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59% of Germans view Israel as 'aggressive'

The TRUTH is that Arabs live in Israel better than in their own countries. Its FACT that you cants hide from them.

Gilded cage.

Every group of people has idiots among them, Holocaist survivors are no exception. 99+% of Holocaust survivors dont think in that way.

Most are too polite to say anything, or not politically involved.

Some, including the Knesset member's comment about his grandmother, feel compelled to speak out the truth.
Uh huh.. and pigs can fly, mars is blue, and so on?
Average wage in West Bank is 785$
Average wage in Gaza is 459$
What is average wage in Pakistan? :rolleyes:

Infant mortality:

West Bank 15.96
Gaza Strip 18.35
Pakistan 65.14

Life expectancy:

West Bank 74.54
Gaza Strip 73.42
Pakistan 64.49

Most are too polite to say anything, or not politically involved.
Yeah if 1% says something that fits your nut ideas that is a solid proof.
But if 99% say something opposite that is because they are politically motivated etc etc.

Check the figures above. Palestinians live much better than wast majority of Muslims in the world.
Fact hurts. Here, most people were conditioned to hate Israel from an early age. They probably think they are doing a holy Jihad by hating Israel. When actually, they are being grossly ignorant of facts. When countered by facts, their Xenophobia gets exposed and personal attacks, racism and name calling starts. I was called Islamophobic when I am a Muslim myself!

Let us come to facts. For God's sake, Israeli Arabs are not starving, they're obese!

Check #8 and #15 for men, and #3 and #16 for women. Maybe the Israeli Arabs are actually starving the Israelis?

Now wait for people to come and say The Economist is a Zionist propaganda machine. Ignorance is truly bliss.

Do not get me wrong, the Palestinians are getting the short end of the stick (not as bad as Pallywood would have you believe, but still). Back before the first intifada I was feeling sorry for them. But when a limited self governing was suggested, leading to their own state, I thought they would take this oppurtunity to show they could be responsible neighbors and lead to a softening of Isreali positions. Instead, the Palestinians thought that Isreal gave an inch, lets go nuts and see if we can't create a situation in which they are all killed, and we take everything. It played perfectly into what the Isreali hard-liners had said would happen if you dealt with Palestinians. ( who was it who said the Palestinians never miss an oppurtunity to miss an oppurtunity?). There are those here who will say "of course the Palestinians didn't negotiate, it's all theirs, and this is war!" I can understand this position. But if it is war, don't cry a river when the other side shoots back! (Like the Japanese "oh, the Americans bombed us back! How unfair!" Seriously? Do you not understand how war works? If you want to declare war against someone who does not fight back, declare war on bunnies)
Yeah if 1% says something that fits your nut ideas that is a solid proof.
But if 99% say something opposite that is because they are politically motivated etc etc.

Try reading again. I said the majority are NOT politically motivated, meaning they stay out of politics.

But the ones who can't deny their conscience speak out and tell the truth.

Check the figures above. Palestinians live much better than wast majority of Muslims in the world.

The conditions of Israelis Arabs is not the subject of this thread.

But when a limited self governing was suggested, leading to their own state

Do you know the details of the Israeli offers? The Palestinians were offered a 'state' embedded with Israeli towns and criss-crossed by Israeli roads. These were sham offers precisely intended as publicity stunts, not genuine offers.
Israelis are Best Think Tanks for America as well as for bring Technology...:azn:
The conditions of Israelis Arabs is not the subject of this thread.

Because it would expose your Xenophobia?:tdown:

Do not get me wrong, the Palestinians are getting the short end of the stick (not as bad as Pallywood would have you believe, but still). Back before the first intifada I was feeling sorry for them. But when a limited self governing was suggested, leading to their own state, I thought they would take this oppurtunity to show they could be responsible neighbors and lead to a softening of Isreali positions. Instead, the Palestinians thought that Isreal gave an inch, lets go nuts and see if we can't create a situation in which they are all killed, and we take everything. It played perfectly into what the Isreali hard-liners had said would happen if you dealt with Palestinians. ( who was it who said the Palestinians never miss an oppurtunity to miss an oppurtunity?). There are those here who will say "of course the Palestinians didn't negotiate, it's all theirs, and this is war!" I can understand this position. But if it is war, don't cry a river when the other side shoots back! (Like the Japanese "oh, the Americans bombed us back! How unfair!" Seriously? Do you not understand how war works? If you want to declare war against someone who does not fight back, declare war on bunnies)

In order to assess the problem of Israel-palestine, we have to analyse the history. The instance you are talking about is not the first instance that peace was offered by Israel based on two state solution. The first generous peace proposals back in the 40s were rejected by the palestinians just because of their ego. Subsequent proposals were also rejected by the egotistic Palestinians. They instead, opted for destroying Israel by wars and insurgency (the terrorism in the name of "intifada"). What do you do when palestinians are so egotistic and arrogant? Already Israeli arabs are thriving more than their home countries.
Try reading again. I said the majority are NOT politically motivated, meaning they stay out of politics.

But the ones who can't deny their conscience speak out and tell the truth.
Only tiny fraction of idiots think that Israel treats Palestinians like Nazis. That proves nothing.

The conditions of Israelis Arabs is not the subject of this thread.
I was talking about West Bank and Gaza. I posted statictics from the which prove they live much better.

Do you know the details of the Israeli offers? The Palestinians were offered a 'state' embedded with Israeli towns and criss-crossed by Israeli roads. These were sham offers precisely intended as publicity stunts, not genuine offers.
Israel offered very good solition. Here the last one:

Try reading again. I said the majority are NOT politically motivated, meaning they stay out of politics.

But the ones who can't deny their conscience speak out and tell the truth.

The conditions of Israelis Arabs is not the subject of this thread.

Do you know the details of the Israeli offers? The Palestinians were offered a 'state' embedded with Israeli towns and criss-crossed by Israeli roads. These were sham offers precisely intended as publicity stunts, not genuine offers.

Duh, I know it wasn't everything the Palestinians wanted (We will march into the sea, give it all to you), or even a great offer, but if you read what I said, you build from that offer, take it, show yourselves as "good nieghbors", and garner world support, increasing pressure on Isreal to give legitimate offers, and down the road, a "fair" one. Instead, they lost world support, reinforced the dire predictions of the Isreali right wing (increasing their support). Yes, I know that Palestinian support is growing again, but mainly among teenage westerners (the same one who support "anarchy" until they actually have jobs and families) this support is thin as smoke,and is only from "hipsters" and last only so long as it is "cool," and has little effect in real corridors of power. The Palestinians lost a golden opportunity to gain "real" political support, no matter how you spin it.
Because it would expose your Xenophobia?:tdown:

Come back when you can form a coherent thought. Until then, have a lie down.

Only tiny fraction of idiots think that Israel treats Palestinians like Nazis. That proves nothing.

No one is equating Israel to the Nazi regime in full. The point Dr Meyer was making was about the dehumanization and treatment of Palestinians, and the fundamental racial superiority inherent in the Zionist agenda.

Israel offered very good solition. Here the last one:


It still leaves out Jerusalem; the Israelis know it is a non-starter, so it is yet another publicity stunt.

Duh, I know it wasn't everything the Palestinians wanted (We will march into the sea, give it all to you), or even a great offer, but if you read what I said, you build from that offer

The solutions were unworkable. Can you imagine a USA where DC, Philly and Houston (and the roads linking them) belong to a hostile country?
Come back when you can form a coherent thought. Until then, have a lie down.

Says the one who brushes off facts aside every now and then when faced with one. Seriously, which Mullah brainwashed you so hard?:lol:

And they refused it. They won't get such an offer ever again.

Of course. They didn't deserve to receive such a generous offer in the first place.
And lets not forget, the US administration was growing tired of Isreali intransigence, and was tilting towards the Palestinian position. The Palestinians lost an opportunity to break the "zionist" hold on the poor US puppet. Instead, they did exactly what the nuttiest Zionest hard-liner said they would, driving later US administrations back into the Isreali camp. You may argue that the offer of the Isrealis was designed to do that, but that's when you have to play smarter than your opponents (refer to the "Hiroshima tactics" thread, where it is said the US played into what the terrorist wanted)
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