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5 time zones in China, Shanghai is sleeping, and Kashgar in Xinjiang just got off work


Nov 4, 2011
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5 time zones in China, Shanghai is sleeping, and Kashgar in Xinjiang just got off work


5 time zones in China, Shanghai is sleeping, and Kashgar in Xinjiang just got off work

Why does the government of china insist on keeping one official time zone for the entire country.

Wouldn't it make more sense to keep different time zones for different regions, thereby easing artificial contraints.
Why does the government of china insist on keeping one official time zone for the entire country.

Wouldn't it make more sense to keep different time zones for different regions, thereby easing artificial contraints.
China also tried daylight saving time program in summers like the one in US over 3 decades ago, it just didn't work here, it caused lots of headaches and chaos in China, like time schedules for trains, flights and disruptions of some other uniform national programs, it was soon abolished after couples of years. what works fine in one country doesn't always work in another, different cultures, traditions and populace habits.
China also tried daylight saving time program in summers like the one in US over 3 decades ago, it just didn't work here, it caused lots of headaches and chaos in China, like time schedules for trains, flights and disruptions of some other uniform national programs, it was soon abolished after couples of years. what works fine in one country doesn't always work in another, different cultures, traditions and populace habits.
Umm i think you're side stepping a simple query.

It makes sense for the day to start in the morning and end at the evening. It's not about daylight saving, its about choosing a time zone which best fits the geographic location.

Like seriously man, are you an automaton that cannot comprehend even simple conversation points, must you resort to whataboutism even for simple queries because any doubt about the government policies is frowned upon?

Are you capable of even discussing about all points of an issue or only the approved ones?
Umm i think you're side stepping a simple query.

It makes sense for the day to start in the morning and end at the evening. It's not about daylight saving, its about choosing a time zone which best fits the geographic location.

Like seriously man, are you an automaton that cannot comprehend even simple conversation points, must you resort to whataboutism even for simple queries because any doubt about the government policies is frowned upon?

Are you capable of even discussing about all points of an issue or only the approved ones?
I just gave you an example of how things can work differently in different countries due to various factors may come into play, do you have trouble to understand comparisons and examples or your tiny brain stops you from having any association capabilities?
What do you mean questioning the government? I already mentioned that was a big mistake to adopt daylight saving in China by the government which resulted in big chaos back then. it was a disaster and it's said billions had lost during the trial years. Only Indians don't learn their past lessons, China learns.
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China learned from the past mistake that if something works fine for decades in China, don't try to change it just because some foreign countries work them in different ways. What works in other countries may not work in China and vice versa.
If it aint broke dont fix it.
A video on Tik Tok shows senior high school students start their study hal at 7am in Aksu, Xinjiang. Many leave comments saying Xinjiang students are so lazy, in rest of Chinese high school students start at 5am. but it turns out 7am in Aksu means 4:30am in Harbin.

Time difference between Beijing and Xinjiang, 10pm in Xinjiang is still daytime
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