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6 Palestinians killed in Jenin, West Bank, body of Palestinian mutilated


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States



The oppressed and vulnerable Jewish 'minority' has another itching for blood once again.
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4 of the Palestinians killed in the last week during Israeli assaults/invasions of Jenin are members of the Palestinian Authority Security Forces:
GCC will normalize these kind of attacks.
You people are sick. Always looking to score brownie points. Why don't you say something about Israel or give condolences to victims? And why GCC? They are far away from Israel. Iran's Resistance axis has whole border of Lebanon , Syria and Iraq with Israel and we don't see ever a single security incident for years. There is more security incidents on border with Jordan than Lebanon and Syria. Are you just gonna keep pointing finger at GCC? Isn't Resistance axis took the onus on themselves to resist Israel? Let's give you that GCC is Israel/USA useless traitor pawns.

How does that stop the Resistance axis from acting? There is no Israeli bases in any of these GCC nations. They won't get involved in any way war if Resistance axis starts targeting Israel. There is only US bases there to stop you from attacking them. And instead aim weapons at Israel.

Perfect shooting
That's what you call perfect shooting? Shooting defenseless few guys defending a whole city on their own with no arms or cover? This is what's perfect shooting, when Hamas snipers take out our lieutenants hiding like a coward in tank and behind mounted gun and still got KO'ed:

You people are sick. Always looking to score brownie points. Why don't you say something about Israel or give condolences to victims? And why GCC? They are far away from Israel. Iran's Resistance axis has whole border of Lebanon , Syria and Iraq with Israel and we don't see ever a single security incident for years. There is more security incidents on border with Jordan than Lebanon and Syria. Are you just gonna keep pointing finger at GCC? Isn't Resistance axis took the onus on themselves to resist Israel? Let's give you that GCC is Israel/USA useless traitor pawns.

How does that stop the Resistance axis from acting? There is no Israeli bases in any of these GCC nations. They won't get involved in any way war if Resistance axis starts targeting Israel. There is only US bases there to stop you from attacking them. And instead aim weapons at Israel.

That's what you call perfect shooting? Shooting defenseless few guys defending a whole city on their own with no arms or cover? This is what's perfect shooting, when Hamas snipers take out our lieutenants hiding like a coward in tank and behind mounted gun and still got KO'ed:

Stupidest comments ever read !

Complaining about dragging GCC nations to the issue but dragging Iran !!!

You are a brainwashed sectarian racist or just an Israeli false flagger.

May Allah burn in hell, all the Muslims regimes not helping Palestinians, Kashmiris, Rohingyas,....
Stupidest comments ever read !

Complaining about dragging GCC nations to the issue but dragging Iran !!!

You are a brainwashed sectarian racist or just an Israeli false flagger.

May Allah burn in hell, all the Muslims regimes not helping Palestinians, Kashmiris, Rohingyas,....
The stupid is the sectarian false flagger hiding behind Tunisian flag. Literally the so called resistance axis is just as bad as GCC. So you are asking Allah to burn them too. Amen. :lol:
The stupid is the sectarian

I defy you to find in my posts one sentence against any sect, while you have hundreds....
false flagger hiding behind Tunisian flag.
You are just stupid, you can't find any Tunisian VPN, it's impossible for anyone to pretend he's Tunisian, while he is not.

Or you are accusing admins and mods to be stupid ?

While anyone can use a USA VPN for location and put any Flag for country of origine.

So probably, you are the false flagger one, your posts are full of racism, hate and sectarism.

Literally the so called resistance axis is just as bad as GCC. So you are asking Allah to burn them too. Amen. :lol:
That's suits me ✌️, Allah know better or should I say Elohim?
I defy you to find in my posts one sentence against any sect, while you have hundreds....

You are just stupid, you can't find any Tunisian VPN, it's impossible for anyone to pretend he's Tunisian, while he is not.

Or you are accusing admins and mods to be stupid ?

While anyone can use a USA VPN for location and put any Flag for country of origine.

So probably, you are the false flagger one, your posts are full of racism, hate and sectarism.

That's suits me ✌️, Allah know better or should I say Elohim?
Stop crying and respond to substance of post. You couldn't respond to what I said and couldn't come up with any excuse for Iran and so called 'Resistance axis' so you start crying and labelling people different names. You're not enforcing your opinion on the forum so quit dreaming about that.
Ahul Al Biddah is you 12elvers :

-Says Quran is incomplete, despite God literally telling us he completed it and it is uncorrupted
-Accuses Prophets wife of Zina despite God in Quran proving her innocence
-Believes God can enter humans just as Christians believe God was in Jesus
-Believes God is not all powerful and needs Imams to control parts of Universe affairs
-Routinely does shirk by asking dead humans and praying to them instead of God
-Claims Imam Mahdi can bring back dead , control rain(ironically what Dajjal does) , will come kill all non-Iranians.
-changes declaration of faith, pushes Prophet Mohammed out of it and puts Ali instead.
-Never talk about Prophet Mohammeds Sunnah ever , or about him. Always just Ali or others.
-Hates Arabs, despite Ali and Mohammed all being Quryashi Arabs.
-Claims they're actually Persian and not Arab


We can go on and on, you are Ahul Al Biddah and Hizb Al Shaytaan. And you will follow Dajjal and reject the real Mahdi. The Dajjal comes out of your country.

Absolutely. If they wanted a real diversion they'd fire a missile at Israel. They are too corrupt and scared to lose their material belongings and assets in this life to do that.
Tells who is the sectarian one 😂🤣😁
Stop crying and respond to substance of post. You couldn't respond to what I said and couldn't come up with any excuse for Iran and so called 'Resistance axis' so you start crying and labelling people different names. You're not enforcing your opinion on the forum so quit dreaming about that.
What substance have your shitty post??? You just complained about one member bringing GCC but you brought in the Axe of resistance and started your filthy hate and bigotry.

When confronted with this you started to troll and call me false flagger and sectarian, while evidently you are a false flagger and a sectarian.
Why don't you say something about Israel or give condolences to victims? And why GCC? They are far away from Israel. Iran's Resistance axis has whole border of Lebanon , Syria and Iraq with Israel and we don't see ever a single security incident for years. There is more security incidents on border with Jordan than Lebanon and Syria. Are you just gonna keep pointing finger at GCC? Isn't Resistance axis took the onus on themselves to resist Israel? Let's give you that GCC is Israel/USA useless traitor pawns.

You sort of have a point here.
GCC are essentially American protectorate states who (or at least their ruling class) have resigned to being the American protectorate. They DID fight for the Palestinian Cause a lot over the decades after 1948 but perhaps they know that it is not just Israel: It is the America-backed largest and most powerful military-economic alliance in human history they (and the Palestinians) are up against.
As for Iran's role... Iranians are smarter than the Syrians or Libyans or the Iraqis. Iranians have their 'assets' to destroy Israel totally in a (virtual) Kamikaze war. Iran is going to use that if and when that is necessary. Iranians are NOT suicidal or stupid! As far as theocratic thoughts go in Islam, the Iranians govt is very pragmatic while continue to be sort of theocratic. And in case someone accuse me of sectarianism: I was born and raised in Pakistan as mainstream Sunni as they come.

As for the Israelis... they learned well from their own tormenters in the 1930s/1940s to be cruel and genocidal.
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