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5000 people will be immediately arrested if democracy fails :Shahid masood

If ???? It has already failed. And will keep on failing with this current parliamentary system.

I have watched few videos of parliamentary debates on YouTube. It's like few stupids are arguing to each other just to prove that who is biggest stupid.
Ist of all Dr. Shahid Masood is a 3rd class journalist. His views should not be taken seriously.
Secondly democracy hasn't been failed. Establishment wants you to believe that democracy have failed. They try to manipulate democracy.
Thirdly parliamentary system is the only way for Pakistan. It doesn't matter what people like you think.
Listen at 0:35
Those who failed this lady, wants you to think that democracy have failed or parliamentary system must be replaced with presidential
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In my knowledge around 5000 will be hanged and 50000 will be arrested & put in prison. .... just like Chinese or turkish model.
Purge is a every patriots dream. Been listening to it since our childhood. The reason why it is not implemented because other than the politicians,the judges,generals and anchors will be next.
Ist of all Dr. Shahid Masood is a 3rd class journalist. His views should not be taken seriously.
Secondly democracy hasn't been failed. Establishment wants you to believe that democracy have failed. They try to manipulate democracy.
Thirdly parliamentary system is the only way for Pakistan. It doesn't matter what people like you think.
Either he is 3rd class journalist or not I don't care, but I can prove that current parliamentary system is not good for Pakistan.

1. Corrupt practices/nepotism

In Parliamentarian system, every constituency becomes very importance. Every member of parliament not only does the Legislation, but also they are involved in Government-Making.

In Pakistan, the corrupt practices and nepotism are strong enough to get hold of small areas like one constituency, and get success there by unfair means. While a normal Pakistani, who is perhaps much more educated and loyal to Pakistan than that corrupt mafia, got absolutely no chance to win against these corrupt powerful family nepotism system.

In comparison to Parliamentarian system, the role of MPs is not so important in Presidential system and they are not strong to do the corruption. Their role is limited only to doing Legislation for the country and they are no more involved in Government-Making.

So, this Presidential system snatch the power of Government-Making from these corrupt mafia, and give it to the whole Nation so that they could Directly elect the President themselves.

Therefore, even if there come no Land reforms in Pakistan, or we don't crush this corrupt mafia system, still we would be able to destroy the importance of this nepotism system by making it non-effective and powerless. Even if the results are not 100% (as in case of crushing them from root), still success rate will be much higher than in the present Parliamentarian system.

2. The decrease in importance of Provincial Assemblies after introduction of Local Body System

Do you remember when the Local Body system was introduced and the Powers were transferred to the local Body system, then these corrupt mafia and family business in politics were not interested any more in becoming members of Provincial assemblies. In fact, many members of Provincial assemblies resigned from their seats and contested for the Local body elections.

Therefore, we could hope that we will witness the same thing in national assembly after the introduction of Presidential system when members will lose the right of Government-Making and there powers will be limited only to doing legislation. Therefore, at that time these seats of national assembly will be no more interesting for these corrupt mafia and nepotism while in Presidential system they are no more a duck which lays golden eggs. After that, only those people will contest for national assembly, who are serious and loyal in doing legislation for their country.

3. Cabinet Ministers are chosen only from the MPs in Parliamentarian system

One of the biggest flaw in Parliamentarian system is this that Cabinet Ministers could only be chosen from among the Mps (who are mostly illiterate, corrupt, incompetent and have become MP due to Horse Trading, corrupt practices and changing loyalties).

In case of Pakistan, the prime minister has to chose the whole cabinet from 345 members of NA (and perhaps 100 of Senate). Actually, these figure are also not true, while prime minister choose the ministers ONLY from his party which reduce this number to 100-150 members.

Under the Presidential system, on the other hand, the President is not hampered by such considerations. He is not tied to, or subordinate to, the legislature. He is free to choose his cabinet of ministers from outside the members of the legislature. In this way, he can induct really competent, experienced and deserving people into the government. He can choose freely men of vision and integrity, of professional knowledge and practical experience.

(More in depth to understand the current system of pakistan)
Political Families and inheriting politics as business

In Pakistan, there are few Political Families and they inherit the politics to their family members as business. For example:

1. The brother of Nawaz Sharif. The son-in-law of Nawaz Sharif and then other relatives like Abid Sher Ali, Bilal Yasin etc.
2. Chaudhry Shujaat and his family.
3. Asif Ali Zardari, his sisters and in future his son Bilawal.

In comparison to Parliamentarian system, when the right of Government-Making will be shifted to the AWAM (public) directly, then this will also reduce this Family Politics system too (or at least reduce it's importance to great extent). Thus, it would not harm Pakistan too much as it is doing in Parliamentarian system at present.

The special quota seats for the women

In Parliamentarian system these women (who come on these special quota seats),they also participate in this Government-Making process. Therefore their importance also increases many folds. Hence you will see that wives, sisters and daughters of big Politicians and Families sitting upon these special quota seats. They are absolutely not interested in legislation for women, but more interested in Government-Making.

In Presidential system, this culture will come to an end as the role of these special quota seats will be limited only to legislation for the woman too.

Horse Trading

This Horse Trading is only the gift of Parliamentarian system, while in Presidential system there is no place for Horse Trading.

This Horse Trading comes into being when one party has not got the decisive majority in the parliament and is unable to form the Government at it's own. Therefore, small parties and independent members become Lotas and they have then a price tag for their vote.

This Horse Trading does not limited only to one time Government forming. No, during whole tenure of such government, they keep on blackmailing the government and doing corruption at their will, while Government has to stay quite upon their blackmailing.

In presidential system, while it is AWAM which chooses the President directly, therefore such President is fully free of any type of blackmailing of such small parties and lotas. The president has public support at his back thus making him independent of these lotas.

In Parliamentarian system, you will see big goons in cabinet while small parties and lotas demand their share in form of ministries. For example if we have 90 Ministers in present government of Pakistan. Another example is of JUI (Fazlur Rehman Group) which has limited 5 to 7 seats in national assembly, but almost 5 to 7 ministries in the cabinet.

In Presidential system, once again we witness small number of ministers as small parties are unable to blackmail the President.

The presence of more small parties is not good for Parliamentarian System

  1. We have MANY small parties and groups and independent candidates in our national assembly of Pakistan. The Parliamentarian system works best when there are only 2 or 3 big parties present in the parliament, otherwise these small parties start playing Horse Trading.
  2. Second unfortunate thing for Pakistan is this that none of these Political Parties has the decisive majority seats. At end, they have to become victim of blackmailing of small parties.
  3. Third unfortunate thing is this that all of these parties are limited to some specific areas of Pakistan. This is not a good sign for democracy or Parliamentarian system.

Due to these three problems, again Parliamentarian system is not good for Pakistan.
Either is 3rd class journalist or not I don't care, but I can prove that current parliamentary system is not good for Pakistan.

1. Corrupt practices/nepotism

In Parliamentarian system, every constituency becomes very importance. Every member of parliament not only does the Legislation, but also they are involved in Government-Making.

In Pakistan, the corrupt practices and nepotism are strong enough to get hold of small areas like one constituency, and get success there by unfair means. While a normal Pakistani, who is perhaps much more educated and loyal to Pakistan than that corrupt mafia, got absolutely no chance to win against these corrupt powerful family nepotism system.

In comparison to Parliamentarian system, the role of MPs is not so important in Presidential system and they are not strong to do the corruption. Their role is limited only to doing Legislation for the country and they are no more involved in Government-Making.

So, this Presidential system snatch the power of Government-Making from these corrupt mafia, and give it to the whole Nation so that they could Directly elect the President themselves.

Therefore, even if there come no Land reforms in Pakistan, or we don't crush this corrupt mafia system, still we would be able to destroy the importance of this nepotism system by making it non-effective and powerless. Even if the results are not 100% (as in case of crushing them from root), still success rate will be much higher than in the present Parliamentarian system.

2. The decrease in importance of Provincial Assemblies after introduction of Local Body System

Do you remember when the Local Body system was introduced and the Powers were transferred to the local Body system, then these corrupt mafia and family business in politics were not interested any more in becoming members of Provincial assemblies. In fact, many members of Provincial assemblies resigned from their seats and contested for the Local body elections.

Therefore, we could hope that we will witness the same thing in national assembly after the introduction of Presidential system when members will lose the right of Government-Making and there powers will be limited only to doing legislation. Therefore, at that time these seats of national assembly will be no more interesting for these corrupt mafia and nepotism while in Presidential system they are no more a duck which lays golden eggs. After that, only those people will contest for national assembly, who are serious and loyal in doing legislation for their country.

3. Cabinet Ministers are chosen only from the MPs in Parliamentarian system

One of the biggest flaw in Parliamentarian system is this that Cabinet Ministers could only be chosen from among the Mps (who are mostly illiterate, corrupt, incompetent and have become MP due to Horse Trading, corrupt practices and changing loyalties).

In case of Pakistan, the prime minister has to chose the whole cabinet from 345 members of NA (and perhaps 100 of Senate). Actually, these figure are also not true, while prime minister choose the ministers ONLY from his party which reduce this number to 100-150 members.

Under the Presidential system, on the other hand, the President is not hampered by such considerations. He is not tied to, or subordinate to, the legislature. He is free to choose his cabinet of ministers from outside the members of the legislature. In this way, he can induct really competent, experienced and deserving people into the government. He can choose freely men of vision and integrity, of professional knowledge and practical experience.

(More in depth to understand the current system of pakistan)
Political Families and inheriting politics as business

In Pakistan, there are few Political Families and they inherit the politics to their family members as business. For example:

1. The brother of Nawaz Sharif. The son-in-law of Nawaz Sharif and then other relatives like Abid Sher Ali, Bilal Yasin etc.
2. Chaudhry Shujaat and his family.
3. Asif Ali Zardari, his sisters and in future his son Bilawal.

In comparison to Parliamentarian system, when the right of Government-Making will be shifted to the AWAM (public) directly, then this will also reduce this Family Politics system too (or at least reduce it's importance to great extent). Thus, it would not harm Pakistan too much as it is doing in Parliamentarian system at present.

The special quota seats for the women

In Parliamentarian system these women (who come on these special quota seats),they also participate in this Government-Making process. Therefore their importance also increases many folds. Hence you will see that wives, sisters and daughters of big Politicians and Families sitting upon these special quota seats. They are absolutely not interested in legislation for women, but more interested in Government-Making.

In Presidential system, this culture will come to an end as the role of these special quota seats will be limited only to legislation for the woman too.

Horse Trading

This Horse Trading is only the gift of Parliamentarian system, while in Presidential system there is no place for Horse Trading.

This Horse Trading comes into being when one party has not got the decisive majority in the parliament and is unable to form the Government at it's own. Therefore, small parties and independent members become Lotas and they have then a price tag for their vote.

This Horse Trading does not limited only to one time Government forming. No, during whole tenure of such government, they keep on blackmailing the government and doing corruption at their will, while Government has to stay quite upon their blackmailing.

In presidential system, while it is AWAM which chooses the President directly, therefore such President is fully free of any type of blackmailing of such small parties and lotas. The president has public support at his back thus making him independent of these lotas.

In Parliamentarian system, you will see big goons in cabinet while small parties and lotas demand their share in form of ministries. For example if we have 90 Ministers in present government of Pakistan. Another example is of JUI (Fazlur Rehman Group) which has limited 5 to 7 seats in national assembly, but almost 5 to 7 ministries in the cabinet.

In Presidential system, once again we witness small number of ministers as small parties are unable to blackmail the President.

The presence of more small parties is not good for Parliamentarian System

  1. We have MANY small parties and groups and independent candidates in our national assembly of Pakistan. The Parliamentarian system works best when there are only 2 or 3 big parties present in the parliament, otherwise these small parties start playing Horse Trading.
  2. Second unfortunate thing for Pakistan is this that none of these Political Parties has the decisive majority seats. At end, they have to become victim of blackmailing of small parties.
  3. Third unfortunate thing is this that all of these parties are limited to some specific areas of Pakistan. This is not a good sign for democracy or Parliamentarian system.

Due to these three problems, again Parliamentarian system is not good for Pakistan.
There are counter arguments against what you have written above.
Either he is 3rd class journalist or not I don't care, but I can prove that current parliamentary system is not good for Pakistan.

1. Corrupt practices/nepotism

In Parliamentarian system, every constituency becomes very importance. Every member of parliament not only does the Legislation, but also they are involved in Government-Making.

In Pakistan, the corrupt practices and nepotism are strong enough to get hold of small areas like one constituency, and get success there by unfair means. While a normal Pakistani, who is perhaps much more educated and loyal to Pakistan than that corrupt mafia, got absolutely no chance to win against these corrupt powerful family nepotism system.

In comparison to Parliamentarian system, the role of MPs is not so important in Presidential system and they are not strong to do the corruption. Their role is limited only to doing Legislation for the country and they are no more involved in Government-Making.

So, this Presidential system snatch the power of Government-Making from these corrupt mafia, and give it to the whole Nation so that they could Directly elect the President themselves.

Therefore, even if there come no Land reforms in Pakistan, or we don't crush this corrupt mafia system, still we would be able to destroy the importance of this nepotism system by making it non-effective and powerless. Even if the results are not 100% (as in case of crushing them from root), still success rate will be much higher than in the present Parliamentarian system.

2. The decrease in importance of Provincial Assemblies after introduction of Local Body System

Do you remember when the Local Body system was introduced and the Powers were transferred to the local Body system, then these corrupt mafia and family business in politics were not interested any more in becoming members of Provincial assemblies. In fact, many members of Provincial assemblies resigned from their seats and contested for the Local body elections.

Therefore, we could hope that we will witness the same thing in national assembly after the introduction of Presidential system when members will lose the right of Government-Making and there powers will be limited only to doing legislation. Therefore, at that time these seats of national assembly will be no more interesting for these corrupt mafia and nepotism while in Presidential system they are no more a duck which lays golden eggs. After that, only those people will contest for national assembly, who are serious and loyal in doing legislation for their country.

3. Cabinet Ministers are chosen only from the MPs in Parliamentarian system

One of the biggest flaw in Parliamentarian system is this that Cabinet Ministers could only be chosen from among the Mps (who are mostly illiterate, corrupt, incompetent and have become MP due to Horse Trading, corrupt practices and changing loyalties).

In case of Pakistan, the prime minister has to chose the whole cabinet from 345 members of NA (and perhaps 100 of Senate). Actually, these figure are also not true, while prime minister choose the ministers ONLY from his party which reduce this number to 100-150 members.

Under the Presidential system, on the other hand, the President is not hampered by such considerations. He is not tied to, or subordinate to, the legislature. He is free to choose his cabinet of ministers from outside the members of the legislature. In this way, he can induct really competent, experienced and deserving people into the government. He can choose freely men of vision and integrity, of professional knowledge and practical experience.

(More in depth to understand the current system of pakistan)
Political Families and inheriting politics as business

In Pakistan, there are few Political Families and they inherit the politics to their family members as business. For example:

1. The brother of Nawaz Sharif. The son-in-law of Nawaz Sharif and then other relatives like Abid Sher Ali, Bilal Yasin etc.
2. Chaudhry Shujaat and his family.
3. Asif Ali Zardari, his sisters and in future his son Bilawal.

In comparison to Parliamentarian system, when the right of Government-Making will be shifted to the AWAM (public) directly, then this will also reduce this Family Politics system too (or at least reduce it's importance to great extent). Thus, it would not harm Pakistan too much as it is doing in Parliamentarian system at present.

The special quota seats for the women

In Parliamentarian system these women (who come on these special quota seats),they also participate in this Government-Making process. Therefore their importance also increases many folds. Hence you will see that wives, sisters and daughters of big Politicians and Families sitting upon these special quota seats. They are absolutely not interested in legislation for women, but more interested in Government-Making.

In Presidential system, this culture will come to an end as the role of these special quota seats will be limited only to legislation for the woman too.

Horse Trading

This Horse Trading is only the gift of Parliamentarian system, while in Presidential system there is no place for Horse Trading.

This Horse Trading comes into being when one party has not got the decisive majority in the parliament and is unable to form the Government at it's own. Therefore, small parties and independent members become Lotas and they have then a price tag for their vote.

This Horse Trading does not limited only to one time Government forming. No, during whole tenure of such government, they keep on blackmailing the government and doing corruption at their will, while Government has to stay quite upon their blackmailing.

In presidential system, while it is AWAM which chooses the President directly, therefore such President is fully free of any type of blackmailing of such small parties and lotas. The president has public support at his back thus making him independent of these lotas.

In Parliamentarian system, you will see big goons in cabinet while small parties and lotas demand their share in form of ministries. For example if we have 90 Ministers in present government of Pakistan. Another example is of JUI (Fazlur Rehman Group) which has limited 5 to 7 seats in national assembly, but almost 5 to 7 ministries in the cabinet.

In Presidential system, once again we witness small number of ministers as small parties are unable to blackmail the President.

The presence of more small parties is not good for Parliamentarian System

  1. We have MANY small parties and groups and independent candidates in our national assembly of Pakistan. The Parliamentarian system works best when there are only 2 or 3 big parties present in the parliament, otherwise these small parties start playing Horse Trading.
  2. Second unfortunate thing for Pakistan is this that none of these Political Parties has the decisive majority seats. At end, they have to become victim of blackmailing of small parties.
  3. Third unfortunate thing is this that all of these parties are limited to some specific areas of Pakistan. This is not a good sign for democracy or Parliamentarian system.

Due to these three problems, again Parliamentarian system is not good for Pakistan.
All these ills are in all SARC countries even worse,yet they flourish because they are stable democracies with no interferences.
All these ills are in all SARC countries even worse,yet they flourish because they are stable democracies with no interferences.
Democracy can only be successful if corrupts & culprit of the nation will be put inside jail. do you really expect that Politicians keep on plundering with their corrupt practices & no one even interfere? This is not a democracy after all.
Democracy can only be successful if corrupts & culprit of the nation will be put inside jail. do you really expect that Politicians keep on plundering with their corrupt practices & no one even interfere? This is not a democracy at after all.
India has the worst rate of criminals including killers in their parliament yet their GDP is around 8%.I am not condoning corruption but most business houses do hanky panky ,you cant scare them if you want to get taxes and revenue.
Unfortunately, Dr. is an extraordinary "Chorhu" and "Phaenku". Not an iota of credibility, left in him.
He better do some appoclyptic programs and he is good at it. End of times like programs
He better do some appoclyptic programs and he is good at it. End of times like programs
He is not a mentally stable person needs to be sent to the REHAB center. The cost our nation pays to believe in nut jobs like him is absurd,persistent negativity leads to sick minds.
India has the worst rate of criminals including killers in their parliament yet their GDP is around 8%.I am not condoning corruption but most business houses do hanky panky ,you cant scare them if you want to get taxes and revenue.
If this is a case then Indian economy will go down gradually too. Better & strict system provides better governance & it is not a rocket science. Don't sound like a people who says " khata hai tuo lagata bhi hai". current parliamentary system provides leverage to corrupt enterprise.
If this is a case then Indian economy will go down gradually too. Better & strict system provides better governance & it is not a rocket science. Don't sound like a people who says " khata hai tuo lagata bhi hai". current parliamentary system provides leverage to corrupt enterprise.
I disagree, one of my Bengali friend in UK,he is 60 years old(i swear by the holy quran) mentioned that the reason why Bangladesh is flourishing is because they took care of our remnants in the Military,judiciary,media and politics.Not only jailed them but executed them,directly and indirectly.!!! He said people who studied and trained in Pakistan in a certain institution were the first ones to be purged. He further continued now there is no stopping in Bangladesh to go up as that typical mindset has been dealt with firmly.
I disagree, one of my Bengali friend in UK,he is 60 years old(i swear by the holy quran) mentioned that the reason why Bangladesh is flourishing is because they took care of our remnants in the Military,judiciary,media and politics.Not only jailed them but executed them,directly and indirectly.!!! He said people who studied and trained in Pakistan in a certain institution were the first ones to be purged. He further continued now there is no stopping in Bangladesh to go up as that typical mindset has been dealt with firmly.

Will you come atop Indian tanks to Lahore too?
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