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54 countries helped CIA in secret operations, says study

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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54 countries helped CIA in secret operations, says study
From the Newspaper | Masood Haider
NEW YORK: The CIA was aided and abetted by some 54 countries in its secret interrogation program years after Sept 11 attacks, says a new human rights report which documents international involvement in CIA efforts.

The report, cited by the New York Times exclusively is to be made public later by the Open Society Justice Initiative, a rights advocacy group, is the most detailed external account of other countries’ assistance to the United States, including things like permitting the CIA to run secret interrogation prisons on their soil and allowing the agency to use their airports for refuelling while moving prisoners around the world.

The report identifies 136 people who had been held or transferred by the CIA, the largest list compiled to date, and describes what is known about when and where they were held.

It adds new detail to what is known about the handling of both dedicated Al Qaeda operatives and innocent people caught up by accident in the global machinery of counter-terrorism.

Some of the harsh interrogation methods the CIA used on prisoners under President George W. Bush have been widely denounced as torture, including by President Obama, who banned such techniques.

In addition, some prisoners subjected to extraordinary rendition — transferred from one country to another without any legal process — were sent to countries where torture is standard practice.

Such operations remain the subject of fierce debate, with former Bush administration officials asserting that they were necessary to keep the country safe and critics saying the brutal interrogation techniques were illegal and ineffective.

The debate has been renewed most recently with the release of the movie “Zero Dark Thirty,” which portrays the use of torture in the hunt for Osama bin Laden, though intelligence officials deny that was the case.

When he took office in 2009, Mr Obama rejected calls for a national commission to investigate such practices, saying he wanted to look forward and not back.

The Senate Intelligence Committee recently completed a 6,000-page study of the CIA detention and interrogation program, but it remains classified, and it is uncertain whether and when it might be even partially released.

Amrit Singh, the author of the Open Society report, “Globalising Torture,” said she had found evidence that 25 countries in Europe, 14 in Asia and 13 in Africa lent some sort of assistance to the CIA, in addition to Canada and Australia.

They include Thailand, Romania, Poland and Lithuania, where prisoners were held, but also Denmark, which facilitated CIA air operations, and Gambia, which arrested and turned over a prisoner to the agency.

“The moral cost of these programs was borne not just by the US but by the 54 other countries it recruited to help,” Ms Singh said.

For some former intelligence officials, such critiques of the aggressive operations against Al Qaeda smack of second-guessing.

Michael V. Hayden, the former CIA director, said in a panel discussion last week at the American Enterprise Institute that few voices had called for restraint in the panicky aftermath of 9/11.

“We are often put in a situation where we are bitterly accused of not doing enough to defend America when people feel endangered,” Mr Hayden said.

“And then as soon as we’ve made people feel safe again, we’re accused of doing too much.”

But Ms Singh said the United States had flagrantly violated domestic and international laws and that its efforts to avoid accountability were “beginning to break down.”

In December, the European Court of Human Rights found the CIA responsible for the torture of Khalied el-Masri, a German citizen abducted by the agency and taken to Afghanistan in a case of mistaken identification.

And on Friday, an Italian appeals court convicted a CIA station chief and two other Americans of the kidnapping of a radical cleric taken from the streets of Milan in 2003 and sent to Egypt.

Twenty-three Americans had previously been convicted in the case.
54 countries helped CIA in secret operations, says study | World | DAWN.COM
Amrit Singh, who investigated and produced the 214 page voluminous report on the issue is none other than Indian PM Manmohan Singh's daughter.

She's done a fantastic job that's resulted in many a red face in the US Congress and an embarrassment to the American people for the involvement of their three letter clubs in secret detentions and extra ordinary renditions resulting in gross human rights violations.

It's ironical that this is a country that preaches human rights to the world!
Amrit Singh, who investigated and produced the 214 page voluminous report on the issue is none other than Indian PM Manmohan Singh's daughter.

She's done a fantastic job that's resulted in many a red face in the US Congress and an embarrassment to the American people for the involvement of their three letter clubs in secret detentions and extra ordinary renditions resulting in gross human rights violations.

It's ironical that this is a country that preaches human rights to the world!

Save your moral indignation for your own nations oppressed masses buddy. As for Amrit Singh I wonder why her heart bleeds for Pakistani terrorist? I guess she has that in common with her father.
Save your moral indignation for your own nations oppressed masses buddy. As for Amrit Singh I wonder why her heart bleeds for Pakistani terrorist? I guess she has that in common with her father.

U love to drag Pakistan into every thing??? no where in this report Pakistan is mentioned..... she is talking about the countries who participated/helped CIA....
Save your moral indignation for your own nations oppressed masses buddy. As for Amrit Singh I wonder why her heart bleeds for Pakistani terrorist? I guess she has that in common with her father.
So you're calling Prime Minister Manmohan Singh a terrorist? What were you smoking when you wrote this piece of sh!t? Try Afghan weed next time instead of the adulterated American stuff you get there.

The US of A is the biggest violator of human rights. Period! Do you even know how many innocent men, women and children you guys have killed since the whacking you got in Vietnam? Have you forgotten 'Op Shock and Awe' that you unleashed in Iraq? Have you forgotten the thousands of drone strikes in Pakistan since the last decade? How many children have you killed there with impunity? Just a statistic for you Yankees.

Keep your nutty cowboy comments to yourself. They don't cut any ice here. Your post reflects the haughty, arrogant American attitude towards the world. You're a nation in decline. So just shut the heck up!
U love to drag Pakistan into every thing??? no where in this report Pakistan is mentioned..... she is talking about the countries who participated/helped CIA....

All the detainees in her list were all captured in Pakistan.
So you're calling Prime Minister Manmohan Singh a terrorist? What were you smoking when you wrote this piece of sh!t? Try Afghan weed next time instead of the adulterated American stuff you get there.

The US of A is the biggest violator of human rights. Period! Do you even know how many innocent men, women and children you guys have killed since the whacking you got in Vietnam? Have you forgotten 'Op Shock and Awe' that you unleashed in Iraq? Have you forgotten the thousands of drone strikes in Pakistan since the last decade? How many children have you killed there with impunity? Just a statistic for you Yankees.

Keep your nutty cowboy comments to yourself. They don't cut any ice here. Your post reflects the haughty, arrogant American attitude towards the world. You're a nation in decline. So just the heck up!

I guess you have a reading and comprehension problem. I implied your leader is soft on terrorism and his daughter appears to be a terrorist sympathizer. Unlike you and Ms Singh I don't shed tears for the rights of terrorist. There are far more important issues for Ms. Singh to deal with in India, she can take her pick rape, malnutrition, infant mortality, child labor and access to sanitation. Thousands of Indian citizens get tortured and raped by police in India why is she more concerned about the rights of a few terrorist? There is plenty for Ms. Singh to do in shinning incredible India :rolleyes:

Let the US and 56 like minded nations deal with the terrorists and India can do what its good at turning the other cheek and sending out dossiers. :azn:
I guess you have a reading and comprehension problem. I implied your leader is soft on terrorism and his daughter appears to be a terrorist sympathizer. Unlike you and Ms Singh I don't shed tears for the rights of terrorist. There are far more important issues for Ms. Singh to deal with in India, she can take her pick rape, malnutrition, infant mortality, child labor and access to sanitation. Thousands of Indian citizens get tortured and raped by police in India why is she more concerned about the rights of a few terrorist? There is plenty for Ms. Singh to do in shinning incredible India :rolleyes:

Let the US and 56 like minded nations deal with the terrorists and India can do what its good at turning the other cheek and sending out dossiers. :azn:

I am sure there are a few white Americans too who have protested against Abu Graib, Drones and Guantanamo Bay prison or the US troops human rights violations - does that make them terrorist sympathizers as well?

We have some loonies in India (including a few westerners) who protest about human rights against terrorists killed in Kashmir - the world's made of all kinds of people.
My enemy's enemy is my friend. Sometimes there are just common interests, why not indulge?
54 American puppets :lol:. I bet India is one of them. We don't take orders from no one. We have independent foreign policy. India can never say 'no' to big powers.
54 American puppets :lol:. I bet India is one of them. We don't take orders from no one. We have independent foreign policy. India can never say 'no' to big powers.

Ask your Supervisor to give you new script . This one is old and doesn't have no effect on anyone .
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