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54 nations praise China’s ‘remarkable Uighur rights record’ at UN

Yeah..a real proud day for China..you should shoot-off some fireworks and celebrate


Female Muslim prisoners in China’s concentration camps are being gang-raped and tortured

“The policemen ordered her to disrobe and simply raped her one after the other, in front of everyone. While they were raping her they checked to see how we were reacting. People who turned their head or closed their eyes, and those who looked angry or shocked, were taken away and we never saw them again. It was awful. I will never forget the feeling of helplessness, of not being able to help her.”

Does this only Happen in China that everybody has to be against China? I bet more muslim women get gang raped in PAKISTAN then China.
54 vs 23 , Another landslide win for China. Never knew China and Belarus were that close. It's obvious that the whole west is ganging up on China, but they must be very frustrated, the once dominant power of the west is waning by the day.
565 people were murdered in Chicago
since Eddie Johnson has been police
chief more than 1500 people have been
murdered in Chicago and 13,000 and 67
people have been shot during the first
weekend of August 20 1972 were wounded
in 32 shootings in Chicago and recently
they had 78 shootings over a weekend
spree and three people killed and
Chicago has the toughest gun laws in the
United States that doesn't seem to be
working too well does it and a lot of
it's embarrassing to us as a nation all
over the world they're talking about
Chicago Afghanistan is a safe place by
comparison it's true

54 nations praise China’s ‘remarkable Uighur rights record’ at UN
October 30, 2019 5:43 P

NEW YORK: China’s mass detention and surveillance of ethnic Uighurs in Xinjiang province came under fire at the United Nations Tuesday, with 23 nations, mostly western backing a British statement condemning Beijing’s human rights record.

But China’s allies countered with a statement of their own that won even broader support, with some 54 nations backing a Belarus text that heaped effusive praise on Beijing’s “remarkable achievements in the field of human rights.”

They included Pakistan, Russia, Egypt, Bolivia, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Serbia, which have all been criticised for their own rights records.

The duelling statements at the UN General Assembly are non-binding, but highlight the global divide on China’s human rights record, particularly as Beijing moves to flex its diplomatic and economic clout abroad.

Britain’s UN statement Tuesday expressed concerns “regarding credible reports of mass detention; efforts to restrict cultural and religious practices; mass surveillance disproportionately targeting ethnic Uighurs; and other human rights violations and abuses”.

“The Chinese government should urgently… (refrain) from the arbitrary detention of Uighurs and members of other Muslim communities,” it said.

Countries backing it included the United States, Germany, France, Canada, Japan and New Zealand.

But that statement was swiftly countered by the one from Belarus, where China is building a massive industrial park, which praised Beijing’s rights record.

“We commend China’s remarkable achievements in the field of human rights by adhering to the people-centred development philosophy and protecting and promoting human rights through development,” the statement said.

“We also appreciate China’s contributions to the international human rights cause,” it added, while criticising the “politicisation” of the issue of human rights at the UN.

Reuters completely cherry-picked the list of 54 countries to only report those with a poor image in the West.

China's UN Mission has an English translation here

You can choose to trust their translation, or search for an original transcript.

Joint Statement on Xinjiang at Third Committee Made by Belarus on Behalf of 54 Countries
Mr. President,

I have the honor to make the following joint statement on behalf of 54 countries including Pakistan, the Russian Federation, Egypt, Bolivia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Serbia.

We reiterate that the work of Human Rights in the United Nations should be conducted in an objective, transparent, non-selective, constructive, non-confrontational and non-politicized manner. We express our firm opposition to relevant countries' practice of politicizing human rights issues, by naming and shaming, and publicly exerting pressures on other countries.

We commend China's remarkable achievements in the field of human rights by adhering to the people-centered development philosophy and protecting and promoting human rights through development. We also appreciate China's contributions to the international human rights cause.

We take note that terrorism, separatism and religious extremism has caused enormous damage to people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang, which has seriously infringed upon human rights, including right to life, health and development. Faced with the grave challenge of terrorism and extremism, China has undertaken a series of counter-terrorism and deradicalization measures in Xinjiang, including setting up vocational education and training centers. Now safety and security has returned to Xinjiang and the fundamental human rights of people of all ethnic groups there are safeguarded. The past three consecutive years has seen not a single terrorist attack in Xinjiang and people there enjoy a stronger sense of happiness, fulfillment and security. We note with appreciation that human rights are respected and protected in China in the process of counter-terrorism and deradicalization.

We appreciate China's commitment to openness and transparency. China has invited a number of diplomats, international organizations officials and journalist to Xinjiang to witness the progress of the human rights cause and the outcomes of counter-terrorism and deradicalization there. What they saw and heard in Xinjiang completely contradicted what was reported in the media. We call on relevant countries to refrain from employing unfounded charges against China based on unconfirmed information before they visit Xinjiang. We urge the OHCHR, Treaty Bodies and relevant Special Procedures mandate holders to conduct their work in an objective and impartial manner according to their mandate and with true and genuinely credible information, and value the communication with member states.

Thank you, Mr. President.
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54 nations praise China’s ‘remarkable Uighur rights record’ at UN
October 30, 2019 5:43 P

NEW YORK: China’s mass detention and surveillance of ethnic Uighurs in Xinjiang province came under fire at the United Nations Tuesday, with 23 nations, mostly western backing a British statement condemning Beijing’s human rights record.

But China’s allies countered with a statement of their own that won even broader support, with some 54 nations backing a Belarus text that heaped effusive praise on Beijing’s “remarkable achievements in the field of human rights.”

They included Pakistan, Russia, Egypt, Bolivia, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Serbia, which have all been criticised for their own rights records.

The duelling statements at the UN General Assembly are non-binding, but highlight the global divide on China’s human rights record, particularly as Beijing moves to flex its diplomatic and economic clout abroad.

Britain’s UN statement Tuesday expressed concerns “regarding credible reports of mass detention; efforts to restrict cultural and religious practices; mass surveillance disproportionately targeting ethnic Uighurs; and other human rights violations and abuses”.

“The Chinese government should urgently… (refrain) from the arbitrary detention of Uighurs and members of other Muslim communities,” it said.

Countries backing it included the United States, Germany, France, Canada, Japan and New Zealand.

But that statement was swiftly countered by the one from Belarus, where China is building a massive industrial park, which praised Beijing’s rights record.

“We commend China’s remarkable achievements in the field of human rights by adhering to the people-centred development philosophy and protecting and promoting human rights through development,” the statement said.

“We also appreciate China’s contributions to the international human rights cause,” it added, while criticising the “politicisation” of the issue of human rights at the UN.

Free East Turkestan.
They are more interested in how many votes they can buy at the UN than the lives of Muslim Uighurs. Putting human beings in concentration camps is no big deal for China.

If you feel education is problem actually you are the problem.
Yeah..a real proud day for China..you should shoot-off some fireworks and celebrate


Female Muslim prisoners in China’s concentration camps are being gang-raped and tortured

“The policemen ordered her to disrobe and simply raped her one after the other, in front of everyone. While they were raping her they checked to see how we were reacting. People who turned their head or closed their eyes, and those who looked angry or shocked, were taken away and we never saw them again. It was awful. I will never forget the feeling of helplessness, of not being able to help her.”
Despicable.China showing it's true colors.
Yet many here will bark that it's propaganda just because it's beneficial for them.
China refutes U.S. criticism over Xinjiang at the UN
Editor: Zhang Jianfeng 丨CGTN

10-31-2019 09:51 BJT

Chinese ambassador to the United Nations Zhang Jun on Tuesday told the U.S. and other Western countries to stop interfering in China's domestic affairs after they accused China of mistreating people of Uygur ethnic group in Xinjiang.

The U.S., Britain and 21 other states criticized China at a UN meeting for setting up vocational centers in Xinjiang, saying local governments were detaining people from the ethnic group.

Describing those claims as "groundless accusations," Zhang said the vocational centers are preventive counter-terrorism and de-extremism measures adopted by local governments. It is not a human rights issue nor does it have anything to do with racial discrimination, Zhang said.

The U.S. and other Western countries should stop meddling with China's internal affairs, he added.

Zhang's remarks were jointly defended by over 30 countries. Diplomats from countries, including Russia, Pakistan, Cambodia, Vietnam, Ethiopia and Cuba, all hailed China's remarkable record in promoting human rights and voiced their support on China's Xinjiang policy.

Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Geng Shuang responded to the issue on Wednesday, urging related countries to stop smearing China and review their own human rights record instead.

According to him, the incorrect remarks have been criticized and refuted by over 60 countries, indicating that China's remarkable achievement made in human rights protection and regional development in Xinjiang has been widely recognized by the international community.

"We hope that they should stop setting up double standard on human rights issues, follow the trend and take some concrete actions to address the issues," Geng said.
Kurdistan never existed. Nice try.
Anatolia is Turkish you clown. :victory:

If eastern turkistan exists, so does Kurdistan. there's no wars and conflicts in Xinjiang, but there's a lot war and conflicts in Kurdistan.

As I mentioned, you can parrot the west, but remember, the west doesn't seem to like you either.

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If eastern turkistan exists, so does Kurdistan. there's no wars and conflicts in Xinjiang, but there's a lot war and conflicts in Kurdistan.

As I mentioned, you can parrot the west, but remember, the west doesn't seem to like you either.

What does this got to do with the west or Erdogan?
What does this got to do with the west or Erdogan?
Because you are calling "free turkistan" and this thread is about the west bashing China over Xinjiang, don't forget the same west also bashes you with other issues.

I don't know why turks always try to pick fight with China, China is actually the best hope for you. now EU and US hate you, Russia doesn't really trust you since you shot down their jet and shot their ambassador, you also condemn their Crimea annexation. Gulf Arab Union believes you are their worst enemy. you can always put on a brave face and claim you need no one but yourself, but in real life you have to face the reality, if all those countries gang up on you, you are doomed.

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