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40 interesting facts about Pakistan

First of all very nice video....

bt few things that need to be corrected.....

1. video says pakistan is the sixth largest country in the world.....thats is a BS
4.the video says it has the largest pool of science and technology in teh world..I did not understand what he was trying to say
6.in the beginning if the video it say pakistan has the highest railway sttion in the world...I checked and found its inactive and also the exact hieght was undecided..wiki says it 2224 mtrs (some one tell me if its true, cause then it wont be the highest railways staion in asia)..India has a higher station than that an dthat too is very much active.

It says sixth largest NATION, where does it say's country?
The video said 7th largest pool of science and tech.
The highest Railway station in Asia is Kan Mehtarzai which is in Pakistan located at 2240 meters above sea level.
India has the second largest pool of scientists
israel and US also invented corner shot gun before us but they rated our gn better .....
while that railway station is in pakistan dont try to prove it wrong it is true

while the video has exaggerated a bit but it is very good and most of it is right information

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