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4cr internet users in Bangladesh: Google


Jan 4, 2016
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Four crore people in Bangladesh use internet and 35 percent of the numbers are using internet every day, Google said today
At present, four crore people in Bangladesh are connected to internet and the number will grow up to 9 crore within the year 2020, Golam Kibria, head of APAC at Google industry, said while giving a presentation in Dhaka.

Some 1.4 crore people (35 percent) out of four crore or 8.75 per cent of the country’s total population use internet daily while rest of the internet users are irregular, he said.

Officials of the technology giant in a programme at Dhaka Westin Hotel said right now they have no plan to establish office here in Dhaka but definitely they will consider it in future.

However, Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) in its monthly report mentioned the internet users number 7.92 crore as of September.

When asked about the different of Google data with the BTRC’s data, Hashmi Rafsanjani, marketing consultant of APAC at Google industry, said, it’s an internal data of Google and the monthly or daily active internet users were counted in the figure.

“The figure was found based on use of youtube, play store and Gmail, and other social media using by the people,” he said.

He also denied to commenting on the data of BTRC.

According to the BTRC data, only the number of active mobile phone internet users was shown as 7.38 crore, while number of active internet users through WiMAX operators, and internet service providers and public switched telephone networks were shown as 90,000 and 53.21 lakh respectively.


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