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60% of Indian men admit violence against wives: UN report


Sep 20, 2014
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New Delhi: Sixty percent of Indian men admit acting violently against their wife or partner at some point in their lives while 52 percent of women admit having faced some form of violence during their lifetime, says a UN report.

The report, prepared jointly by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the Washington-based International Center for Research on Women, was released on the opening day of the four-day "MenEngage Global Symposium" at India Habitat Centre here Monday.

The study, titled "Masculinity, Intimate Partner Violence and Son Preference in India", was conducted in seven Indian states of Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, Punjab, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh.

It involved over 9,000 men and over 3,000 women aged 18-49.

"What we found is that in India, rigid forms of masculinity where men exhibit controlling behaviours and inequitable gender attitudes, strongly determines their preference of sons over daughters as well as their tendency to perpetuate violence against an intimate partner," the authors maintained.

According to the report, highest cases of violence came from Odisha and Uttar Pradesh, where more than 70 percent of men admitted to being abusive towards their wives and partners.

Data also suggest that men who experience economic stress were more likely to have perpetuated violence.

In the case of women, physical abuse such as being kicked, slapped, choked and burned was most commonly reported. Nearly 38 percent of women said they had faced such abuse.

This was followed by emotional, sexual and economic violence, respectively.

The findings also strengthen the fact that childhood experiences of violence and discrimination have a strong impact on adult men and women's attitudes and behaviours with regard to masculinity and control.

"To eliminate intimate partner violence and son preference, it is critical that we develop national policies and programmes that promote dialogue between women and girls as well as men and boys to shift harmful gender norms that perpetuate violence and discrimination," the report emphasised.

"Correspondingly, where education and economic status were increasing, men were less likely to exercise control over their partners and more likely to respect equitable norms," the study concluded.

60% of Indian men admit violence against wives: UN report | Zee News
Sorry , i don't believe in this 60% figure ,absolute bullshit . Seems like a highly inflated figure .
There must be another survey done on how many men face financial and mental abuse form women..

From the last sentence it seems they went and took most of the survey in backward villages .
Considering the states chosen in the survey I am surprised it's 60%, thought it might a much higher.
Spousal Abuse is such a terrible thing and one which is most despicable for any self-respecting man to indulge in; unfortunately quite a few countries suffer from it ! :(

Considering the states chosen in the survey I am surprised it's 60%, thought it might a much higher.

Tujhe waisee Bhabi ultaaa maartiii hain na ? :unsure:
Brave Indian women can speak the truth and explain their problem. Hope women in Muslim world to come at front too.
Not even a single south Indian state considered and yet they call it as a Nation wide survey?
Spousal Abuse is such a terrible thing and one which is most despicable for any self-respecting man to indulge in; unfortunately quite a few countries suffer from it ! :(

Tujhe waisee Bhabi ultaaa maartiii hain na ? :unsure:
Survey karwa lo ... saathi aur bhi milenge. :(
This is not true. Indians are descended from pure Aryans who are from Mars and they are also angels, this is probably done by the BBC as it is jealous of India's great progress.

There guys, I managed to cover the subject matter of the 90% of future Indian posts on this specific thread. I saved you guys time and effort. I want my positive ratings now.
if a survey is done in metropolitan cities then its would be 60% men are jhoru ka ghulam , while with rural areas there might be some truth in these figures .
New Delhi: Sixty percent of Indian men admit acting violently against their wife or partner at some point in their lives while 52 percent of women admit having faced some form of violence during their lifetime, says a UN report.

The report, prepared jointly by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the Washington-based International Center for Research on Women, was released on the opening day of the four-day "MenEngage Global Symposium" at India Habitat Centre here Monday.

The study, titled "Masculinity, Intimate Partner Violence and Son Preference in India", was conducted in seven Indian states of Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, Punjab, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh.

It involved over 9,000 men and over 3,000 women aged 18-49.

"What we found is that in India, rigid forms of masculinity where men exhibit controlling behaviours and inequitable gender attitudes, strongly determines their preference of sons over daughters as well as their tendency to perpetuate violence against an intimate partner," the authors maintained.

According to the report, highest cases of violence came from Odisha and Uttar Pradesh, where more than 70 percent of men admitted to being abusive towards their wives and partners.

Data also suggest that men who experience economic stress were more likely to have perpetuated violence.

In the case of women, physical abuse such as being kicked, slapped, choked and burned was most commonly reported. Nearly 38 percent of women said they had faced such abuse.

This was followed by emotional, sexual and economic violence, respectively.

The findings also strengthen the fact that childhood experiences of violence and discrimination have a strong impact on adult men and women's attitudes and behaviours with regard to masculinity and control.

"To eliminate intimate partner violence and son preference, it is critical that we develop national policies and programmes that promote dialogue between women and girls as well as men and boys to shift harmful gender norms that perpetuate violence and discrimination," the report emphasised.

"Correspondingly, where education and economic status were increasing, men were less likely to exercise control over their partners and more likely to respect equitable norms," the study concluded.

60% of Indian men admit violence against wives: UN report | Zee News
Devil in details
Sample size .. too small to compare PAn india attitude
It involved over 9,000 men and over 3,000 women aged 18-49.

Sample area.
According to the report, highest cases of violence came from Odisha and Uttar Pradesh, where more than 70 percent of men admitted to being abusive towards their wives and partners..

South .. with good literacy level .. genrally have better equaity and respect and role of women in socierty.. some are .matriarchal kerala liek socirty where women rules :-):p:.. gender violce is low ..

West is also on line on south but not up t the mask as west

East.... not much idea...

Noth east.. Women ahve major role in socirty and mostly educated .. so not much issue

Noth .. here is the problme.. UP , Bihat acount most of the cases .. .. Haryana also have issue of gender dicrimination ..
Himchal .. doing goood ..

tyep of abuse..

n the case of women, physical abuse such as being kicked, slapped, choked and burned was most commonly reported. Nearly 38 percent of women said they had faced such abuse

somtime you go out of mind.. though i am not advocating it but its human nature
once in blue moon if lovely husband slapped lovely wife for any reason cant be term as abuse ...
if it happed frequntly then yes
whihc not mentioned here

childhood experiences of violence and discrimination have a strong impact on adult men and women's

admit . it.. indian many socirty ahve pre occupired role for male and feamle
boy can stay up to 10 pm withhis frinds but girls to be insde by 7pm come may what to give one of the exmaple
which enforce idea of role person want his spuce to play
now its changing but its slow
this is crux

Correspondingly, where education and economic status were increasing, men were less likely to exercise control over their partners and more likely to respect equitable norms," the study concluded.
Indian states ranking by literacy rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Abuse ..violence .. rape agiant women is indirectly propertional to lietracy rate
more the literacy less the violence


if any one can provide report link would be helpful
if a survey is done in metropolitan cities then its would be 60% men are jhoru ka ghulam , while with rural areas there might be some truth in these figures .
in cities repalce men with women
60% of Indian women admit violence against husband:

Warning. .. only for strong heated person.. please watch on your own risk...:-).. not for below 18 and bachelors
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