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6 year old Indian boy has an IQ of 176!


Sep 18, 2008
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United States
Pranav Veera can recite the names of the U.S. presidents in the order they served in office. He can say the alphabet backward. Give him a date back to 2000, and he'll tell you the day of the week.

He's only 6 years old.

At first glance, Pranav is a typical young boy who is highly competitive at playing Wii video games and likes to play outside. A closer look reveals he's anything but typical.

Pranav has an IQ of 176. One person in 1 million has an IQ of 176 or above. Albert Einstein's IQ was believed to be about 160. The average IQ is 100.

When Pranav was 4-and-a-half, his parents noticed he seemed unusually intelligent while playing with alphabet sets. He could even recall which letters were certain colors.

"That kind of puzzled us," said his father, Prasad Veera. "You have to have not a normal memorization, but some other means of recall."

Now, he loves all kinds of alphabets.

"He loves to collect them, like different colors, different sizes, different materials," said his mother, Suchitra Veera.

The Veeras decided to have Pranav tested three months ago at Powers Educational Services in Hyde Park, Ohio.

"I said, 'Let's try it out, because he seems to do a lot of stuff kind of not quite normal for his age,' " his father said. "He tested 176."

He seems to have a photographic memory, so keeping Pranav engaged and learning is a big challenge for his family. His mother and grandmother, Shanta Sastri, work with him at home. They're guided by his focus and interests.

"The way to get him interested is to associate something with numbers, like presidents' birthdays … and when they came into office," his mother said.

"Once we introduced him to the idea, he was asking more and more questions, so we created a spreadsheet for him in Excel, and he keeps on asking us to add more types of information to it, like sort them in the order that they came into office, sort them in the order when they were born," she said.

In prekindergarten, his teacher had him do more challenging work, such as division and telling time. In kindergarten, his classmates are learning the alphabet and numbers up to 100. He's counting over 1 million.

"He's an amazing child," said Marci Taylor, his teacher at McCormick Elementary in the Milford School District. "He knows so much, yet he's probably more excited about learning than any child I've ever seen. He shakes with excitement."

Pranav knows so many incredible things, she said, but what's also impressive is that he's still a 6-year-old boy.

"He loves to go play at recess and climb on the monkey bars," Taylor said.

It's possible that Pranav might eventually have his learning accelerated, even by skipping grades, but his father said they would have to consider that with his social needs. "We want him to be as normal as possible," his father said.

"Right now, it's kind of early, and we can do a lot at home," his mother added. "We have to figure out what works best, because I think it's different for each child." Pranav draws his intelligence from both sides of the family.

His father has a Ph.D. and his mother has two master's degrees. What does Pranav want to be when he grows up?

"An astronaut," he said without hesitation. Truly, for Pranav, the sky's the limit.

6 year old Indian boy has an IQ of 176! | India.com
WOW!He is a God gifted child.Hopefully he will make headlines in future.:tup:
yes a good news..
i think that we the Muslim world have also children like him..but we dont want to announce btw :)
well frankly telling you i m sure he will be genius but IQ doesn't really matter now a days as tons of tests are available online and IQ questions normally come from these tests so until u do not use your IQ level in a particular field of interest and prove your self in front of world it is of no use like i remember one of that girl from india became the youngest microsoft certified professional in age of 9 in 2008 but before that a pakistani girl age 10 arifa karim was on that position and i think this worth more rather than having 176 IQ level because it is of no use until u use it sum where also the pakistani guy who secured 21 A grades in A level recently but still the india and pakistan are no where and are still developing countries so i hope he will use his IQ sum where and wont just waste him self
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