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40 jihad brides sentenced to death in Iraq


Dec 23, 2017
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Viet Nam
MORE than 40 foreign women accused of being Islamic State (ISIS) brides have been sentenced to death by a court in Iraq after being given just 10 minutes to plead for their lives.

Last month, a court in Baghdad sentenced 19 Russian women to life in prison for travelling to Iraq to join jihadis, Al Jazeera reported.


What a barbaric decision. i understand Iraq suffered bcoz of their men but it does not mean they should act like animals.. Send them to rehabilitation centers faggots..
The fault for pockets called isis lies in failiure of local gov to protect local rights
and prolong war imposed from outside on a region.

It resulted from a complex chain of events which lead to group of people completely losing hope with regional leadership and opting to put themselves in a situation which was not ideal

Killing of women and children or even in this case imprisonment is un Islamic behavior

What % was sponsored , which % was out of spontaneous necessity or coincidence we won't know , we only saw what the media showed on TV what was real or an illusion only God knows
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Thats fucked up, they likely have children and their husbands are dead.

Actually its not fucked up at all..Jehadi women breed jehadi children.they should be given death sentence by firing squad or blown up by bomb...

This send out a strong signal which will help the Sunni people to improve themselves. For too long, the worse human scuum in Sunni community can get sexxual and material gratification by shouting Allah-hu-Akbar while go on their murdering and raping spree.

Meanwhile, girls flock to them spreading their legs.

Such scuum genes have been pass on for so many generation, and it is time to change. The Sunni woman should be given a warning that it is not worthwhile sleeping with Jihad psychopath.

Then it will be unlikely that crime genes get pass on. Sunni people will be better in next generation.

You are absolutely right..but the disgusting crowd is found in all sect..just that Sunni are a dominant majority so they are most visible.
ISIS brides returning home and raising the next generation of jihadist martyrs


The plan to use women to launch the Islamic State's next incarnation involves female returnees teaching the glories of the caliphate to their offspring

The woman’s secret flight from the caliphate took place more than six months ago, aided by a smuggler who helped her sneak across the Syrian-Turkish border one spring night. But in spirit, this red-haired exile from the Islamic State never truly left.

She covered herself in black from head to toe to greet a recent visitor to the small Moroccan house where she stays, and removed her veil only when assured that her guest, also a woman, was alone. Over sips of mint tea, she spoke admiringly of her militant husband and the comrades she met in the Islamic State’s all-female brigade. Calling herself Zarah – she declined to give her family name because she had traveled to Syria in secret – she vowed that her children would

One Kosovo native interviewed by the center admitted that she returned home only because she was in the final weeks of pregnancy and wanted better medical care.

“She came out to have her baby but said she wanted to go back,” Speckhard said. “And, she said, she wanted both her kids to grow up to be martyrs.”

“It was – and still is – our duty to have children and bring them up the right way,” Zarah said. She was unsure about the fate of her second husband, who had stayed in Syria to help defend an enclave that they both knew was probably doomed, at least in its current form. “We thought that even if they would try to destroy the caliphate, it will live on,” she said, “as long as we spread the idea of the Islamic State.”

For many of the women returnees, the obligations appear to extend beyond the nurturing of future terrorists. In recent months, a growing number of women have been tapped to carry out military operations, both inside the caliphate and in their home countries.

What a barbaric decision. i understand Iraq suffered bcoz of their men but it does not mean they should act like animals.. Send them to rehabilitation centers faggots..

Who will pay for rehabilitation? it sends the wrong signal...sentence them at once to death and send them to Jannat they have all being dying to reach..religious women tend to be irrational..they are polluting human gene pool..They joined ISIS for death..they should get death..plain and simple..

“She came out to have her baby but said she wanted to go back,” Speckhard said. “And, she said, she wanted both her kids to grow up to be martyrs.”

Some of the worst mothers created by religious indoctrination..
8-) Twisted world we live in

Uncle Saddam looks so Innocent now his country was doing just fine in 90's chilling and just invaded Kuwait , a tiny suburb caling it self a country

And well rest is history

13 Year economic sanctions even on medicine crippled the country and then more war

Difficult to judge the aftermath almost like a dust strom and you are attempting to count the dust particles in air and also making a claim you know what you are doing.


Only thing which is certain is there was an active distrubance and a war

How much of the media/cgi was spread on social media was real or fake is highly debatable

What is also real is the 4-5 Million refugee
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This send out a strong signal which will help the Sunni people to improve themselves. For too long, the worse human scuum in Sunni community can get sexxual and material gratification by shouting Allah-hu-Akbar while go on their murdering and raping spree.

Meanwhile, girls flock to them spreading their legs.

Such scuum genes have been pass on for so many generation, and it is time to change. The Sunni woman should be given a warning that it is not worthwhile sleeping with Jihad psychopath.

Then it will be unlikely that crime genes get pass on. Sunni people will be better in next generation.
@waz multiple ID rat is back,take care of him.

@somebozo have you been to Iraq or any ISIS held Area?
Your core source of info is kurdish Propganda and News from Western outlets.

Uncle Saddam looks so Innocent now his country was doing just fine in 90's chilling and just invaded Kuwait , a tiny suburb caling it self a country

And well rest is history

13 Year economic sanctions even on medicine crippled the country and then more war
Many of Bastards on this forum forget that.
At the end of day war creates , more wars and problems and this was just a outcome of the first war(s)

If someone was a child and their lives got ruined by war , their generation grows up with certain things denined from them and it takes a generation for the effects of war to fully ge blown up as it did in this case

90's wars eventually turned into what we see in Iraq/Syria ~ people give them different names

Similarly the effect of the Syrian or Libyan war , and refugee would likely become visible in 10-15 years once that child demographics grows up into adult hood living on streets

  • The same problem exists in Africa doesn't it , bunch of groups running around stealing stuff , setting up control and then giving up control as long as the resources are exported to the right foreigners


If people have homes and schools , then folks who grow up are educated and cultured
when you have prolonged wars 10-15 years orphans on street eventually become an uncontrolled entity
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Why you guys don't get it these jihadist women were not there only to open their legs n you think how many of them were trained to be suicide bomber n how many of them have blood on their hand how many were torturers and wards in isis prison . how many girls and women and children and if you care more puppies were shattered ,tortured or killed by them.

Why they must get different sentence from men .because they are fair sex ? Because they are weak ? Because they had hard life ?l et me enlighten you they are non of those . they just get pleasure from what they did. Otherwise every muslim would have known there is no place for the crimes of Isis in Islam and every muslim would have known there is no such thing as jihad al nikah and its simply prostitution .
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