneuvers during the hit phase.
-- Low radar visibility due to its small dimensions and unique body design with radar absorber
-- Ability to detect damage.
-- sea skimming and terrain hugging

--The earth reference navigation system will be loaded into its memory. In the absence of GNSS, it will continue by looking at the map in its memory

-- High durability in GNSS jamming and deception environments thanks to the Anti-Jamming GNSS system

-- Usability from all manned and unmanned air, land and sea vehicles ( including transport aircrafts )
Israel has everything you've mentioned and then some

Delilah from 1994 isn't the same delilah from 2022
Israel has everything you've mentioned and then some

Delilah from 1994 isn't the same delilah from 2022

with electronic jamming capability ? NO

with artificial intelligence technology ? NO

also Israeli POPEYE and DELILAH Missiles have land attack capability

Turkish CAKIR and SOM Missiles have both anti-ship and land attack capability
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You think Israel doesn't have jamming capability? And you talk about being an "expert" in military history?

I did not say Israel has no jamming capability

I said Israeli DELILAH Missile has no jamming capability also artificial intelligence technology
Some of the stats in the list were fake,I had told him months ago and he still uses the same list.
Nothing about the stats are fake it is official stats of TSK.

You can call mmm-e all kind of names like troll, spammer, child etc but i can't find anything in his list which is not true. All mentioned systems are in development phase or already in active use.
Nothing about the stats are fake it is official stats of TSK.
And official Ukrainian Stats were saying they killed 20,000 Russians in the first week of the war and Russians that they shot down all Bayraktars in the first 3-4 days.
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