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50 Years Anniversary of the forgotten Holocaust, how US bombs killed Millions in Laos & keep killing


Jun 26, 2012
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Russian Federation

Fifty years ago this month, the United States began raining down bombs on Laos, in what would become the largest bombing campaign in history. From June 1964 to March 1973, the United States dropped at least two million tons of bombs on the small, landlocked southeast Asian country. That is the equivalent of one planeload every eight minutes, 24 hours a day, for nine years — more than was dropped on Germany and Japan during World War II. The deadly legacy of the Vietnam War lives on today in the form of unexploded cluster bombs, which had about a 30 percent failure rate when they fell from American planes over large swaths of Laos. Experts estimate that Laos is littered with as many as 80 million "bombies," or bomblets — baseball-sized bombs found inside cluster bombs. Since the bombing stopped four decades ago, tens of thousands of people have been injured or killed as a result. We are joined by Karen Coates and Jerry Redfern, co-authors of "Eternal Harvest: The Legacy of American Bombs in Laos."
Good News: The new cluster bombs are far more reliable. :D
if you watch the video you learn something even more interesting. America gave maps of where they bombed vietnam, cambodia and laos only in 2000. So a lot of people could have been saved if these countries would know where potential bombs would lie much earlier
if you watch the video you learn something even more interesting. America gave maps of where they bombed vietnam, cambodia and laos only in 2000. So a lot of people could have been saved if these countries would know where potential bombs would lie much earlier

At least USA released this information. Russia never did for the millions of mines laid in Afghanistan. But that is okay, I suppose?
Fifty years ago this month, the United States began raining down bombs on Laos, in what would become the largest bombing campaign in history.
Ever wonder why ?
Killed "millions" in Laos?


we never used mines in afghanistan

You are either a compensated poster, or are so blinded by nationalism, you can't even acknowledge simple facts.

"PFM-1 was mainly used during the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan, resulting in a high number of casualties among children since it was often mistaken for a toy due to its shape and coloring.[1] As the mine exploded, it often resulted in hand and head trauma, which was frequently lethal. This characteristic made this particular type of land mine a principal target for the International Campaign to Ban Landmines. Due in part to anti-Soviet sentiment and the high casualties among children because of this mine, there are widespread rumors in Afghanistan that the mine was deliberately designed to attract children; in reality, the mine's shape was dictated by aerodynamics.[2]"

PFM-1 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Perhaps the article was a bit overstating the numbers, couple of thousands would be more realistic, not millions. Laos is sparsely populated to begin with anyway.

As seen in this linear graph, the population of Laos never showed a significant inverse growth , but maintained a continued linear growth even during the war years.



Reference: Wikipedia
Perhaps the article was a bit overstating the numbers, couple of thousands would be more realistic, not millions. Laos is sparsely populated to begin with anyway.

As seen in this linear graph, the population of Laos never showed a significant inverse growth , but maintained a continued linear growth even during the war years.



Reference: Wikipedia
Vietnam war
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