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6 Pa Soldiers Are Shaheed At, hands of suicide bomber


Feb 12, 2006
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Pakistan suicide bomber kills 6 soldiers

Attack was in area of attacks by al-Qaida, Taliban forces
The Associated Press

MIRAN SHAH, Pakistan - A suicide car bomber attacked a military checkpoint Monday in tribal-dominated northwestern Pakistan, killing six soldiers and wounding 10 others, officials said.
The attack happened near Miran Shah, the main town in North Waziristan tribal region, where al-Qaida and Taliban-linked militants have been routinely targeting Pakistani forces, said Pakistan’s chief army spokesman, Maj. Gen. Shaukat Sultan.
“It was probably a car laden with explosives that has been driven and hit a (military) post,” Sultan said.
Sultan said six Pakistani soldiers were killed and 10 wounded in the attack in the village of Isha, about four miles east of Miran Shah.
The bombing came a day after a purported militant spokesman in North Waziristan announced that fighters will observe a monthlong cease-fire if authorities withdraw soldiers from roadside checkpoints back to their barracks.
Suicide attacks have been rarely used in this volatile region, where militants have tended to detonate explosives near Pakistani troop positions by remote control or launch ambushes using small-arms fire and rocket-propelled grenades.
The last suicide attack occurred June 2 when two militants rammed their explosives-packed car into a military convoy in North Waziristan, killing four Pakistani soldiers and wounding seven.
“This is not a welcome trend we are starting to see,” Sultan said.
Military officials have said that hundreds of Arab, Afghan and Central Asian militants with al-Qaida links, along with local pro-Taliban fighters, operate in North and the adjoining South Waziristan tribal regions.
The rugged area borders Afghanistan and militants are believed to cross relatively freely between Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Pakistan a key ally of the United States in the war against terrorism has deployed some 80,000 troops along its Afghan border to track down militants. At least 75 Pakistani soldiers have been killed in the tribal regions since January, along with about 350 militants.
© 2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
URL: http://msnbc.msn.com/id/13552831/
© 2006 MSNBC.com
Hmm do decided that they were shaheed? I bet they never even used to pray.

These are tit-for-tat killings. Pakistanis military is killing them and the survivors respond by killing Pakistani soldiers. Now when will this end? is the question. it only hurts Pakistan and the region as well.
Hmm do decided that they were shaheed? I bet they never even used to pray

And your suicide bomber was the perfect follower of Islam, thats why he committed suicide; which is haram (Forbidden).
And your suicide bomber was the perfect follower of Islam, thats why he committed suicide; which is haram (Forbidden)

Thats why ***** Mullahs need to get a lesson. They are barely modernized with the education. Going up to the class 7-10.. good going.. :mad:
Thats why ***** Mullahs need to get a lesson. They are barely modernized with the education. Going up to the class 7-10.. good going.. :mad:

Please don't call them mullah; Mullahs (Persian: ملا) are Islamic clergy. Ideally, they should have studied the Qur'an, Islamic traditions (hadith), and Islamic law (fiqh). They are often hafiz.

These people do opposite of what Islam teaches, they incite hate & create suicide bombers, they manipulate people for their political gains. These people are called "Hypocrite".
And your suicide bomber was the perfect follower of Islam, thats why he committed suicide; which is haram (Forbidden).

what does "your suicide bomber" mean? Please refrain from personal comments to other forum members.

One must also keep in mind that the pakistani also did suicide bombings in sialkot when pakistani armour got badly defeated by the indians. But obvioulys they got medals for their act.

Anyway in Islam and any military activity does not go against one way mission if it is against militray targets.
Please don't call them mullah; Mullahs (Persian: ملا) are Islamic clergy. Ideally, they should have studied the Qur'an, Islamic traditions (hadith), and Islamic law (fiqh). They are often hafiz.

These people do opposite of what Islam teaches, they incite hate & create suicide bombers, they manipulate people for their political gains. These people are called "Hypocrite".

Radicialization happens in every aspect of life, there is always someone trying to impose something on another human being. I know many Hafiz al Quran who dont understand arabic. Hafiz al Quran does not make them intelligent, intelligence is gifted by Allah. and does not evolve from any religious schools or any secular schools.

These people are obvioulsy hated in pakistan cause they struct Pakistani's but when the didi simialr activities during russian occupation they were heroes.

This is true that People dont follow Islam and Sunnah of the Prophet even when they have knowledge. People are often pushed to the extrme and not born extremists. HAte preaching can also be done in Pakistani army like all other nationalistic army. Soldiers are trained 24 hours to hate the enemy and kill human beings to get medals, honor and career. there Consciousness is systematically surpressed only to follow orders without any consent of their activities.

One must also not forget the unfortunate separation of Paksitan which was not incited by religion hate preaching but was more on triblaism and nationalism, which pakistan is a part of and also preaches in barracks. We cant cover our tracks of oppression and killing in bangladesh when paksitan army carried out mass killing and even the civilians were not spared becasue they were rebels.

What is happening unfortunately under the fold of religion is a calculated propaganda planned even before the creation of pakistan. We must follow the sunnah of Prophet Muhammad and educate ourselves in order to indentify the hypocrites [khawarij] amongst us.
Please don't call them mullah; Mullahs (Persian: ملا) are Islamic clergy. Ideally, they should have studied the Qur'an, Islamic traditions (hadith), and Islamic law (fiqh). They are often hafiz.

These people do opposite of what Islam teaches, they incite hate & create suicide bombers, they manipulate people for their political gains. These people are called "Hypocrite".

Indeed. My apologies.
yes we should be very careful who we call Mulla's and imams we only hurt our own religious authoritis as all of them are not all alike.
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