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4-times vaccinated Pfizer CEO infected with COVID.

Dude it stops people dying, no vaccine stops you catching a viral load.
I had the alpha variant the very first, and it was horrible, I've never been so ill. Would that have killed people less healthy than I, yes it would have, hence the need for a vaccine.

My doubt is whether the vaccines are still effective. They were developed with the initial virus strain, have they evolved along with the evolution we see in the virus?
well I proudly twice vaccinated with Sputnik-V and another two time with Astrazeneca and I'm still alive and God's willing in 4 month i'll go and receive my 5th dose.

and you see because he was vaccinated he had very mild symptoms
There was a huge study here... Vitamin D deficiency makes you 17 times more likely to to have serious illness, having high levels of Vitamin D (40-50ng/dL) virtually lowers the chance of serious illness to zero.

I don't think I'll take another shot, Pfizer shots really mess me up for 2 days.
There was a huge study here... Vitamin D deficiency makes you 17 times more likely to to have serious illness, having high levels of Vitamin D (40-50ng/dL) virtually lowers the chance of serious illness to zero.

I don't think I'll take another shot, Pfizer shots really mess me up for 2 days.
use another type . AdenoVirus based vaccines and recombinant vaccines are usually have one day of symptoms . that vit-D help but is not a substitute for Vaccine .
about Vitamin-D well sadly in middle east while we have more than enough sun people have low level of vitamin D . by the way low level of Vitamin D make you susceptible to all infectious disease not just COVID-19. we like it be something between 30-70 less than that you are susceptible to disease and more than that you risk the chance of going above 100 and that also produce Vit D poisoning sign.

suggest if you want take vitamin D supplement first go and check your blood Vitamin D level.
my perscription for my patient that have low Vit-D level is usually 1000-2000 IU daily here some of physician like to perscribe 1 or 2 pearl of 50000 IU / month thats easier but is not physiologic and body is not supposed to recieve periodic high dose of it the best always us slow and steady. if they have normal vitamin D then i suggest they take one Calcium-D tablet per day .

No. We were told that they were 100% effective. We were told categorically that if you were vaccinated you couldn't get Covid.

There have been endless cases of the vaccinated getting Covid.
wonder who told you that , here we always told people if you get vaccinated , your chance of getting sever case of disease will be a lot less and if you get the disease , your hospitalization time will be lower.

My doubt is whether the vaccines are still effective. They were developed with the initial virus strain, have they evolved along with the evolution we see in the virus?
the vaccines are different from the initial ones
It’s fucked up bullshit……why need paxlovid when u had vaccines?

The fucker is lieing that he got 4 doses. May Allah teach him lesson soon inshAllah…..they killed and continue to kill and injured so many from those jabs

Took me almost a yr to heal from sideAffects…….Allah puchayga inse…..khanzeer k bacha!! Khwarijj jahannum mei jaiga sedha!!

It seems another lie by you,
In Pakistan only children can get pfzer vaccines,
All others can get Chinese vaccines, i got China one and my wife too, his parents too,
Not a single symptoms,

Very few people complained they are feeling little pain on body like tired only same day.

No. We were told that they were 100% effective. We were told categorically that if you were vaccinated you couldn't get Covid.

There have been endless cases of the vaccinated getting Covid.

No one said you can not get covid, you need masks and social distance (especially from unknown people), otherwise you will get covid
use another type . AdenoVirus based vaccines and recombinant vaccines are usually have one day of symptoms . that vit-D help but is not a substitute for Vaccine .
about Vitamin-D well sadly in middle east while we have more than enough sun people have low level of vitamin D . by the way low level of Vitamin D make you susceptible to all infectious disease not just COVID-19. we like it be something between 30-70 less than that you are susceptible to disease and more than that you risk the chance of going above 100 and that also produce Vit D poisoning sign.

suggest if you want take vitamin D supplement first go and check your blood Vitamin D level.
my perscription for my patient that have low Vit-D level is usually 1000-2000 IU daily here some of physician like to perscribe 1 or 2 pearl of 50000 IU / month thats easier but is not physiologic and body is not supposed to recieve periodic high dose of it the best always us slow and steady. if they have normal vitamin D then i suggest they take one Calcium-D tablet per day .
I don't think I honestly will take another shot, already had 3, it makes me anxious.

There's so much sun that everyone avoids the sun, thus people have low vitamin D levels.

Yeah, low Vitamin D in the blood sucks, you're practically asking for disease. Sad to see this happening often, you could easily prevent a lot of sickness just by boosting people's Vitamin D levels with some pills.

The best way to get Vitamin D in pills for people with deficiency is get a relatively high amount every day (10-20k IU) along with Vitamin K2 to prevent any calcification in the blood, for a month or two, then do a bloodtest to see your level (Should be 40-50ng/dL), and then do maintenance like you said (1-2k IU).

I've been told that by a worldwide highly regarded professor, one of the top 500 in this world. 50k IU once per month sounds odd.

No. We were told that they were 100% effective. We were told categorically that if you were vaccinated you couldn't get Covid.

There have been endless cases of the vaccinated getting Covid.
Odd, here it was said that it lowers the chance significantly, and only a week after the 2nd vaccination
Turkey has started investigations into vaccines too….

Cuz too many young people dieing from heart attacks and myocarditis and clots……yet these fools here keep shouting that they’re safe. I really hope it takes your family, maybe then you will realise what that shot is…….or maybe u still will advocate for it

Most of the sheeple still blind. Gid built our immune system its pretty good against diseases. These new viruses are manmade bio-chemical warfare. Plain and simple, plan to kill as many people everywhere as possible
Turkey has started investigations into vaccines too….

Cuz too many young people dieing from heart attacks and myocarditis and clots……yet these fools here keep shouting that they’re safe. I really hope it takes your family, maybe then you will realise what that shot is…….or maybe u still will advocate for it

Most of the sheeple still blind. Gid built our immune system its pretty good against diseases. These new viruses are manmade bio-chemical warfare. Plain and simple, plan to kill as many people everywhere as possible
hope what, all my families are vaccinated .. two of my uncle died , they didn't get vaccine . my aunt and his husband hospitalized , they again didn't get the vaccine . the ones who get vaccine even when they get disease were well enough to be quarantined in the house or didn't even show symptoms. once i get the disease , my only problem was i could not smell well, didn't even bothered to get any drugs . just stayed at home and rest
Dude it stops people dying, no vaccine stops you catching a viral load.
I had the alpha variant the very first, and it was horrible, I've never been so ill. Would that have killed people less healthy than I, yes it would have, hence the need for a vaccine.

This kind of threads should be immediately deleted and the OP warned. They spread ignorance and it represents a threat to public health around the world. This unscientific anti-vax nonsense should not be tolerated. Mods should step up.
Dude it stops people dying, no vaccine stops you catching a viral load.
I had the alpha variant the very first, and it was horrible, I've never been so ill. Would that have killed people less healthy than I, yes it would have, hence the need for a vaccine.

It depends on the virus. Smallpox, even measles and polio could be eliminated by vaccine. Common cold virus including covid is pretty much impossible to eliminate with vaccine unless you have really good live attenuated LAIV vaccines administered into the nose where infection takes place.
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