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45 women commandos trained by NSG in last 10 years: Govt


Nov 10, 2012
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45 women commandos trained by NSG in last 10 years: Govt


Forty-five women commandos have been trained by the NSG in the last ten years, the government today told Parliament.

The maximum, 17, were trained in 2011 by the elite counter-terror force and the first batch was trained in 2003.

"45 mahila commandos have been trained by NSG during the last ten years. The mahila commandos are being deployed as per the designated tasks in NSG," Minister of State for Home R P N Singh told Lok Sabha in a written reply.

45 women commandos trained by NSG in last 10 years: Govt | Business Standard
Compete and utter waste of time and resources for the NSG. Not a SINGLE female NSG commando has ever been deployed, they are solely part of SRG so, yes you guessed it, their sole responsibility is VVIP protection and not a single female Z+ protectee has taken up the offer to have female commandos so the NSG has wasted its time and resources and these women have unfortunately walked into a dead end job with almost zero prospects moving foreward. Basically these women are sitting in some barracks somewhere twiddling their thumbs and the NSG has no idea what to do with them all while they continue to drain NSG funds as they have to be paid, housed, fed,watered, equipped and trained.

Even after 26/11 this kind of BS is still being played out with the NSG because of a-holes like Mayawati and her ilk.
Compete and utter waste of time and resources for the NSG. Not a SINGLE female NSG commando has ever been deployed, they are solely part of SRG so, yes you guessed it, their sole responsibility is VVIP protection and not a single female Z+ protectee has taken up the offer to have female commandos so the NSG has wasted its time and resources and these women have unfortunately walked into a dead end job with almost zero prospects moving foreward. Basically these women are sitting in some barracks somewhere twiddling their thumbs and the NSG has no idea what to do with them all while they continue to drain NSG funds as they have to be paid, housed, fed,watered, equipped and trained.

Even after 26/11 this kind of BS is still being played out with the NSG because of a-holes like Mayawati and her ilk.

They join NSG on deputation from their Parent body, it can be State police, CRPF or the Army. It is not that NSG has wasted their resources on training these commandos. NSG has made them tough and this would help them attract greater responsibilities in their parent organizations.
They join NSG on deputation from their Parent body, it can be State police, CRPF or the Army. It is not that NSG has wasted their resources on training these commandos. NSG has made them tough and this would help them attract greater responsibilities in their parent organizations.

Yu are quite right sir, however for the purposes the NSG have trained these women for ie to be used for their (NSG's) needs the resources have been wasted as these women will not actually serve the NSG in any meaningful manner, yes they may serve their parent orginsation in a better manner but it is the NSG who is out of pocket with no returns on their considerable investment.

The way I see it- the SRG as a whole is a pointless unit, raised purely to satisfy the egos of certain politicians but whose utility to the NSG in CT ops (their primary role, let's not forget) is next to nothing. Yes they officially are meant to secure the outer perimeter of any AO while the SAG (the "shooters") do what the NSG is supposed to do- HR/CT, but this is hogwash and a way the babus have tired to justify the existence of the SRG beyond merely covering their backsides.

So when I hear of these female SRG commandos who are not being used in the duties they are trained for and are sat around doing nothing then I see them as doubly pointless.

The NSG is not providing some sort of charity to the parent organisations these women come from, the NSG has invested the time and resources so as to get these women to a position to serve the NSG, this hasn't happened and doesn't look lke it ever will- waste of time and resources for the NSG like is said.
Yes , last time I heard that Mayawati had declined from taking the services of female NSGs in her security.God can only help find out that why women themselves discriminate against another women ??
Actually is not a big deal.....

There are quite a few Female Special Force Operative in the US military alone.

US Army - EOD
US Marine - MARSOC
US Cost Guard - Para-Jumper/Rescue Swimmer
USAF - Para Jumper/EOD

I also heard that SAS trained some female agent during the time Northern Ireland were harassed by IRA. I have no way to confirm this story, Some Former SAS told me this......

I know there are female soldier attached to 22nd Regiment and they may or may not trained by SAS
@Abingdonboy @ILLUMINATO :

Mayawati agrees to women Black Cats - Times Of India

Women black cats to guard Jayalalithaa, Mayawati - Sakshi Post

The larger point that the SRG of the NSG should either be disbanded, or reduced to a minimum is true. Initially the NSG was only raised as a counter terrorist cum hostage rescue force. Then the ego of politicians, and the status symbol of being seen with black guards, caused the NSG to swell, and a separate SRG to be created. Why raise commandos for doing bodyguard duties?

The state police forces should take over that job. Maybe the NSG (or more properly, the SPG) can train and advise the state police forces to raise small VVIP contingents to guard the likes of akhilesh and mayawati and jayalalita. Maybe they can maintain a small SRG unit in the NSG to give protection during important events like republic day, or upon hearing of an imminent threat to a person. But not as permanent status symbols for politicians.

@jhungary : The special operatives in the US military or SAS don't spend their career being bodyguards to state level politicians, do they? That is why everybody is gettiing so riled here. These women will serve in the SRG wing, not the SAG, which is an elite counter terror unit that conducts raids on militant hideouts, or hostage rescue missions.

However, I think @Abingdonboy and others are missing the larger point, when they get upset specifically about women being inducted. What about the men who get inducted and trained in the SRG? They are as much a drain on resources, when they get sent to VVIP protection duties. If you believe that women are not suited for roles like black cats, and that men are more capable, then you should be less upset about women being trained for VVIP duties, since it is better that "only" women manpower (womenpower?) is getting diverted, and not men's manpower.

(In my opinion, for bodyguard duties, I don't see what difference it makes. Men and women can both shoot straight, and if they can operate the rifles and have good reflexes, what more do they need to protect a VVIP? It's not like they will get into a wrestling contest with an attacker. It's the SAG duties that require a lot of stamina and strength.)

We should be upset at the larger point, of training commandoes at such a great expense, providing them with world class weaponry, and then using them for close protection of so many politicians. It is high time we trimmed down the NSG, and made it focus on its original mandate, of counter terrorism.

@Indian Army : Without getting into the gender question, what is your opinion about the NSG? Do you think it should be downsized? Does it hurt the army to have so many soldiers go on deputation to the NSG? Does it help the army to have its soldiers do a stint in the NSG? (I mean, does it give them skill sets that they can use in the army when they return? I'm only talking about the SAG, of course.)
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@janon thanks for the info wrt Mayawati- my info was out of date, she has agreed to accept femal NSG BGs recently after the backlash she got for initially refusing to accept them.

Addressing the SRG issue as a whole, I wholeheartedly agree that the SRG needs to be downsized or atleast separated from the NSG as a whole and organised into a separate force purely carrying out BG duties. At a time when the NSG is now almost 10,000 strong only around 1/10th-1/12th of this force is SAG meaning that whilst the NSG is percieved to be the premier CT unit of India the number of SRG means the entire orginsation is skewed towards BG duties and this is just disgusting.

The NSG has made repeated stat,ents saying they need to draw down VVIP protection duties and need to focus on their core responsibilities ie CT/HR and, to their credit, they are doing this.

The entire VIP culture in India is out of control it'd be fair to say some 95-98% of those with NSG protection right now don't need anything like the security they have. We all know that this is nothing but ego boosting. CMs don't need effing 30-40 car motorcades!! It's vulgar and absurd. Never mind the spectacle of elected officials walking around with black-clad, MP-5 touting, BPJ wearing commandos. India reallymsntnthat dangerous a place that these people need such extensive security India isn't Pakistan or Afghanistan or a war zone.

At the very least give the BG duties to state police and draw down the SRG into ~100-300 guys that can be used for extreme circumstances for select induviduals. Can you imagine the current budget of the NSG beign spent entirely on the SAG- they'd be one of the best equipped CT units on earth in no time at all!

I think this sort of thing will happen in time, the sort of self-entitlement these politicians feel will only last as long as the indan people allow it. Sooner rather than later the Indian people and thus their politicians are going to grow up and mature and this kind of $hit won't fly anymore.
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The NSG has made repeated stat,ents saying they need to draw down VVIP protection duties and need to focus on their core responsibilities ie CT/HR and, to their credit, they are doing this.

The entire VIP culture in India is out of control it'd be fair to say some 95-98% of those with NSG protection right now don't need anything like the security they have. We all know that this is nothing but ego boosting. CMs don't need effing 30-40 car motorcades!! It's vulgar and absurd. Never mind the spectacle of elected officials walking around with black-clad, MP-5 touting, BPJ wearing commandos. India reallymsntnthat dangerous a place that these people need such extensive security India isn't Pakistan or Afghanistan or a war zone.

I think this sort of thing will happen in time, the sort of self-entitlement these politicians feel will only last as long as the indan people allow it. Sooner rather than later the Indian people and thus their politicians are going to grow up and mature and this kind of $hit won't fly anymore.

Unfortunately, from recent trends, it seems that the plan to downsize the NSG, especially the SRG, has gone for a toss. When Chidambaram was in charge of the home ministry, he took concrete steps to trim the SRG, and removed several people from the protectee list. But now there are more people being given NSG protection again. This article from a couple of months back is very telling :

Centre’s promises to cut down on security cover to politicians seem to hit roadblock as VIPs demand more NSG commandos *|*CanIndia NEWS

I'm quoting some of the worrying parts :

Between 2009 and 2011, when Finance Minister P. Chidambaram was in charge of the home ministry, the number of NSG protectees was brought down to 14. However, a few additions increased this number to 17.

Though the force’s primary duty is anti-terror operations and specialises in hostage rescue, hijacking situations and post-blast probes they end up using their resources for VIP security .

With Akhilesh joining the list, there are fresh demands for NSG security cover. While Chhattisgarh CM Raman Singh’s request has been granted, sources said Punjab CM Prakash Singh Badal’s son Sukhbir Singh is also making efforts to get the commandos. Badal senior senior too has been given NSG cover.

“VIP security is a question of state policy based on threat perception. We do not have a role in it,” Arvind Ranjan, NSG director general, said.

Former director general of NSG J. K. Dutt, feels that the force should be exclusively used for anti-terror operations.

“There should be a separate force for VIP security. The type of training the NSG undergo is very aggressive and is not required for security cover. If that cannot be done then the number of protectees should not be increased. There should be a fixed minimum number,” he said. At any given time there are around 600 commandos deputed for VIP security. “There are instances when 100-200 additional commandos may be required,” a source said.

The reddened part is the most worrying. NSG commandoes are trained to handle all sorts of firearms, to fast rope from helicopters, to parachute from aircrafts and so on. Besides, they are put through the most rigorous physical tests and training, which means that only the fittest and toughest men (and women) from the forces make it through. So they divert such a large number of the best people from the parent organization, give them crores of rupees worth of training, and then use them to guard politicians. That is what economists call under-employment. As the ex NSG director says, all these skills are simply not needed for bodyguarding. So raise a force to give close protection, train them to use firearms and secure a perimeter, and use them for BGing. We will save hundreds of crores of rupees, and the army or police forces will retain their highly capable personnel. It is high time the center either set up a separate agency, or trained a handful fo people from each state police force.

Or, make the SRG's training and selection separate from the SAG. Train them together for shooting, but train only the SAG for commando skills like fast roping. And lower the physical standards for SAG. They don't need to be able to go on endurance runs or forced marches. Ideally, keep bodyguards separate from counter terror commandos.

(BTW, as of 2008, there was a posse of 100 black cats guarding Mayawati at any time!)

Mayawati's security cover enhanced - Times Of India
Unfortunately, from recent trends, it seems that the plan to downsize the NSG, especially the SRG, has gone for a toss. When Chidambaram was in charge of the home ministry, he took concrete steps to trim the SRG, and removed several people from the protectee list. But now there are more people being given NSG protection again. This article from a couple of months back is very telling :

Centre’s promises to cut down on security cover to politicians seem to hit roadblock as VIPs demand more NSG commandos *|*CanIndia NEWS

I'm quoting some of the worrying parts :

The reddened part is the most worrying. NSG commandoes are trained to handle all sorts of firearms, to fast rope from helicopters, to parachute from aircrafts and so on. Besides, they are put through the most rigorous physical tests and training, which means that only the fittest and toughest men (and women) from the forces make it through. So they divert such a large number of the best people from the parent organization, give them crores of rupees worth of training, and then use them to guard politicians. That is what economists call under-employment. As the ex NSG director says, all these skills are simply not needed for bodyguarding. So raise a force to give close protection, train them to use firearms and secure a perimeter, and use them for BGing. We will save hundreds of crores of rupees, and the army or police forces will retain their highly capable personnel. It is high time the center either set up a separate agency, or trained a handful fo people from each state police force.

Or, make the SRG's training and selection separate from the SAG. Train them together for shooting, but train only the SAG for commando skills like fast roping. And lower the physical standards for SAG. They don't need to be able to go on endurance runs or forced marches. Ideally, keep bodyguards separate from counter terror commandos.

(BTW, as of 2008, there was a posse of 100 black cats guarding Mayawati at any time!)

Mayawati's security cover enhanced - Times Of India

Once again I'll say- it is a effing JOKE this VIP culture. The likes of Mayawati gets these proud men to clean her effing shoes! She demanded SPG cover (yes demanded) because she like the status that implied, we it was refused she raised her own police unit that dressed like the SPG to protect her!! When you have this kind of backward and retarded mentality you are fighting a losing battle to reduce the SRG. Like is said it requires a complete change in the mindset of these a-holes and a new generation of politicians, this current crop are rotten to the core and the SH!t that exists right now has happened under their watch and isn't design.

2 things I'd want to happen wrt NSG, 1) get rid of the SRG component, make them a separate force,call them whatever gimmicky name the politicians demand- I don't care frankly.

2) stop this deputation culture. India has 1.21 BILLION people and around 50% of them are men so 600 MN men that are possible recruits for the NSG. Of these 600MN I'm damn sure the NSG can find fit and able men to perform the SAG's roles no problem. It's not like the men in the IA are the only men in India capable of being a SAG commando! End the 3 year tour and make the NSG a career that recruits steight from city street. This way you will build up a core of experienced personnel who have served with the NSG for years upon years.

The FBI's HRT, arguably the best such unitin the world, is 100% civilian, yes many guys are ex-military but they have left the military and are not on deputation. if it works for them it'll work for the NSG for sure.
@Abingdonboy @ILLUMINATO :

Mayawati agrees to women Black Cats - Times Of India

Women black cats to guard Jayalalithaa, Mayawati - Sakshi Post

The larger point that the SRG of the NSG should either be disbanded, or reduced to a minimum is true. Initially the NSG was only raised as a counter terrorist cum hostage rescue force. Then the ego of politicians, and the status symbol of being seen with black guards, caused the NSG to swell, and a separate SRG to be created. Why raise commandos for doing bodyguard duties?

The state police forces should take over that job. Maybe the NSG (or more properly, the SPG) can train and advise the state police forces to raise small VVIP contingents to guard the likes of akhilesh and mayawati and jayalalita. Maybe they can maintain a small SRG unit in the NSG to give protection during important events like republic day, or upon hearing of an imminent threat to a person. But not as permanent status symbols for politicians.

@jhungary : The special operatives in the US military or SAS don't spend their career being bodyguards to state level politicians, do they? That is why everybody is gettiing so riled here. These women will serve in the SRG wing, not the SAG, which is an elite counter terror unit that conducts raids on militant hideouts, or hostage rescue missions.

However, I think @Abingdonboy and others are missing the larger point, when they get upset specifically about women being inducted. What about the men who get inducted and trained in the SRG? They are as much a drain on resources, when they get sent to VVIP protection duties. If you believe that women are not suited for roles like black cats, and that men are more capable, then you should be less upset about women being trained for VVIP duties, since it is better that "only" women manpower (womenpower?) is getting diverted, and not men's manpower.

(In my opinion, for bodyguard duties, I don't see what difference it makes. Men and women can both shoot straight, and if they can operate the rifles and have good reflexes, what more do they need to protect a VVIP? It's not like they will get into a wrestling contest with an attacker. It's the SAG duties that require a lot of stamina and strength.)

We should be upset at the larger point, of training commandoes at such a great expense, providing them with world class weaponry, and then using them for close protection of so many politicians. It is high time we trimmed down the NSG, and made it focus on its original mandate, of counter terrorism.

@Indian Army : Without getting into the gender question, what is your opinion about the NSG? Do you think it should be downsized? Does it hurt the army to have so many soldiers go on deputation to the NSG? Does it help the army to have its soldiers do a stint in the NSG? (I mean, does it give them skill sets that they can use in the army when they return? I'm only talking about the SAG, of course.)

Actually US Military Special Force personnel sometime do have VIP protection duty attached. I don't really know how Indian SOF operate, so I cannot literally comment on anything :)
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