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41st anniversary of Islamic Revolution


Mar 12, 2017
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
United States
It is interesting that the regime can only gather a few hundred supporters when it can not bus
in its paid actors to stage propaganda.

All of the paid supporters stuck in a snow storm

Off course the paid shills in this forum will deny it, claim it is a movie set in hollywood paid for by the Zionists.

And yet Losers like you haven't been able to overcome a bunch of Mullahs for over 41 years! Pathetic!!!
Happy 22nd of Bahman, 41 years of Independence and Power




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It is interesting that the regime can only gather a few hundred supporters when it can not bus
in its paid actors to stage propaganda.

All of the paid supporters stuck in a snow storm

Off course the paid shills in this forum will deny it, claim it is a movie set in hollywood paid for by the Zionists.

Khari ya aghmagh??? Onam dorogh ta cheh had??? Key o halla mekhay khar koni? Onha keh to Iran an keh khodeshoon mebenan ahmagh! Khak bar sarrh khaeenet konam! ay bi shoor

How utterly brainwashed do you have to be to believe such absurd nonsense? So what now French 24 news station is in the business of spreading propaganda and doing photoshop for the Iranian government! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?

Khari ya aghmagh??? Onam dorogh ta cheh had??? Key o halla mekhay khar koni? Onha keh to Iran an keh khodeshoon mebenan ahmagh! Khak bar sarrh khaeenet konam! ay bi shoor

How utterly brainwashed do you have to be to believe such absurd nonsense? So what now French 24 news station is in the business of spreading propaganda and doing photoshop for the Iranian government! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?

Even a monkey like you should understand that the premise of the post " if they are not bussed them in, no one will show".
The photos are suppose to mean what that this regime has organic support? Propaganda from a loathed regime that displays a $20 kids Halloween custom as part of the national space program? Is that why Mulla Rouhani is begging people to participate in the upcoming sham election. What independence has been accomplished being a slave to Chinese and Russians? Lets look at the great accomplishments of Islamic terrorist regime occupying Iran with Kalashnikovs

Proliferation of Child marriages - Fucking sick pedophilia infested Mullas
Screen Shot 2020-02-13 at 6.53.52 PM.png

Iran Corruption Report
Almost tied with Zimbabwe

Companies operating or planning to invest in Iran face a very high risk of corruption. A powerful system of political patronage, nepotism and cronyism pervade all sectors of the economy. Irregular payments and bribes are often exchanged to obtain services, permits or public contracts. The Rouhani government has addressed the need to curtail corruption but fails to exert enough pressure on hardliners in control of key state institutions, including the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) and the judiciary. While there are multiple laws in place that criminalize various forms of corruption in both the public and private sectors, they are not effectively enforced in practice and impunity is pervasive.

How does the regime stay in power
Through torcher chambers, rape, pillage, and murder of innocent unarmed civilians.

More than 40% of Iranian Households Live Below Poverty Line


Fucking Hypocrites! Some special independence.
Even a monkey like you should understand that the premise of the post " if they are not bussed them in, no one will show".
The photos are suppose to mean what that this regime has organic support? Propaganda from a loathed regime that displays a $20 kids Halloween custom as part of the national space program? Is that why Mulla Rouhani is begging people to participate in the upcoming sham election. What independence has been accomplished being a slave to Chinese and Russians? Lets look at the great accomplishments of Islamic terrorist regime occupying Iran with Kalashnikovs

Proliferation of Child marriages - Fucking sick pedophilia infested Mullas
View attachment 605920

Iran Corruption Report
Almost tied with Zimbabwe

Companies operating or planning to invest in Iran face a very high risk of corruption. A powerful system of political patronage, nepotism and cronyism pervade all sectors of the economy. Irregular payments and bribes are often exchanged to obtain services, permits or public contracts. The Rouhani government has addressed the need to curtail corruption but fails to exert enough pressure on hardliners in control of key state institutions, including the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) and the judiciary. While there are multiple laws in place that criminalize various forms of corruption in both the public and private sectors, they are not effectively enforced in practice and impunity is pervasive.

How does the regime stay in power
Through torcher chambers, rape, pillage, and murder of innocent unarmed civilians.

More than 40% of Iranian Households Live Below Poverty Line


Fucking Hypocrites! Some special independence.
ببین به زبون خودمون بهت میگم که یه منافق ورشکسته ای که فک می کنی با این تبلیغات احمقانه می تونی منافع غیر ملیت رو پیش ببری....افرادی که تو این فروم هستن تا حدودی قشر نخبه ی جامعه هستن و فریب این تبلیغات احمقانه رو نمی خورن.....بی زحمت بو این کارا رو برای عوام الناس انجام بده .....هم وقت خودتو تلف نکن هم بهتر جواب می گیری.....موفق باشی
It is interesting that the regime can only gather a few hundred supporters when it can not bus
in its paid actors to stage propaganda.

All of the paid supporters stuck in a snow storm

Off course the paid shills in this forum will deny it, claim it is a movie set in hollywood paid for by the Zionists.
It was French revolution, not Islamic. See what this revolution did to the region?
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