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5 security personnel martyred in Balochistan

how cute I wish the time you spend here posting crap against Pakistan if you have utilize it to learn about your own country you wouldn't have made a moron out of yourself

and I have not even mentioned the Billions of USD they made in huge scams Indian Army is a God of corruption no one can meet their capabilities when it comes to corruption

Jeeps scam, 1948: After Independence the Indian government signed a deal with a company in England to supply 200 Jeeps. The contract was worth Rs 80 lakh but only 155 Jeeps were delivered. The then India's high commissioner to England VK Krishna Menon was embroiled in the controversy. But the case was closed in 1955 and later Menon went on to become former prime minister Jawahar Lal Nehru's trusted aide and India's defence minister.

Bofors scam, 1987: Former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi was at the centre of the Bofors scandal after allegations that Rs 64 crore was paid to middlemen to facilitate the deal for the 155mm howitzers from the Swedish firm Bofors. The allegations were first made by the Swedish radio. It was alleged that Ottavio Quattrocchi, who was close to the family of Rajiv Gandhi, acted as a middleman in the deal and received kickbacks. The deal for 400 Bofors guns was worth $1.3 billion.

Barak missile scam: India had planned to purchase Barak missile from Israel. But former president APJ Abdul Kalam, who was the scientific adviser to the Prime Minster when the Barak missile deal was being negotiated, had opposed the weapons system. India had bought seven Barak missile systems costing Rs 1,150 crore from Israel. The CBI had registered an FIR in the case in 2006. Former treasurer of the Samata Party RK Jain was arrested in the case. The CBI had questioned why the system was purchased even after the DRDO had raised its objections. According to the CBI the missile system was purchased at a much higher rate than that initially quoted by Israel. It was also alleged that the then defence minister George Fernandes had ignored the objections raised by the scientific adviser.

Coffin scam, 1999: During the 1999 Kargil war coffins were purchased top sent the bodies of martyred soldiers to their families. The CBI had registered a case against a US contractor and some senior Army officers. Then Defence Minister George Fernandes was also accused of being involved in the case.

Tehelka scam,1999: Tehelka.com, an online news portal revealed how army officers and political leaders were involved in taking bribes during arms deals. The sting showed that bribes were paid in at least 15 deals including the Barak missile case. In this sting which was code named Operation West End two Tehelka journalists posed as arms dealers and met several politicians and defence officers. Former BJP president Bangaru Laxam was shown taking a bribe of Rs 1 lakh in the sting. Then Samata Party chief George Fernandes's close friend Jaya Jaitley was also seen speaking to the Tehelka journalists. The government had also acted against one one Major General and four other senior army officers after their name cropped up the in sting operation. Fernandes, who was the defence minister then, resigned after the tapes were made public, but he was reinstated later.

Sudipta Ghosh case, 2009: In 2009 the former Ordnance Factory Board director general Sudipta Ghosh was arrested by the CBI. Ghosh had allegedly taken bribes from two Indian and four foreign companies which had been blacklisted by Defence Minister AK Antony.

Tatra trucks scam, 2012: Former Army Chief General VK Singh alleged that he was offered Rs 14 crore as bribe to clear a the purchase of Tatra trucks. Questions were also raised about the quality of the trucks.

and the retired officers get much more than just a plot in IA please some research
You are not getting it,army's job is not to find ways to make money by getting into business ventures.
Bribe case is not a business run by an organization ,some individuals do and when cought get punished just like your forces .no army runs it's own business ,I mean a professional army
how cute I wish the time you spend here posting crap against Pakistan if you have utilize it to learn about your own country you wouldn't have made a moron out of yourself

and I have not even mentioned the Billions of USD they made in huge scams Indian Army is a God of corruption no one can meet their capabilities when it comes to corruption

Jeeps scam, 1948: After Independence the Indian government signed a deal with a company in England to supply 200 Jeeps. The contract was worth Rs 80 lakh but only 155 Jeeps were delivered. The then India's high commissioner to England VK Krishna Menon was embroiled in the controversy. But the case was closed in 1955 and later Menon went on to become former prime minister Jawahar Lal Nehru's trusted aide and India's defence minister.

Bofors scam, 1987: Former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi was at the centre of the Bofors scandal after allegations that Rs 64 crore was paid to middlemen to facilitate the deal for the 155mm howitzers from the Swedish firm Bofors. The allegations were first made by the Swedish radio. It was alleged that Ottavio Quattrocchi, who was close to the family of Rajiv Gandhi, acted as a middleman in the deal and received kickbacks. The deal for 400 Bofors guns was worth $1.3 billion.

Barak missile scam: India had planned to purchase Barak missile from Israel. But former president APJ Abdul Kalam, who was the scientific adviser to the Prime Minster when the Barak missile deal was being negotiated, had opposed the weapons system. India had bought seven Barak missile systems costing Rs 1,150 crore from Israel. The CBI had registered an FIR in the case in 2006. Former treasurer of the Samata Party RK Jain was arrested in the case. The CBI had questioned why the system was purchased even after the DRDO had raised its objections. According to the CBI the missile system was purchased at a much higher rate than that initially quoted by Israel. It was also alleged that the then defence minister George Fernandes had ignored the objections raised by the scientific adviser.

Coffin scam, 1999: During the 1999 Kargil war coffins were purchased top sent the bodies of martyred soldiers to their families. The CBI had registered a case against a US contractor and some senior Army officers. Then Defence Minister George Fernandes was also accused of being involved in the case.

Tehelka scam,1999: Tehelka.com, an online news portal revealed how army officers and political leaders were involved in taking bribes during arms deals. The sting showed that bribes were paid in at least 15 deals including the Barak missile case. In this sting which was code named Operation West End two Tehelka journalists posed as arms dealers and met several politicians and defence officers. Former BJP president Bangaru Laxam was shown taking a bribe of Rs 1 lakh in the sting. Then Samata Party chief George Fernandes's close friend Jaya Jaitley was also seen speaking to the Tehelka journalists. The government had also acted against one one Major General and four other senior army officers after their name cropped up the in sting operation. Fernandes, who was the defence minister then, resigned after the tapes were made public, but he was reinstated later.

Sudipta Ghosh case, 2009: In 2009 the former Ordnance Factory Board director general Sudipta Ghosh was arrested by the CBI. Ghosh had allegedly taken bribes from two Indian and four foreign companies which had been blacklisted by Defence Minister AK Antony.

Tatra trucks scam, 2012: Former Army Chief General VK Singh alleged that he was offered Rs 14 crore as bribe to clear a the purchase of Tatra trucks. Questions were also raised about the quality of the trucks.

and the retired officers get much more than just a plot in IA please some research

All you showed in that Indian Politicians are corrupt? Also there are black sheeps in every institution including the army. Army personals indulging in corruption here are prosecuted and court martialed. Also there accounts cant escape the scrutiny by the auditor in India i.e. CAG ,Still, no business empire. None the less, Pakistan Army is above suspicion and the contents of that book are anti army and therefore blasphemous.
You are not getting it,army's job is not to find ways to make money by getting into business ventures.
Bribe case is not a business run by an organization ,some individuals do and when cought get punished just like your forces .no army runs it's own business ,I mean a professional army
Does running Country's biggest retail Chain and over hundred illegal golf Course count as a business in your dictionary?

All you showed in that Indian Politicians are corrupt? Also there are black sheeps in every institution including the army. Army personals indulging in corruption here are prosecuted and court martialed. Also there accounts cant escape the scrutiny by the auditor in India i.e. CAG ,Still, no business empire. None the less, Pakistan Army is above suspicion and the contents of that book are anti army and therefore blasphemous.
read my post again
Does running Country's biggest retail Chain and over hundred illegal golf Course count as a business in your dictionary?

read my post again
Does running Country's biggest retail Chain and over hundred illegal golf Course count as a business in your dictionary?

read my post again

Well, those soldiers are dead and many injured because of lack of MRAP. Hope the Fauji Foundation and Defence Housing authority keep making their profits. Oh and now you are going to say they don't make any? Right? Also no one can blame you, their accounts are not audited, as Army can do no wrong, right?
Retail chain ? You used Google to look for business run by Indian forces like Pakistanies do,atleast Google about what you are posting
did you intentionally ignored those 100 illegal golf courses? :lol:

Retail chain ? You used Google to look for business run by Indian forces like Pakistanies do,atleast Google about what you are posting
did you intentionally ignored those 100 illegal golf courses? :lol:

Well, those soldiers are dead and many injured because of lack of MRAP. Hope the Fauji Foundation and Defence Housing authority keep making their profits. Oh and now you are going to say they don't make any? Right?
you are comparing Apple and oranges Fouji Foundation is a hospital which offers free medical facilities to retire personals and their families while DHA is also for retired army personnel the soldiers who died came under the ministry of defense and every year they get their budget
MRAP is expensive you first buy your soldiers a decent helmet and BPJ
this is Indian army Commando Clearing Pathankot base
did you intentionally ignored those 100 illegal golf courses? :lol:

did you intentionally ignored those 100 illegal golf courses? :lol:
did you intentionally ignored those 100 illegal golf courses? :lol:

did you intentionally ignored those 100 illegal golf courses? :lol:

you are comparing Apple and oranges Fouji Foundation is a hospital which offers free medical facilities to retire personals and their families while DHA is also for retired army personnel the soldiers who died came under the ministry of defense and every year they get their budget
MRAP is expensive you first buy your soldiers a decent helmet and BPJ
this is Indian army Commando Clearing Pathankot base
View attachment 448590
Again about golf courses see what you are quoting ,it's not a business venture

ndia's Army top brass "grossly misused" valuable government land to build exclusive golf courses for its senior officers, according to a parliamentary report.

The Army is believed to have built as many as 90 "prohibited" golf courses around the country, many of them on land designated for training.

MRAP is expensive you first buy your soldiers a decent helmet and BPJ

Ok so they don't deserve to get a MRAP, cause they are expensive and since the Indian soldier in the pic is not wearing a BPJ. Ok. One can ascertain the value of the life of a Pakistani soldier to you.
Tell us Indian Army dosn't run any bussiness empire

Apart from few golf courses and clubs. Indian army doesn't run a single business of commercial value. If you think otherwise, I challenge you to prove it. :)
No. And neither do the generals get plots.

You spend a lot of energy on matters related to Pakistan's economy but have no idea about things closer to home.
Just scratch the surface and the reality will bite you.

At the corps of land scandals: The nation's biggest landlord the army is being exploited by unscrupulous officers to make money on the sly

Indian Officers Scam Army Into Paying Millions in Rent for Disputed Land


You spend a lot of energy on matters related to Pakistan's economy but have no idea about things closer to home.
Just scratch the surface and the reality will bite you.

At the corps of land scandals: The nation's biggest landlord the army is being exploited by unscrupulous officers to make money on the sly

Indian Officers Scam Army Into Paying Millions in Rent for Disputed Land


Another justification for not buying MRAP for your soldiers? Ok so they don't deserve to get a MRAP, cause they are expensive and since the Indian soldier in the pic is not wearing a BPJ. And because of instances of corruption in the Indian Army? One can ascertain the value of the life of a Pakistani soldier to you.

Military Inc New edition (2016). An insight into How the Pakistani Military is its biggest business Institution.
Another justification for not buying MRAP for your soldiers? Ok so they don't deserve to get a MRAP, cause they are expensive and since the Indian soldier in the pic is not wearing a BPJ. And because of instances of corruption in the Indian Army? One can ascertain the value of the life of a Pakistani soldier to you.

Military Inc New edition (2016). An insight into How the Pakistani Military is its biggest business Institution.

Apples and Oranges.....first see comprehend how you were soliciting for Indian Army....hence the reply.

Tell us Indian Army dosn't run any bussiness empire
No. And neither do the generals get plots.
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