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4 ways the Congress won power through Constitutional coups-Food for thought

@DRAY had predicted this long back. :)

@kurup is that politician in 30000votes issue Mr.Chidambaram???

2014 election is probably going to be the most important election of India since independence with serious consequences for the future of India. We are fast returning to what we were before NDA's brilliant era; a defeated nation with little hope for the future.

In the mean time, among all the hysteria about AAP in Delhi, Congress has managed to hang on to power in Delhi by making a complete mockery of the people's verdict. If they manage to repeat the same feat in 2014 election, people will lose faith in parliamentary democracy. My state is not a pro-BJP state, even then I can say that hardly anybody is looking forward to another Congress regime at the centre.

I am really worried, even tensed, levina. Because of the poor economic performance I am now finding it difficult to maintain the kind of lifestyle I used to maintain, while expenses are rising rapidly due to inflation, our salaries have stagnated, bonuses have reduced, promotions are rare, new opportunities in the job market have decreased significantly, even sustainability in jobs are becoming difficult because of low output. Our future is at stake.
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will leave india and leave defence.pk and will never take interest in anything related to political scenario of india

did u see the pic which i uploaded...if not then please see it and tell me the meaning of the highlighted text

I could only see the code. I opened it up in a separate tab. I can roughly translate -

"lekin bina pehle bahivishayak gyaan hue , anthvishayak gyaan asambhav hai. Sthal dekhe bina , sushm ki pehchaan hi nahi ho sakti "

Meaning - without understanding multiple issues or the inter-connectivity of various issues amidst themselves , we do not get to understand the inner meaning of anything . Without seeing land,we do not recognize the sun-rays .

May I ask , who wrote/spoke this ? or which party's slogan is it ?

It seems very unlikely that an average voter would understand such a complex , philosophical depth to pluralistic Indian Democracy. Real strange . :/
I will lose will to live if Congress comes back to power in 2014...& this is coming from someone who stayed away from the Country for many years, & I don't know how some of you guys who live in India will take it if the above is to happen!
Some of my friends who are in foreign countries still retained their Indian citizenship and passaport for the past 3 years refusing to take up foreign nationality when they have settled and married the girls there.They wait in the hope NAMO comes to power and perhaps they could see a better India and thereby continue the indian citizenship and perhaps come back someday.If Namo won't come in power, they say they will take up the foreign nationality and stay there till good things happen in India.So that is the mood everywhere you are not alone.
2014 election is probably going to be the most important election of India since independence with serious consequences for the future of India. We are fast returning to what we were before NDA's brilliant era; a defeated nation with little hope for the future.
That gives me shudders.
I've lost hopes from AAP.

DRAY said:
In the mean time, among all the hysteria about AAP in Delhi, Congress has managed to hang on to power in Delhi by making a complete mockery of the people's verdict. If they manage to repeat the same feat in 2014 election, people will lose faith in parliamentary democracy. My state is not a pro-BJP state, even then I can say that hardly anybody is looking forward to another Congress regime at the centre.
I hate to admit this but I want BJP in the center now.They had really flexed their pecs when they won last time.Yes I do want Namo to be our next PM.
It is most likely that BJP 'll emerge as the single largest party in 2014.But even with its allies the BJP looks likely to be well short of a majority, leaving several regional players holding the key to power in New Delhi.
Now that situation can again work in favor of congress.

DRAY said:
I am really worried, even tensed, levina. Because of the poor economic performance I am now finding it difficult to maintain the kind of lifestyle I used to maintain, while expenses are rising rapidly due to inflation, our salaries have stagnated, bonuses have reduced, promotions are rare, new opportunities in the job market have decreased significantly, even sustainability in jobs are becoming difficult because of low output. Our future is at stake.
When the Indian currency began to plunge it was very selfish of me to hope that the trend should continue for some time.
I am guilty.
I could only see the code. I opened it up in a separate tab. I can roughly translate -

"lekin bina pehle bahivishayak gyaan hue , anthvishayak gyaan asambhav hai. Sthal dekhe bina , sushm ki pehchaan hi nahi ho sakti "

Meaning - without understanding multiple issues or the inter-connectivity of various issues amidst themselves , we do not get to understand the inner meaning of anything . Without seeing land,we do not recognize the sun-rays .

May I ask , who wrote/spoke this ? or which party's slogan is it ?

It seems very unlikely that an average voter would understand such a complex , philosophical depth to pluralistic Indian Democracy. Real strange . :/
this is an excerpt from the novel anandmath written by bankim chandra chattopadhyay in 1882
That gives me shudders.
I've lost hopes from AAP.

I hate to admit this but I want BJP in the center now.They had really flexed their pecs when they won last time.Yes I do want Namo to be our next PM.
It is most likely that BJP 'll emerge as the single largest party in 2014.But even with its allies the BJP looks likely to be well short of a majority, leaving several regional players holding the key to power in New Delhi.
Now that situation can again work in favor of congress.

When the Indian currency began to plunge it was very selfish of me to hope that the trend should continue for some time.
I am guilty.
AAP seriously was a big let down for me. Though I never believed they should play an important role in the Center but I had high hopes Arvind would behave in a more mature way. Its no different from Congress now.
AAP seriously was a big let down for me. Though I never believed they should play an important role in the Center but I had high hopes Arvind would behave in a more mature way. Its no different from Congress now.

I guess AAP's main issue was that they didnt have any agenda other than anti corruption.On most matters they've not arrived at a distinct and well thought out policies.
And above all they're reactive....their policies are based on media's hectoring style of questions.
AAP will fall prey to behemoths like BJP and Cong very soon.
Though I still want 'em to surprise me with a good performance.
I guess AAP's main issue was that they didnt have any agenda other than anti corruption.On most matters they've not arrived at a distinct and well thought out policies.
And above all they're reactive....their policies are based on media's hectoring style of questions.
AAP will fall prey to behemoths like BJP and Cong very soon.
Though I still want 'em to surprise me with a good performance.
IMO people should stick to what they are good at. As a politician I will never support Arvind. But as an activist - sure why not...
Somehow, we have forgotten that fact because of the total freedom with which the Congress carried out its scams.
Not only the Congress, but the other parties supporting it had a hand in the till too!

And when asked about the 2G scam, what did ManMaun Singh brazenly say? "It cannot be helped. We have to work according to the Coalition Dharma!! "

So, is Coalition Dharma a license to loot the country? Yes, according to the Congress! :devil:
That gives me shudders.
I've lost hopes from AAP.

I hate to admit this but I want BJP in the center now.They had really flexed their pecs when they won last time.Yes I do want Namo to be our next PM.
It is most likely that BJP 'll emerge as the single largest party in 2014.But even with its allies the BJP looks likely to be well short of a majority, leaving several regional players holding the key to power in New Delhi.
Now that situation can again work in favor of congress.

Good to know that another Indian has come to her senses .

Another mission success for BJP activist of PDF ... :enjoy:

When the Indian currency began to plunge it was very selfish of me to hope that the trend should continue for some time.
I am guilty.

:mad: ...:disagree:
Good to know that another Indian has come to her senses .
I was always in my senses.:pissed:
I haven't withdrawn my support completely.....yet.:angel:
Its a fledgling party and may take time to settle in the mould of a typical political party.But thats all about its presence in Delhi.
At the center I want BJP...a stronger party which can stand against the will of US,which is less corrupt & which can take Indian back on track.

kurup said:
Another mission success for BJP activist of PDF ... :enjoy:
BJP -RSS relationship is a peccadillo.Many like me want to support BJP but would hesitate because of RSS's shadow.

kurup said:
Errrrr 1 Dirham was close to Rs17.....and that hasnt happened since 90s I guess.So ppl here were taking huge loans to send money back to India.And ostensibly for this reason the banks stopped the easy loans.Lol.
The world runs on money....isnt it???
When the Indian currency began to plunge it was very selfish of me to hope that the trend should continue for some time.
I am guilty.
WHAT !!!!!!!
HOW CAN YOU EVEN THINK LIKE THIS....That was shocking..:tsk:

BJP -RSS relationship is a peccadillo.Many like me want to support BJP but would hesitate because of RSS's shadow.
There is nothing wrong with RSS... it's the wrong perception which has created by the Pseudo secular parties against it..
WHAT !!!!!!!
HOW CAN YOU EVEN THINK LIKE THIS....That was shocking..:tsk:
I am a human....and to err is very human.
I am as greedy and ambitious as any human can be.But I wanted that phase to be temporary but its more 6-7 months now that the currency hasnt recovered.And it does upset me.

kurama said:
There is nothing wrong with RSS... it's the wrong perception which has created by the Pseudo secular parties against it..
I have faced the wrath of RSS supporters in one thread.So though I mention about RSS occassionally ,I dont like exaggerating it to more than one post because then it becomes a jaded tirade.

But this might interest you guys @kurup @Kurama
Hazare aide Kiran Bedi to vote for... - The Times of India | Facebook
Tell me if you cant open the link,its anout Kiran bedi's vote for BJP.
She is a lady I have immense respect for.
I was always in my senses.:pissed:
I haven't withdrawn my support completely.....yet.:angel:
Its a fledgling party and may take time to settle in the mould of a typical political party.But thats all about its presence in Delhi.
At the center I want BJP...a stronger party which can stand against the will of US,which is less corrupt & which can take Indian back on track.

IMO , AAP will become a failed experiment .

Too much left-leaning , naxal-leaning individuals in the leadership of AAP .

It is easy to criticise the govt. on wrong doings but very difficult to sit in the govt. and fullfill their promises and deliver a good governance .

AAP at the end of their term will become just another party that failed to deliver on their promises , mark my words .

BJP -RSS relationship is a peccadillo.Many like me want to support BJP but would hesitate because of RSS's shadow.

I find nothing wrong with the RSS . They are one organisation that I immensely repsect after our military .

No other NGO has done as much as RSS when it comes to national service .

But this might interest you guys @kurup @Kurama
Hazare aide Kiran Bedi to vote for... - The Times of India | Facebook
Tell me if you cant open the link,its anout Kiran bedi's vote for BJP.
She is a lady I have immense respect for.

Remember in another discussion I said that she was pro-BJP and my prediction came true ..... :D

Errrrr 1 Dirham was close to Rs17.....and that hasnt happened since 90s I guess.So ppl here were taking huge loans to send money back to India.And ostensibly for this reason the banks stopped the easy loans.Lol.
The world runs on money....isnt it???

I know ..... I had read it news . I was just teasing you .... :lol:
I am a human....and to err is very human.
I am as greedy and ambitious as any human can be.But I wanted that phase to be temporary but its more 6-7 months now that the currency hasnt recovered.And it does upset me.
Lady, What can I say more.
If any one realizes his/her mistake after commit of a crime he/she is no more a sinner...:-)

I have faced the wrath of RSS supporters in one thread.So though I mention about RSS occassionally ,I dont like exaggerating it to more than one post because then it becomes a jaded tirade.
But this might interest you guys @Kurama
Hazare aide Kiran Bedi to vote for... - The Times of India | Facebook
Tell me if you cant open the link,its anout Kiran bedi's vote for BJP.
She is a lady I have immense respect for.
Why would that interest me. every one has his own personal view and this a free country. What's wrong If kiran Bedi wants to vate for BJP. it's her personal choice. telling modi a mass murderer even after court gave him clean chit is just like calling congress scam free.
What RSS do in the time of need and disaster no body talk of it.How they save thousands and thousands of life in dire situations, give families food and cover to hide and sleep irrespective of religion and cast, no body speaks of it .but every one will act like fanatic when a group of secular people start blaming them. If other parties are so good and so secular then why every other day we hear all this news of mass murder, rape, kidnapping and extortion in name of religion.
I am not forcing any thing these, they are my personal views.
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