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60 Trump Supporters Loot, Vandalize Immigrant owned Business

It's more like Romney did:
very very very very very very badly.

While Trump only did:
very very very very very badly.

Well, if you count the number of "very"s in both statements, and convert it into the correct percentage ....... :D
If Elizabeth Warren gets the nomination there will be a lot of people switching to the Republican party as she is just as bad as Hillary.
Pocahontas doesn't have a chance in hell.

Joe Biden is their best bet, a white old male is their best bet.. their racist/sexist/communist left flank doesn't like it and will fight it based on race and gender (there are only 2)

and will lose, badly
@Desert Fox

Pocahontas doesn't have a chance in hell.

Joe Biden is their best bet, a white old male is their best bet.. their racist/sexist/communist left flank doesn't like it and will fight it based on race and gender (there are only 2)

and will lose, badly

Unfortunately the Democratic Party leadership has slid over to the Liberal Left and is hopeless.
Democrats got no one. They will be obliterated. Their only chance is Bernie, but the Democrats are part of the same corruption as their Republican peers.

Trump has the best chance of winning the elections.

It would be good for the world. The world needs to see the true ugly face of white angry America for another good 5 years after the 2020 elections. This was just a glimpse of what is to come. Things will get uglier. It will be the final nail in the coffin.

The deep state in America will suffer a great deal if Trump gets re-elected. That is a huge bonus.
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Reporting rates of crimes are to be assumed to be similar?
Murder rates for one first world city are higher than a third world city :-)


Biden will be easy pickings if he's the guy. If it'll be between "two old white men".. Trump will destroy him.

Sanders is last cycle, even his far leftist base has abandoned him because of his (imo reasonable) views on stuff like border security and gun laws.. for all his socialist ideas, Bernie is not an open borders anarcho commie or a "gun grabber" authoritarian.. he's also an "old white man" which the racist/sexist left there detests.. Bernie is so 2016, guys got no chance..

They're not going to vote Kamala either, call it blue dog racism or whatever but she doesn't stand a chance outside of her super lefty coastal cities.

Speaker Pelosi is intensely aware of how this will play out but Trump's just trolled them all into branding the entire democrat party into one big commie coalition.

Wait for it, next he'll troll them with something like a "It boils my blood to see the Murrican' flag burned, I hate it !!!"

and right on cue a bunch of democrats/lefties will start burning their flag... hook, line, sinker... watch


but he did much better than Romney or McCain with that demographic, didn't he ?
Actually Sanders is their best bet Kamala is a cringey whiner with her reparation bs
Sanders can stab him in the rust belt as for his policies well last elections they were called edgy now every democrat has them
As for his chances well most polls indicate him to be pretty hot against Trump
Murder rates for one first world city are higher than a third world city :-)

Actually Sanders is their best bet Kamala is a cringey whiner with her reparation bs
Sanders can stab him in the rust belt as for his policies well last elections they were called edgy now every democrat has them
As for his chances well most polls indicate him to be pretty hot against Trump

Biden is a scandal ticking time bomb. trump probably wants Biden or Harris. The best bet for the Dems is Sanders.
. .
Dems have reduced to the likes of AOC lol
Dems have reduced to the likes of AOC lol

AOC is actually a smart, young woman.

If the 2018 midterm elections were an indication of what is coming in 2020, I think a viable Democratic candidate will defeat Trump.
. .
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