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4 Chinese Destroyer Ships available for Purchase , Decommissioned 2 Months ago

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Sep 8, 2009
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Lease these ships Till Type054 arrive in Pakistan
Send a delegation and pick up the 4 units and add them immediately in Pakistan Navy

Ships retired May , 2019**

The destroyer flotilla of the Chinese Navy under the PLA Northern Theater Command held a retirement ceremony for four first-generation missile destroyers.

The decommissioning of the 4 ships at a military port in Lyushun, Liaoning Province, followed the induction of two Type 052D guided missile destroyers in the naval shipyard of Dalian on May 12.

Official media identified the decommissioned ships as the guided-missile destroyers Kaifeng (Hull 109), Dalian (Hull 110), Zunyi (Hull 134) and Guilin (Hull 164) All of the four destroyers had been in service for more than 30 years.



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You gotta think why these were decommisioned. Also do they add debt or any ability to our navy.
One new ship would be 10x better tha21stn 4 obsolete ones.

If we were an African country like nigeria with very little money even then it would make no sense.

But i gotta say i have very limited knowledge when it comes to navies.
I'm no admiral, but I don't think they would be that useful, due to their age, depending if they were recently upgraded, it doesn't look like they have VLS...
If Pakistan can get them for pennies, sure go for them..
The weapons on board are superior to many of our ships


They have Sea to Air Missiles + Anti Aircraft guns
They have Anti Ship missiles (More quantity then our missile boats)
They have anti Submarines Depth Chargers
They got anti ship Torpedo
Plus they can also lay down mines

These are available now , vs waiting till Type054 arrives their is no delivery delay
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These have Destroyer Designation , so automatically they are above frigate ships in term of fire power

More capable then our OHP as these have all their weapons intact
While we are getting new ships , it is 100% correct decision but till they arrive

However we need a interim solution for between now and when the new ships arrive

  • They also can house , the anti submarine helicopters as well

A much better option then swift ships we were once negotiating not long ago
These 4 ship give us Anti Air , Anti Submarine , Anti Ship capability in one package

Just thought it was a great option to consider considering the events unfolding around us

The Anti Air & Anti Submarine , role would add more depth in our Navy's Present Need

And yes one day when Type054 arrive then our navy can make decisions how to align the ships
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In term of finding place in our Navy that should not be an issue as these ships are better then most of our existing assets

I hope our Navy sees the strategic benefit of acquiring these ships for short term or lease it

4x Chinese Retired destroyers >Swift ship , as swift ship is unarmed anti piracy ship:o:
4x Chinese Retired destroyers >Our missile boats from 1980's
4x Chinese Retired destroyer >OHP as OHP did not came with air defence
4x Chinese Retired destroyers >Azmat Missile Boats (more weaponry Surface to Air , Anti Submarine etc)
4xChinese Retired destroyers >Type 21 frigate (More weapons , more fire power )

  • Arguable our current F22P , is newer or similar , our F22P does not have the rocket barrage attack. Chinese Destroyers have Surface to Air Missiles plus , anti air cannons , plus mine laying ability and strong anti submarine characteristics

Under construction Assets

Yes ----- Arguable our future Type054 is newer :smokin:
Yes ------Arguable our future Milgem is newer :smokin:
hmm---- Damen OPV are unarmed at present being constructed can't compare unarmed boat with a destroyer

In order to attain the right balance , the 4 Destroyer ships China has retired , could play a great short term role till we induct newer generational ships

Instead of being parked in China , these are better patrolling Pakistan's Sea waters

I mean these are excess , to what China needs and are just parked for last 2 months
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Radars went thru a 90's modernization




Anti Ship missiles

Anti Air Gun

Surface to Air HQ-7
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The weapons on board are superior to many of our ships


They have Sea to Air Missiles + Anti Aircraft guns
They have Anti Ship missiles (More quantity then our missile boats)
They have anti Submarines Depth Chargers
They got anti ship Torpedo
Plus they can also lay down mines

These are available now , vs waiting till Type054 arrives their is no delivery delay

The cost of maintenance and operations of these four ships is far greater than our missile boats. Wait for Type-054s, improve our economy, become united, don't a fit like pregnant lady on a hot day everytime the swine-Modi squeals. India's economy is declining, this is the ripe time for Pakistan to strengthen it's state institutions and build a robust economy which is immune to globalized crap of IMF-WB and America. This will only happen when we have annihilated corruption and traitors from within us. Make it a strict rule, you want a better life .... then get off your lazy-azz and WORK HARD WITH HONESTY AND INTEGRITY AS A MUSLIM SHOULD!!!!

Then we can have the money for 10 more Type-054s and even 8 Type-052 Destroyers.
Lease these ships Till Type054 arrive in Pakistan
Send a delegation and pick up the 4 units and add them immediately in Pakistan Navy

Ships retired May , 2019**

The destroyer flotilla of the Chinese Navy under the PLA Northern Theater Command held a retirement ceremony for four first-generation missile destroyers.

The decommissioning of the 4 ships at a military port in Lyushun, Liaoning Province, followed the induction of two Type 052D guided missile destroyers in the naval shipyard of Dalian on May 12.

Official media identified the decommissioned ships as the guided-missile destroyers Kaifeng (Hull 109), Dalian (Hull 110), Zunyi (Hull 134) and Guilin (Hull 164) All of the four destroyers had been in service for more than 30 years.



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